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Cocco Bill e il meglio di Jacovitti
All issues: Hard Bound. 56[+8] pgs.

Cocco Bill [Hachette] #1

1st: Aug. 18, 2017. 1st: out of print. 2nd: Dec. 28, 2018. [id]
With poster. Color.
Pgs 3-6: “Il lontano west del Grande Jacovitti”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. one color frame with Cocco Bill, Tex Revolver, and Occhio di Pollo on pg 3. One color frame with Cocco Bill, and Benito Jacovitti [Jacovitti6o], and a B&W (with color background) photo of 37 years old Jacovitti playing French horn on pg 4. Three color frames from western story (1952), and a B&W pict with orange extra color from Pippo Ugh! (1952) on pg 5. The color cover spread of Album de Il Giorno #1 (1961) [JAC61], and a B&W pict with text (and orange background) of a short bio of Benito Jacovitti on pg 6.
Pg 8: “La prima volta di Cocco Bill!”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. three stages of making Cocco Bill #01 story in this edition (frame 9 from page 10).
Pg 40: “La seconda vita di Cocco Bill”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. two color frames from the story, “Il Coccobello il brutto il cattivo” (1967), two color frames from Corriere dei Ragazzi #3 (16.1.1972) with Alfredo Castelli, and Bonvi, and one B&W (with brown extra color) photo of Bonvi, Giancarlo Francesconi, Jacovitti and Alfredo Castelli.
Inside front and back covers spreads: “Jacomatto Atuttojac”, two B&W (!) full pager picts as one. Same on both inside covers. [Jacovitti]
- 133. Cocco Bill #01: “Cocco Bill [#1]”. 30 pgs (pgs 9-38). Color. [SYNOPSIS]. © 1957. Il Giorno dei Ragazzi [#1] (March 28, 1957) to #30 (Oct. 17, 1957). Re: Album de “Il Girono” #1 (1962). Sorry #5 and #7 (1973). Cocco Bill (Milano Libri 1975). B&W. Comix #124 to #128 (1994). Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Superfumetti #8 (Oct. 13, 2015). “Coconut Bill”.
- 240. Cocco Bill #22: “Cocco Brillo”. 8 pgs (pgs 41-48). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Corriere dei Piccoli #30 (July 27, 1969). Re: La Grande Avventura dei fumetti, Raccolta #13 (De Agostini 1990). Trotta trotta… Cocco Bill (Salani 1998), every other spread B&W and every other color. A. Ineditalia ANAF (2007). “Cocco Shine”.
- 288. Cocco Bill #32: “Cocco Bill a Bob City”. 8 pgs (pgs 49-56). Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Corriere dei Ragazzi #52 (Dec. 24, 1972). “Cocco Bill in Bob City”.
- Says falsely Corriere dei Ragazzi #41 (Oct. 8, 1972). That was Cocco Bill #30:”Cocco Bill quasi per niente”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #2: Ugh-Ugh Cocco Bill

1st: Aug. 29, 2017. 2nd: Jan. 12, 2019. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Mondo pistola, Cocco Bill è tornato!”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. a color self-portrait by Benito Jacovitti from Ugh-Ugh Cocco Bill, and a B&W strip of Pogo by Walt Kelly (from Linus #27, June 1967) on pg 3. A color front cover of Jacovitti Stories #1 (1973), and seven B&W frames from Giacinto corsaro dipinto (from Jacovitti Stories) on pg 4.
Pg 6: “Cicce manitú!”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. a color sample frame from “Ugh-Ugh Cocco Bill” (last frame from page 31).
Pg 40: A color ad for Elderado “Moreno” ice-cream presented by Cocco Bill with a short comic story inside of it. Ads were printed during 1966 to 1972. Pager.
Pg 42: “Soste a Biutiful-City”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. an another color self-portrait by Benito Jacovitti from Giorno dei Ragazzi. Pages he is holding says, “Cocco Bill in Altro Adige”, and “Cocco Bill e il putipù”.
Pg 48: “Una ‘Doppia Coccata'”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. a color sample picts with Cocco Bill and Trottalemme, and a color introduction of Trottalemme for upcoming Cocco Bill story from Il Giornalino #26 (25.6.1978).
Pg 56: A color ad for Elderado “Toffy” ice-cream presented by Cocco Bill with a short comic story inside of it (from Corriere dei Ragazzi #22, 28.5.1972). Pager.
Inside front and back covers spreads: “Tuttialmare!”, a color spread. Same on both inside covers. [Jacovitti-81-]
- 202. Cocco Bill #15: “Ugh-Ugh Cocco Bill”. 33 pgs (pgs 7-39). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Giorno dei Ragazzi #34 ([Aug. 26], 1965) to #15 (April 14, 1966). Re: Cocco Bill(Milano Libri 1975). B&W. Jacovitti Magazine #4 (Dec. 1994). B&W. “Il Giorno” di Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2009). 100 anni di fumetto italiano 22 (RCS 2010). “Ugh-Ugh Cocco Bill”.
- 286. Cocco Bill #31: “Cocco Bill fa bim bam bum”. 4 pgs (pgs 43-46). Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Giorno dei Ragazzi #42 (Oct. 15, 1972). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #17 (July 1998). Color. “Cocco Bill goes bing bang bung”.
- 404. Cocco Bill #92: “Cocco e Cocco”. 7 pgs (pgs 49-55). [JAC97] [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #9 (March 11, 1998). Cocco and Cocco”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #3: Lo Sceriffo

1st: Sept. 5, 2017. 2nd: Jan. 19, 2019. [id]
Exception for the rule: infos of three Cocco Bill stories on the title page on pg 1! No extra pict on it.
Pgs 3-4: “Gnaffe e bringnaffe!”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. a B&W sketch (with muddy greenish background) of Cocco Bill and an Indian designed for the Cocco Bill animation by Carosello, and two color frames of the first appearance of Occhio di Pollo from Vittorioso (1957) on pg 3. An half page of a color ad were Cocco Bill appeared for the first time in Elderado ice-cream ad, from Corriere dei Piccoli #29 (16.7.1967).
Inside front and back covers spreads: “Ma che busto al pincio e busto al pincio!”, two B&W (!) full pager picts as one. Same on both inside covers. [Jacovitti-82-]
- 199. Cocco Bill #14: “Lo sceriffo Cocco Bill”. 30 pgs (pgs 5-34). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Giorno dei Ragazzi #3 ([Jan. 21], 1965) to #32 ([Aug. 21], 1965). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #5 (March 1995). B&W. Trotta, trotta… Cocco Bill (Salani 1998), every other spread B&W and every other color. “Il Giorno” di Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2009). 100 anni di fumetto italiano 22 (RCS 2010). “Sheriff Cocco Bill”.
- 242. Cocco Bill #23: “Cocco ùgh!”. 10 pgs (pgs 35-44). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Corriere dei Piccoli #35 (Aug. 31, 1969). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #16 (April 1998). B&W. I maestri del fumetto (a supplement for Il Giornalino #18, 2008). “Cocco ugh!”.
- 246. Cocco Bill #24: “Cocco Bill contro corrente”. 12 pgs (pgs 45-56). Color. [SYNOPSIS] I nouvi Eroi, a supplement for Corriere dei Piccoli #52 (Dec. 1969). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #12 (Dec. 1996). Color. 100 anni di fumetto italiano #22 (RCS 2010). “Cocco Bill against the tide”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #4: Cocco Bill e gli apaciones

1st: Sept. 12, 2017. 2nd: Jan. 26, 2019. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Cocco Bill cavalca ancora”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. one color frame from Tom Ficcanaso on pg 3. One color frame from Bobby Cianuro (JAC57), and one color frame of Gionni Galassia from Giorno dei Ragazzi #45 (6.11.1958) on pg 4.
Pg 6: “Arrivano gli indiani!”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. one color wraparound of Album de Il Giorno #2: Cocco Bill e gli Apaciones (Feb. 1962), and a color membership card with color Cocco Bill and Trottalemme (1962).
Pg 38: “Coccobillaggini!”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. a color montage with a photo of Benito Jacovitti on a Trottalemme with Cocco Bill from I Maestri del Fumetto, supplement of Il Giornalino #18 (4.3.2008), and a color frame from the story, Cocco Ugh! (1978).
Pg 56: “Tutto il Cocco Bill del Giorno dei Ragazzi“, a list of Cocco Bill stories in Giorno dei Ragazzi with dates and quantity of pages. Incl. a color front cover of Album dei Il Giorno #7: Kamomilla Kokobi, and Album dei Il Giorno #8: Il Cosacco Cocco Bill.
Inside front and back covers spreads: “Si consiglia la visione ai soli telespettatori adulti…“, two B&W (!) full pager picts. Same on both inside covers. [Jacovitti-83-]
- 147. Cocco Bill #02: “Cocco Bill e gli Apaciones”. 30 pgs (pgs 7-36). Color. [SYNOPSIS]. [JAC 58]. Giorno dei Ragazzi #21 (May 22, 1958) to #50 (Dec. 11, 1958). Re: Album de “Il Giorno” #2 (1962). Cocco Bill (Milano Libri 1975). B&W. Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Superfumetti #14 (Nov. 24, 2015). Cocco Bill and the Apaches”.
- 285. Cocco Bill #30: ”Cocco Bill quasi per niente”. 2 pgs (pg 39-40). [SYNOPSIS]. Giorno dei Ragazzi #41 (Oct. 8, 1972). “Cocco Bill almost for nothing”.
- 377. Cocco Bill #64: ”Coccodrill”. 12 pgs (pgs 41-52). [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #14 (April 2, 1997). “Coccodrill”.
- 378. Cocco Bill #65: ”Coccobillaggini!”. 1 pg (pg 53). Color. One page frame. [JAC97] [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #15 (April 9, 1997). “Coccobillaggini!”.
- 379. Cocco Bill #66: “Coccobillando!”. 1 pg (pg 54). Color. One page frame. [JAC97] [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #16 (April 16, 1997). Coccobillando!”.
- Says falsely, Il Giornalino #16 (April 4, 1997).
- Printed also in Cocco Bill [Hachette] #19 (2017).
- 383. Cocco Bill #70: ”Coccobillando”. 1 pg (pg 55). One page frame. [JAC97] [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #20 (May 14, 1997).
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #5: Fa 7+

1st: Sept. 19, 2017. 2nd: Feb. 2, 2019. [id]
Pgs 3-6: “Il Cocco del sessantto”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. the front cover of Vitt #21 (1.6.167), the debut of Jak Mandolino, and an unusual Cocco Bill – Trottalemme duo announcing their last story for Giorno dei Ragazzi. on pg 3. The color frame of the beginning of the first story by Jacovitti in Corriere dei Piccoli which is the “recycling” of Jak Mandolino adventure unpublished in Vitt; one B&W photo of Cochi Ponzoni and Renato Pozzetto in the television sketch “7+”,
from the show of the First Channel of the Rai, “Quelli della domenica”, and one B&W photo of the western version of Il Quartetto Cetra on pg 4. An B&W example of a 7+ episode on Domenica – Estate, the supplement for Domenicade / Corriere #31 (30.6.1968), and the color upper part of the panoramic strip Jac Splash, published by Jacovitti on Domenica – Estate, supplement to Domenica del Corriere #31 (30.6.1968) on pg 5. The revised and corrected color western story, Per un pugno di spiccioli (i.e. For a handful of Small Coins), which started in Vitt #1 (January 1967), and one red Cocco Bill character on pg 6.
Pg: 8: “Sosta a ciattanuga ciù ciù”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. the color front cover of L ‘arte di Jacovitti (2003), a B&W photo of record label of the orchestra of the song Chattanooga Choo Choo by Glenn Miller which was inspiration for Jacovitti, and B&W spread example of reprinted “7+” in L’arte di Jacovitti (2003).
Inside front and back covers spreads: B&W spread pict “C – Made in Forlì”. Prob. sketch. [no signature!]
- 237. Cocco Bill #20: “Cocco Bill fa sette più” aka “Cocco Bill fa 7+”. 48 pgs (pgs 9-56). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Corriere dei Piccoli #48 (Dec. 1, 1968) to #7 (Feb. 16, 1969). Re: A. del Corriere della Sera (1973). Trotta trotta… Cocco Bill (Salani 1998), every other spread B&W and every other color. I Classici del Fumetto di Repubblica #38 (2003). Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). “Cocco Bill makes seven and more”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #6: Sulle rotaie

1st: Sept. 26, 2017. 2nd: Feb. 9, 2019. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Uno, qualcuno, centomila Jacovitti”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
Pg 6: “La ferrovia di dirlindon”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 52: “Cocco Bill in versione panoramica”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 56: “Tutto il Cocco Bill del Corrierino”, a list of Cocco Bill stories in Giorno dei Ragazzi with dates and quantity of pages.
- 238. Cocco Bill #21: “Cocco Bill sulle rotaie”. 44 pgs (pgs 7-50). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Corriere dei Piccoli #8 (Feb. 23, 1969) to #23 (June 8, 1969). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #14 (June 1997). Color. “Cocco Bill on the rails”.
- 381. Cocco Bill #68: “Coccobillaggini!”. 1 pg (pg 53). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #18 (April 30, 1997).
- 382. Cocco Bill #69: “Coccobillaggini!”. 1 pg (pg 54). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #19 (May 7, 1997).
- Says, Il Giornalino #19 (June 7, 1997), but it ought to be May 7, 1997.
- 384. Cocco Bill #71: “Coccobillando!”. 1 pg (pg 55). Color. One pager. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #21 (May 21, 1997).
- Says, Il Giornalino #21 (June 21, 1997), but it ought to be May 21, 1997.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #7: Cocco Bill in Canada

1st: Oct. 3, 2017. 2nd: Feb. 16, 2019. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Che colori, per Jacovitti!”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
Pg 6: “Dal Canada a Barbara City (nel Friggigan)”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
- 164. Cocco Bill #04: “Cocco Bill in Canada”. 30 pgs (pgs 7-36). Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Giorno dei Ragazzi #29 (July 16, 1959) to #6 (Feb. 11, 1960). Re: Album de “Il Giorno” #5 (1962). Cocco Bill (Milano Libri 1975). B&W. Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Superfumetti #14 (Nov. 24, 2015). “Cocco Bill in Canada”.
- 253. Cocco Bill #28: “Coccobilliput”. 20 pgs (pgs 37-56). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Corriere dei Piccoli #44 (Nov. 1, 1970) to #48 (Nov. 29, 1970). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #3(Sept. 1994). B&W. I Classici del Fumetto di Repubblica #38 (2003). “Coccobilliput”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #8: Cocco Bill nell’aldiquà

1st: Oct. 10, 2017. 2nd: Feb. 23, 2019. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “L’incompiuta di Jacovitti”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
Pg 6: “Un brrrr… di Jacovitti!”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 28: “Un Cowboy e il suo doppio”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
- 195. Cocco Bill #12: “Cocco Bill nell’aldiquà”. 21 pgs (pgs 7-27). Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Giorno dei Ragazzi #1 (Jan. 21, 1964) to #21 (May 21, 1964). Re: Jacovitti (Dami 1974). Il Teatrino dei piccoli (Ardini 1990). Il maestri dei fumetto (a supplement for Il Gironalino #18, 2008). “Il Giorno” di Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2009). Superfumetti #8 (Oct. 13, 2015). “Cocco Bill in the hereafter”.
- 367. Cocco Bill #61: ”Cocco Bill contro se stesso”. 26 1/2 pgs (pgs 29-55). [SYNOPSIS] Comic Art #24 (July 1986, 10 pgs), #26 (Sept. 1986, 10 pgs), and #26 (Oct. 1986, 7 pgs). Re: Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). “Cocco Bill against himself”. The story was originally made in 1980 but Il Giorno refused to pay enough for printing story during that time.
- No info of the origin!
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #9: Fa Coccodé

1st: Oct. 17, 2017. 2nd: March 2, 2019. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Il pollaio di Jacovitti”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
Pg 6: “Un Cocco nel pollaio”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 55: An original art plate of pg 9 of the unfinished “Cocco Bill fa Coccodeee!” (1970). B&W.
Pg 56: An original art plate of pg 11 of the unfinished “Cocco Bill fa Coccodeee!” (1970). Color.
There exists only these two pages from the unfinished story!
- 365. Cocco Bill #59: “Cocco Bill fa coccodè”. 48 pgs (pgs 7-54). [SYNOPSIS] An insert for Il Giornalino #21 (May 21, 1986) to #23 (June 4, 1986). Re: Cocco Bill fa coccodeee! (Pavesio 1996). “Cocco Bill goes cuddly”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #10: Il sergente

1st. Oct. 24, 2017. 2nd: March 9, 2019. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Il favolosi anni sessanta”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
Pg 6: “Troppo sole per Cocco Bill?”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 38: “‘Mondo Pistola’ o ‘Mondo Caprone’?”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 51: “Tre inedite, allegre avventure”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 52: A sketch comics for a Camillino ad. Titled as “4”. B&W. Full Pager.
Pg 53: An ad for Cammilino Eldorado ice-cream. Color. Full Pager.
Pg 54: A sketch comics for a Camillino ad. Titled as “5”. B&W. Full Pager.
Pg 55: A sketch comics for a Camillino ad. Titled as “6”. B&W. Full Pager.
Pg 56: An ad for Camillino Eldorado ice-cream. Color. Full Pager.
- 166. Cocco Bill #05: “Il sergente Cocco Bill”. 30 pgs (pgs 7-36). Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Giorno dei Ragazzi #7 (Feb. 18, 1960) to #36 (Sept. 8, 1960). Re: Album de “Il Giorno” #4 (1962). Cocco Bill (Milano Libri 1975). B&W. Jacovitti Magazine #18 (Nov. 1998). Color. Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). “Sergeant Cocco Bill”.
- 330. Cocco Bill #36: “Salooon”. 6 pgs (pgs 39-44). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #27 (July 2, 1978). Re: An insert for Il Giornalino #37 (1985). Cocco Bill (Epipress 1979). A. “Jacovitti a colori” #1 (2004). Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Superfumetti #8 (Oct. 13, 2015). “Salooon”.
- 331. Cocco Bill #37: “Cicci e Cocco”. 6 pgs (pgs 45-50). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #29 (July 16, 1978). Re: An insert for Il Giornalino #37 (1985). Cocco Bill(Epipress 1979). A. “Jacovitti a colori” #1 (2004). Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Superfumetti #8 (Oct. 13, 2015). “Cicci and Cocco”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #11: Cocco Bill contro Cocco Bill

1st: Oct. 31, 2017. 1st: out of print. 2nd: March 16, 2019. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Chi è il papà di Cocco Bill?”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
Pg 6: “Un Cowboy allo specchio”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 38: “Al trotto verso il Giappone”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pgs 51-56: Portfolio: “Cinque anni con Cocco Bill”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 52: A color front cover of Il Giorno dei Ragazzi 1962.
Pg 53: A color front cover of Il Giorno dei Ragazzi 1963.
Pg 54: A color front cover of Il Giorno dei Ragazzi 1964.
Pg 55: A color front cover of Il Giorno dei Ragazzi 1965.
Pg 56: A color front cover of Il Giorno dei Ragazzi.
- 170. Cocco Bill #06: “Cocco Bill contro Cocco Bill”. 30 pgs (pgs 7-36). Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Giorno dei Ragazzi #37 (Sept. 15, 1960) to #14 (April 6, 1961). Re: Album de “Il Giorno” #6 (1962). Cocco Bill (Milano Libri 1975). B&W. “Il Giorno” di Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2009). Superfumetti #14 (Nov. 24, 2015). “Cocco Bill vs. Cocco Bill”.
- 332. Cocco Bill #38: “Mondo pistola!”. 6 pgs (pgs 39-44). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #31 (July 30, 1978). Re: Cocco Bill (Epipress 1979). Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Superfumetti #8 (Oct. 13, 2015). “Holy pistoly”.
- 333. Cocco Bill #39: “Cocco Ugh!”. 6 pgs (pgs 45-50). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #33 (Aug. 20, 1978). Re: Cocco Bill (Epipress 1979). Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Superfumetti #8 (Oct. 13, 2015). “Cocco Ugh!”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #12: Kamumilla Kokobì

1st: Nov. 07, 2017. 2nd: March 23, 2019. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “I teleschermi animati di Jacovitti”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
Pg 6: “A tu per tu con salame tonante”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 38: “Un Cocco con contorno di patate”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 55: The original art plate of the opening page of Cocco Bill: “Eipredatori dell’ Arco perduto”.
Pg 56: The second page of the original art plate of Cocco Bill: “Eipredatori dell’ Arco perduto”.
- 178. Cocco Bill #07: “Kamumilla Kokobì”. 30 pgs (pgs 7-36). Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Giorno dei Ragazzi #16 (April 20, 1961) to #45 (Nov. 16, 1961). Re: Album de “Il Giorno” #7 (1962). Cocco Bill (Milano Libri 1975). B&W. Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). “Chamomile Cowboy“.
- 334. Cocco Bill #40: “Cocco Patata”. 6 pgs (pgs 39-44). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #35 (Sept. 3, 1978). Re: Cocco Bill (Epipress 1979). Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Superfumetti #8 (Oct. 13, 2015). “Cocco Potato”.
- 335. Cocco Bill #41: “Cocco Siù”. 6 pgs (pgs 45-50. Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #38 (Sept. 24, 1978). Re: Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Superfumetti #8 (Oct. 13, 2015). “Cocco Sioux”.
- 348. Cocco Bill #45: ”Cocco Biilll [#45]”. 2 pgs (pgs 51-52). Color. [SYNOPSIS] TV Junior #49 (Dec. 5, 1982). Re: Marameo #1 (1988). “Cocco Biilll”.
- 349. Cocco Bill #47: ”Cocco Bill [#47]” aka “Camomilla al Trotto”. 2 pgs (pgs 53-54). Color. [SYNOPSIS] TV Junior #51 (Dec. 19, 1982). Re: Marameo #2 (1988). Jacovitti Magazine #1 (March 1994). B&W. Diario Vitt (Pigna 1995). Trotta trotta… Cocco Bill (Salani 1998), B&W, divided on four pages, 2 strips per page. “Chamomile at the trot”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #13: Cocco Bill nella foresta

1st: Nov. 14, 2017. 2nd: March 30, 2019. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “In servizio al Vittorioso”, an article by Luca Boschi. Color. Incl. one color frame from Pippo Zùmparappappà (Il Vittorioso 22.9.1952), and one B&W photo from Il Vittorioso (1947) on pg 3. One color frame from Zagar story (Il Vittorioso 1962), one color frame from Il Vittorioso 1962, and one color advertisement, Un amico che vale un tesoro (1958) on pg 4.
Pg 5: The title page for “Cocco Bill della foresta”. Color.
Pg 6: “Tra un puma e l’altro…”, an article by an uncredited writer. Color. Incl. one color front cover of Eureka #88 (Nov. 1, 1972), and one color pict with Blondie by Chick Young and one color Cocco Bill by Benito Jacovitti.
Pg 34: “Pippo, Pertice and Palla”, a cover art for Il Vittorioso #1 (1962). Color.
Pg 35: The title page for “Cocco Bill: Ciccicoccomac”, “Cocco Bill: Coccopepite”, and “Cocco Bill!”. Color.
Pg 36: “La fine del ‘Ciclo della patate’ by uncredited writer. Color. “Cocco Bill and Trottalemme” by Carlo Peroni, a color picture, and two frames from TV Junior, color pictures.
Pgs 54-56: Portfolio: “L’anno del Megatone”. Color. 3 full page picts with short explanation text attached. From Il Vittorioso #9 (2.3.62), #21 (26.5.62), and #52 (29.12.62).
Inside front and back covers spreads: “Brrrr!”, a full spread color pict. Same on both inside covers. [JAC58]
- 185. Cocco Bill #09: “Cocco Bill nella foresta”. 27 pgs (pgs 7-33). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Giorno dei Ragazzi #20 (May 17, 1962) to #46 (Dec. 27, 1962). Re: Eureka #88 to #90 (1972). Cocco Bill (Milano Libri 1975). B&W. Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). “Cocco Bill in the forest”.
- 336. Cocco Bill #42: “Ciccicoccomac”. 6 pgs (pgs 37-42). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #45 (Nov. 12, 1978). Re: Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Superfumetti #8 (Oct. 13, 2015). “Ciccicoccomac”.
- 337. Cocco Bill #43: “Coccopepite”. 6 pgs (pgs 43-48). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #49 (Dec. 10, 1978). Re: Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Superfumetti #8 (Oct. 13, 2015). “Cocco Nuggets”.
- 352. Cocco Bill #50: “Cocco Bill [#50]!”. 5 pgs (pgs 49-53). Color. [SYNOPSIS] TV Junior #15 (April 10, 1983). “Cocco Bill”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #14: Il corsaro Cocco Bill

1st: Nov. 21, 2017. 2nd: April 6, 2019. [id]
Pg 3-4: “Un Vittorioso indiano ciriuaua”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
Pg 6: “Un corsaro a cavallo”, an article by undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 38: “Nel suo cervello imperversa la saggezza”, an article by undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pgs 55-56: Portfolio: Dal Vittorioso al Vitt (o viceverse)
- 197. Cocco Bill #13: “Il corsaro Cocco Bill”. 30 pgs (pgs 7-36). Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Giorno dei Ragazzi #22 (May 28, 1964) to #1 (Jan. 7, 1965). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #8 (Dec. 1995). Color. “Il Giorno” di Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2009). 100 anni di fumetto italiano 22 (RCS 2010). Pirati Briganti e Carambate(Sept. 2011). “Cocco Bill the corsair”.
- 138. Occhio di pollo #1: “Occhio di pollo”. 16 pgs (pgs 39-54). Color. Il Vittorioso #32 (Aug. 7, 1957) to #46 (Nov. 20, 1957). Re: Vitt #13 (1968). Per un pugno di spiccioli… (Mondadori 1971). Chicken Eye”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #15: Cocco Bill …evolissimevolmente

1st: Nov. 28, 2017. 2nd: April 13, 2019. [id]
Pg 3-4: “Un supercocco avverbiale”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
Pg 6: “L’ultimo Cocco del Giorno”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 26: “Un cronista a New York”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
- 226. Cocco Bill #18: “Coccobillevolissimevolmente”. 19 pgs (pgs 7-25). Originally 1+9 pgs. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #41 ([Aug. 26], 1967) to #49 ([Dec. 21], 1967). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #14 (June 1997). 1 pg. The opening frame. Jacovitti Magazine #11 (Aug. 1996). 18 pgs. B&W. A. “Jacovitti in b/n” #6 (2002). “Il Giorno” di Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2009). Cocco Bill and willingly”.
- 140. Tom Ficcanaso #1: “Tom Ficcanaso”. 30 pgs (pgs 27-56). Color. Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #31 (Oct. 24, 1957) to #20 (May 15, 1958). Re: Sorry Album #1 (1973), color, forced. Jacovitti in giallo (Stampa Alternativa 2004), color. “Snoopy Tom”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #16: Jacovittevolissimevolmente

1st: Dec. 5, 2017. 2nd: April 20, 2019. 2nd: out of print. [id]
Pg 3-4: “Cocco Bill sui banchi di scuola”, an article by Luca Boschi. Color. 3 Dario Vitt color covers (small).
Pg 3: “I salami di Jacovitti”, a pocket text with one B&W pict of Cocco Bill with green background.
Pg 56: One color Dario Vitt cover at the end of the page.
Inside front and back covers spreads: “Arte moderna!”, a full spread color pict. Same on both inside covers. [JAC58]
- 329. Cocco Bill #35: “Jacovittevolissimevolmente CoccoBill”. 52 pgs (pgs 5-56). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Diario Vitt “Maxivitt, 1978/79” (June, 1978). Re: Cocco Bill (Glénat Italia 1986). Il Girono (Sept. 30, 1992 to Nov. 11, 1993). I Classici dei Fumetto di Repubblica #20 (2005). Gli anni d’oro del Diario Vitt (Stampa Alternativa 2006). “Jacovitti willingly Cocco Bill”. Published in the Diario Vitt 1978/79 in 206 strips, one per page. On Il Giorno with the title “Il ritorno di Cocco Bill con Arcicocco”. On the volume “Cocco Bill” (Glénat Italia) published in 103 tables of two strips each. Also cited as “Jacovittevolissimemolmente Cocco Bill”.

Cocco Bill [Hachette] #17: Cocco Bill nell’Arizona
1st: Dec. 12, 1017. 2nd: April 27, 2019. [id]
Pg 3-4: “La clad estate del ’63”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
Pg 6: “Laggiù nell’Arizona…”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 32: “I travagli di un supereroe”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
- 193. Cocco Bill #11: ”Cocco Bill nell’Arizona”. 25 pgs (pgs 7-31). Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #24 (June 20, 1963) to #49 (Dec. 12, 1963). Re: Eureka #122(1974). Cocco Bill (Milano Libri 1975). B&W. Jacovitti Magazine #17 (July 1998). Color. “Il Giorno” di Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2009). “Cocco Bill in Arizona”.
- 192. Tom Ficcanaso #7: “Supertom”. 23 pgs (pgs 33-55). Color. Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #15 (April 11, 1963) to #38 (Sept. 26, 1963). Re: Eureka #19 (1969). Jacovitti Magazine #13 (March 13, 1997). B&W. “Supertom”, Tom’s got super powers.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #18: È natale, Cocco Bill

1st: Dec. 19, 2017. 2nd: May 4, 2019. [id]
Pg 3-4: “La vita vista dal quel ragazzone di Jac”, an article by Luca Boschi. Color. A B&W pict of article, “Il debutto di Jacovitti with photo of Benito Jacovitti, and a color pict of Occhio di pollo [JAC74] on pg 3. Two color frames from the story, Pippo net Texas (1949), and the color ending frame from the story, Viva Pippo! (1949) on pg 4.
Pg 5: A color “Jacovitti vi augura un Natale Pieno di Jacovittaggini!”, full pager pict.
Pg 6: “Cocco Bill incontra Santa Claus”, an article by an undefined writer with an excerpt frames from the story, Brrr! (1957).
Pg 7: One color, E natale Cocco Bill full pager pict.
Pg 14: “Un pellerossa Europeo”, an article by an undefined writer. With two color covers: Kanansilmä ja silmättömät (Feb. 1976, Finnish), and Pep (1973, The Netherlands).
Pg 50: Portfolio: A color front cover of Corriere dei Piccoli #49 (7.12.1969) with a text by an undefined writer.
Pg 56: Portfolio: A B&W sketch for a page for Cocco nel 2867 with a photo of Benito Jacocitti. No text with it.
Inside front and back covers spreads: “Bustarella City”, a full spread color pict. Same on both inside covers. [JAC59]
- 361. Cocco Bill #46: “È Natale Cocco Bill” aka “Buon Natale Cocco Bill”. 5 pgs (pgs 8-12). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Le opera e I gironi #2 (Dec. 2, 1983). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #18 (1998). “Merry Christmas Cocco Bill”. Le opera e I gironi # 2 (periodical of Banca Popolare di Bergamo).
- 245. Cocco Bill #25: “Occhio di pollo e… i polli con l’occhio”. 35 pgs. (pgs 15-49). Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Corriere dei Piccoli #49 (Dec. 7, 1969) to #5 (Feb. 1, 1970). Chicken Eye and … chickens with an eye”.
- 354. Cocco Bill #52: “Cocco Billo [#52]”. 5 pgs (pgs 51-55). Color. [SYNOPSIS] TV Junior #18 (May 1, 1983). Re: Diario Vitt (Pigna 1994). “Cocco Billo”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #19: Il cosacco Cocco Bil

1st: Dec. 26, 2017. 2nd: May 11, 2019. [id]
Pg 3-4: “Il far west del dopoguerra”, an article by Luca Boschi. Color. One color cover of Vitt, and one B&W frame of Pete lo Sceriffo on pg 3, and two B&W frames from old Indian comics (1941), and some color frames from Pippo (1969) on pg 4.
Pg 5: The title page for “Cocco Bill: Il cosacco Cocco Bill”. Color.
Pg 6: “Dalla Russia con buonumore”, an article by uncredited writer. Color. One color cover of “Cocco Bill: Il cosacco Cocco Bill” of Album de il Giorno #8 (Aug. 1962), one Finnish color cover of “Cocco Bill, osa 1: Kamomillacowboy saapuu kaupunkiin” by Zum Teufel, and one color pict of portrait of a Russian man.
Pg 32: “Pippo, Pertica e il cane Tom” drawing for Jacovitti Club. “Pippo nella Texas”, a B&W cover art.
Pg 33: The title page for “Pippo Cow-Boy”, “Cocc Bill”, “Jac”, and “Coccobillando!”. Color.
Pg 34: “Il far west di Pippo”, an article by uncredited writer. B&W. First three strips of the story “Pippo Cow-Boy”.
Inside front and back covers spreads: “Ciak!”, a full spread color pict. Same on both inside covers. [JAC59]
- 182. Cocco Bill #08: “Il cosacco Cocco Bill”. 25 pgs (pgs 7-31). Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Giorno dei Ragazzi #46 (Nov. 23, 1961) to #19 (May 10, 62). Re: Album de “Il Giorno” #8 (1962). “Il Giorno” di Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2009). Superfumetti #14 (Nov. 24, 2015). “Cocco Bill the cossack”.
- Incl. Russian onomapoetic language
- 040. Pippo #16: “Pippo cow-boy”. 14 pgs (pgs 35-48). B&W. Original Art Plates scanned in color (with Scotch marks!). Il Vittorioso #34 (Sept. 8, 1946) to #47 (Dec. 8, 1946). Re: A. di Pippo #11 (1949, rist. anastatica 1991), supplement for Il Vittorioso #14 (1949). Il Vittorioso #28 to #34 (1965). Vitt #33 (1970). A. Conti #88 (1976). “Pippo Cowboy”.
- 356. Cocco Bill #54: “Cocc Obill”. 5 pgs (pgs 49-53). Color. [SYNOPSIS] TV Junior #23 (June 5, 1983). “Cocc Obill”.
- “Jac” 2 pgs (pgs 54-55). Color. Appeared for the first time in Vitt #1 (Jan. 8, 1967).
- 379. Cocco Bill #66: “Coccobillando!”. 1 pg (pg 56). Color. One page frame. [JAC97] [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #16 (April 16, 1997). Coccobillando!”.
- Printed also in Cocco Bill [Hachette] #4 (2017).
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #20: Cocco driinn!

1st: Jan. 2, 2018. 2nd: May 18, 2019. [id]
Pg 3: A color pict of Cocco Bill with text, “È arrivato Cocco Bill, Corriere dei Piccoli”.
Pg 4: “Un Driinn! col paradosso”, an article by an undefined writer. Icl. one B&W frame with Tarallino, Strega Filippo, and Bricco Bracco e l’Orctauro, a color front cover of Politikin Zabavnik #1662 (4.11.1982), and a color pict of Zorry Kid [JAC70].
Pg 20: “Come Clint Eastwood”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. a rare color poster of publication Vita from 1967, a color front cover of Per un Pugno di Spiccioli & Occhio di pollo (1971), and a color poster of the movie, Per un Pugno di Dollari (1964).
Pg 21: A color poster of Pippo, Pertica, Palla, la Signora Carlomagno, Cip a Zaggar published in Vittorioso (3.8.1956).
Inside front and back covers spreads: “Girotonto”, a full spread color pict. Same on both inside covers. [JAC59]
- 248. Cocco Bill #26: “Cocco driinn!”. 14 pgs (pgs 5-18). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Corriere dei Piccoli #12 (March 22, 1970). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #9 (April 1996). B&W. A. “Jacovitti in b/n” n. n. (2004). “Cocco driinn!”.
- 210. Pippo #48: “Pippo Western per un pugno di spiccioli”. 32 pgs (pgs 22-53). Color. Vitt #1 (Jan. 8, 1967) to #11 (March 23, 1967). “Pippo Western for a fistful of change”. The title is a parody of Italiano western, “Per un pugno di dollari” (1964).
- 297. Occhio di Pollo #5: “Fum’occhio di pollo”. 2 pgs (pgs 54-55). Color. [JAC73] Corriere dei Piccoli #25 (June 24, 1973). “Smoke of Chicken Eye”.
- 391. Cocco Bill #79: “Coccobillaggini!”. 1 pg (pg 56). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #27 (July 2, 1997).

Cocco Bill [Hachette] #21: Cocco Cocco Cocco Bill
1st: Jan. 9, 2018. 2nd: May 25, 2019. [id]
Pg 3-4: “Alla faccia di Ian Fleming”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
Pg 6: “Cocco Bill va a dogpatch”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 30: Ficcanaso / Ugh-Ugh Cocco Bill ad.
Pg 32: “Il suo nome è Bomm, James Bomm!”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pgs 51-56: Portfolio: “È carnevale!”
- 189. Cocco Bill #10: “Cocco Cocco Cocco Bill”. 23 pgs (pgs 7-29). Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Giorno dei Ragazzi #1 (Jan. 3, 1963) to #23 (June 13, 1963). Re: Eureka #128(1974). Cocco Bill (Milano Libri 1975). B&W. Jacovitti Magazine #15 (Oct. 1997). Color. “Il Giorno” di Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2009). Superfumetti #8 (Oct. 13, 2015). “Cocco Cocco Cocco Bill”.
- 201. Tom Ficcanaso #10: “Ficcanaso zerosette in Operazione Tonno”. 14 pgs (pgs 33-46). Color. Il Gioro dei Ragazzi #34 ([Aug. 26], 1965) to #47 (Dec. 2, 1965). Re: Eureka Parapioggia (1970). Eternauta #56 (1987). “Snoopy 07 in Operation Tuna”. A James Bond parody.
- 280. Occhio di pollo #2: “Occhio di Pollo”. 2 pgs (pgs 47-48). Color. [JAC 72] [SYNOPSIS] Corriere dei Piccoli #14 (Aug. 13, 1972). Re: TV Junior #37 (Sept. 11, 1983). Più #243 (1987). Jacovitti Magazine #1 (March 1994). B&W. “Chicken Eye”.
- 283. Occhio di Pollo #3: “Occhio di Pollo a rotta di collo”. 2 pgs (pgs 49-50). Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #16/17 (Sept. 3, 1972). “Breakneck Chicken Eye”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #22: Sette per due

1st: Jan. 16, 2018. 2nd: June 1, 2019. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Oreste, scocciatore professionista”, an article by Luca Boschi. Two color man figures by Benito Jacovitti, and one B&W with two strips excerpt from the story of Scocciatore on pg 3. One color cover of “La familiar Spaccabue” (1973), one color cover of “Chigno il Maligno” (1948), and one B&W pict by Carlo Manzoni on yellow background on pg 4.
Pg 5: The title page for “Cocco Bill: Cocco Bill settle per due”. Color.
Pg 6: “La terza volta dei sette”, an article by uncredited writer. Color. One color German cover of “Cocco Bill gene Gauner und Banditen” (1972), one color Greek cover, one color cover of “Cocco Bill In Brokkel-City” (1980), a color portrait of an Indian, and color scan of the first B&W Original Art Plate of the original story on.
Pg 51: The title page for “Oreste il Guastafeste”, and “Occhio di palla”. Color.
Pg 56: Portfolio: “Queste strane macchine lunari!”. Color pict with explanation text attached.
Inside front and back covers spreads: “Cip Cip Cip!”, a full spread color pict. Same on both inside covers.
- 258. Cocco Bill #29: “Cocco Bill sette per due”. 44 pgs (pg 7-50). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Corriere dei Piccoli #30 (July 25, 1971) to #40 (Oct. 3, 1971). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #6 (June 1995). B&W. 100 anni di fumetto italiano #22 (RCS 2010). “Cocco Bill seven for two”.
- Jac: “Oreste il Guastafeste” 2 pgs (pgs 52-53). Color. Vitt #5 (Feb. 9, 1967).
- 304. Occhio di Pollo #6: “Occhio di palla”. 2 pgs (pgs 54-55). Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #31 (Aug. 5, 1973). “Eye Ball”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #23: Goggobill

1st: Jan. 23, 2018. 2nd: June 8, 2019. [id]
Pg 3-4: “Strisce, musica e Cowboy”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
Pg 6: “Cocco Bill va in Georgia”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 13: A color front cover of S&M Strisce e musica #7.
Pg 36: Portfolio: “Sezione etilica”. Pict with text. Pager.
Pg 40: “Un prima ‘Sfavola’ di Jacovitti”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pgs 51-56: Portfolio: Uno Jacovitti “Etilico”. Picts with text.
- 380. Cocco Bill #67: “Goggobill”. 6 pgs (pgs 7-12). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #17 (April 23, 1997). “Goggobill”.
- 339. Cocco Bill #44: “Cocco Bill [#44]”. 24 pgs (pgs 14-37). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Strisce e musica #1 (March 18, 1981) to #24 (Aug. 26, 1981). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #11(Aug. 1996). 12 pgs (two pages on one). B&W. Color. “Cocco Bill”. Printed sideways.
- 254. Tarallino #1: “Tarallino Tarallà!”. 10 pgs (pgs 41-50). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Corriere dei Piccoli #51 (Dec. 20, 1970). Tarallino Taralla!”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #24: Cocco Bill così e cosa

1st: Jan. 30, 2018. 2nd: June 15, 2019. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Jacovitti così e cosà”, an article by Luca Boschi. Color. One color Camillino advertisement with Cocco Bill in it, and B&W cartoon by Benito Jacovitti (1947) on pg 3. One B&W Jacovitti advertisement from 1947, and one color picture by Tito Livio Cianchettini on pg 4.
Pg 5: The title page for “Cocco Bill così e cosà”. Color.
Pg 6: “Le nostre pecore (però che brave!”, an article by uncredited writer. Color. One small size color page from the story, “Cocco Bill così e cosà”, and one color scan of B&W Original Art Plate of the title of the story.
Pg 40: A page size color cover of Il Giorno dei ragazzi #17 (28.4.66).
Pg 41: The title page for “Bobby Cianuro”. Color.
Pg 42: “Fra i duri di Detroit”, an article by uncredited writer. Color. One color frame from cave man, and one color frame from a devil in bedroom.
Pg 53-56: Portfolio: “Non solo così, ma anche cosà”, an article by uncredited writer. Color. One B&W sketch with Cocco Bill and Trottalemme, and one B&W frame from Cocco Bill story on pg 53. One color scan of B&W Original Art Plate, and three B&W frame from the same scene on pg 54. One B&W picture of Cocco Bill riding Trottalemme, and one color advertisement “Viva Moreno” with Cocco Bill on pg 55. One color scan of B&W Original Art Plate of pg 11 of the story, “Cocco Bill così e cosà” on age 56.
Inside front and back covers spreads: “Rtiam partial partial partial partiam”, a full spread color pict. Same on both inside covers. [JAC59]
- 204. Cocco Bill #16: “Cocco Bill così e cosà”. 33 pgs (pgs 7-39). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Giorno dei Ragazzi #16 (April 21, 1966) to #48 ([Dec. 29], 1966). Re: Jacovitti(Dami 1974). “Il Giorno” di Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2009). “Cocco Bill so and so”.
- 137. “Bobby Cianuro”. 10 pgs (pgs 43-51). Color. Il Travaso [delle idee] #27 (July 8, 1957) to #36 (Sept. 9, 1957). Re: Autobiografia mai scritta (2010). “Bobby Cyanide”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #25: Scioscioscioni Cocco Bill

1st: Feb. 6, 2018. 2nd: June 22, 2019. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Scioscioni veri, scioscioni falls?”, an article by Luca Boschi. Color. One color front cover of Il Corriere dei Piccoli #28 (11.7.1971), and one color frame with Luciano Francesconi, Cocco Bill, and Benito Jacovitti printed in Corriere dei Ragazzi (31.3.1975) on pg 3 [JAC72]. One color front cover of Corriere dei Piccoli with Zorry Kid, one color front cover of Boy magazine #17-18 (1977), and one color pict of Gionni Peppe from Linus.
Pg 6: “Una storia ‘Ribaltata'” by an undefined writer. With B&W version of pict with Cocco Bill and Trottalemme (1978), and very small pict of spread of Corriere dei Ragazzi (left page B&W and right in color).
Pg 32: “Ficcanaso no, che non se ne intende!”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. one color front cover of Eureka #13 (Nov. 1968), a B&W frame from the story, “Ficcanaso scansa guai” [JAC68], and three color frames made by inspiration of Carosello brandy Stock 84.
Pg 56: Portfolio: A color front cover of Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #21, anno X (1966), with text.
Inside front and back covers spreads: “Mamma Mia!”, a full spread color pict. Same on both inside covers. [JAC69]
- 324. Cocco Bill #34: ”Scioscioscioni Cocco Bill!”. 24 pgs (pgs 7-30). Color (partly two strips here and there in B&W!). Originally 48 pgs. [SYNOPSIS] Giorno dei Ragazzi #17 (April 25, 1976) to #28 (July 11, 1976). “Scioscioscioni Cocco Bill!”.
- Originally printed sideways as two strips per page!
- 198. Tom Ficcanaso #9: “Ficcanaso scansaguai”. 23 pgs (pgs 33-55). Color. [JAC 65]. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #31 (Aug. 20, 1964) to #3 (Feb. 21, 1965). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #7 (Sept. 1995). B&W. “Snoopy the troublemaker”.
- According my counting this ought to be #9 but here it is said to be #5!?
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #26: Cocco Bull

1st: Feb. 13, 2018. 2nd: June 29, 2019. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Tori di ordinaria follia”, an article by Luca Boschi. Color. One color pict of L’orcotauro [JAC74], one B&W frame of Il torero Romero (from Vittorioso), and one color front cover of Almanaccovitt Fest di Primavera [JAC63] on pg 3. One color frame from Chicchirino (1963), one B&W frame from the story, “Tarallino”, and one poster of Ferdinand the Bull by Walt Disney (1938).
Pg 6: “Cocco Bill toreador”, an article by an undefined writer. With one color front cover of Il Giornalino #39 “Coccorichiiii!!”, and 8 color character picts from the story printed in 2008.
Pg 14: “Il romanzo-favola di Tarallino”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. an color except from Il Tarallino game printed in Corriere dei Piccoli #28 (11.7.1971).
Pgs 51-54: Portfolio: “Con l’aiuto di un amico”. A color homage to Cocco Bill and Trottalemme by Luca Salvagno with Hachette logo in it on pg 51. A color pict of a letter dated 24.6.1997 from Jacovitti to Luca Boschi, two B&W picts of Cocco Bill, one drawn by Luca Salvagno (2006) on pg 52. A B&W sketch for the opening page of “Cocco Bull”, and a B&W pict of bull character from the story, a color pict of a bird on cactus with texts, Texas and Salooon, and a scheme by Jacovitti (1996) on pg 53. A color pict of a quick structure scheme of “Cocco Bull” by Jacovitti, one B&W pict of Cocco Bill on bison, and one color poster of a cartoon movie Cocco Bill arriva ad Andreis! by Luca Salvagno.
Inside front and back covers spreads: “Minestrone”, a full spread color pict. Same on both inside covers. [JAC59]
- 403. Cocco Bill #91: “Cocco Bull”. 6 pgs (pgs 7-12). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #3 (Jan. 28, 1998). “Cocco Bull”.
- 256. Tarallino #2: “Tarallino”. 36 pgs (pgs 15-50). Color. [JAC71] [SYNOPSIS] Corriere dei Piccoli #12 (March 21, 1971) to #20 (May 16, 1971). Re: TV Junior #29 to #36 (1983). “Tarallino”.
- “Cocco Bill mette a posto Jacovitti ovvero Cocco Bill a Flipper City” 2 pgs (pgs 55-56). Color. Hommage by Luca Salvagno [Lu’ (heart) jac]. Appeared for the first time in La Lettura #273 (Feb. 19, 1997, a cultural insert for Corriere della Sera).
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #27: Cocco Zitt!

1st: Feb. 20, 2018. 2nd: July 6, 2019. [id]
Pg 3-4: “Il loffio che is credo un tosto”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
Pg 6: “Silenzio, prego!”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 14: “Formidabili, quegli anni (e quei fumetti)!”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
- 398. Cocco Bill #86: “Cocco Zitt!”. 6 pgs (pgs 7-12). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #39 (Oct. 1, 1997). “Hush Cocco!”.
- 299. “Gionni Peppe”. 40 pgs (pgs 15-54). Color. Linus #7 (July, 1973) to #10 (Oct., 1973). B&W. Re: Il Giornale d’Italia #147 to #186 (1975). Comix #101 to #108 (1994). “Johnny Peppe”.
- 306. Occhio di Pollo #7: “Occhio di pollacchione”. 2 pgs (pgs 55-56). Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #33 (Aug. 19, 1973). “Bird’s Eye”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #28: Il CoccoBello, il brutto e il cattivo

1st: Feb. 27, 2018. 2nd: July 13, 2019. 2nd: out of print. [id]
Pg 3-4: “C’era una volta lo ‘Spagetti-fumetti Western'”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
- 221. Cocco Bill #17: “Il Cocco bello, il brutto e il cattivo”. 50 pgs (pgs 6-56). Color. Originally 29 pgs. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #12 ([March 30], 1967) to #39 ([Oct. 12], 1967). Re: Jacovitti (Dami 1974). “Il Giorno” di Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2009). “The beautiful Cocco, the bad and the ugly”.
- In cases of Il Giorno dei Ragazzi the dates are not expressly indicated in the paper.
- The first frame is one big spread frame on pgs 6-7. The rest of the frames are rearranged for A4 page format!
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #29: Per un po’ di camomilla

1st: March 6, 2018. 2nd: July 20, 2019. 2nd: out of print. [id]
Pg 3-4: “L’omino goccia, chi era costui?”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
Pg 6: “L’ultimo minicocco dei Corrierini”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 12: “Un giallo e una sfavola”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pgs 45-56: Portfolio: Esso
Pg 46: “Per i futuri automobilisti”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
- 317. Cocco Bill #33: “Cocco Bill per un po’ di camomilla!”. 4 pgs (pgs 7-10). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Giorno dei Ragazzi #48 (Dec. 2, 1973). “Cocco Bill for some chamomile tea!”.
- 162. Tom Ficcanaso #2: “Ficcanaso Cercaguai”. 30 pgs (pgs 13-42). Color. Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #23 (June 4, 1959) to #52 ([Dec. 24], 1959). Re: Eureka Orfannie(1974). Tom Ficcanaso (Stampa Alternativa 2005). “Snoopy Trooper Seeker”.
- 284. Tarallino #5: “Tarallinpuffo”. 2 pgs (pgs 43-44). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Corriere dei Piccoli #19 (Sept. 17, 1972). Re: TV Junior #38 (Sept. 18, 1983). Jacovitti Magazine #2 (June 1994). B&W. “Tarallino Sctroumpf”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #30: Cocco Bill e la revolvolucion

1st: March 13, 2018. [id]
Pg 3-4: “Canizza e rivoluzione”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
Pg 6: “Una storia ‘rivoluzionata'”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 38: “Un sguardo alla ‘mala’ Francese”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 51: “I quiz di Cip, Zagar, Gallina, Kilometro e Compagnia”. B&W.
Pgs 54-56: Portfolio: Sicurezza e rivoluzione. Color.
- 155. Cocco Bill #03: “Cocco Bill e la revolución”. 30 pgs (pgs 7-36). Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #51 (Dec. 18, 1958) to #28 (July 9, 1959). Re: Album de “Il Giorno” #3 (1962). Cocco Bill (Milano Libri 1975). B&W. “Il Giorno” di Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2009). “Cocco Bill and the revolution”.
- 154. “Pasqualino Rififì”. 12 pgs (pgs 39-50). Color. Il Travaso Delle idea #49 (Dec. 8, 1958) to #12 (March 23, 1959). Re: Autobiografia mai scritta (2010). “Pasqualino Rififì”. Rififi is an American film noir crime film directed by Jules Dassin (1955).
- 259. Cip #9: Cip l’arcipoliziotto: “Giallo al caciocavallo”. 2 pgs (52-53). Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #44 (Aug. 31, 1971). Re: Comix #42 (1992). “Cip the arch cop: Yellow cheese with caciocavallo”. “Caciocavallo” is a hard cheese, typical of southern Italy, made with cow or buffalo milk, semi-skimmed, in characteristic pear shapes.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #31: Coccobrrrr

1st: March 20, 2018. [id]
Pg 3-4: “Il compagno di anno in anno, tulli gli anni”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
Pg 6: “Lenta la Neve fiocca”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 16: “Naso ficcato e lingua corrotta”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
- 402. Cocco Bill #90: “Coccobrrrr”. 8 pgs (pgs 7-14). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #50 (Dec. 17, 1997). “Coccobrrrr”.
- 196. Tom Ficcanaso #8: “Ficcanaso dappertutto”. 24 pgs (pgs 17-40). Color. Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #7 (Feb. 13, 1964) to #30 (Aug. 13, 1964). Re: Eureka #13 (1968). B&W. Jacovitti Magazine #15 (Oct. 1997). Color. “Snoopy everywhere”.
- 257. Pippo #49: “Pipipi a Parlachiaro!”. 16 pgs (pgs 41-56). Color. Diario Vitt 1971-1972 (June, 1971). Re: Informavitt #34 (1999). Jacovitti Magazine #20 (June 2001). Color. vol. Alessandro Ed. (2001). I Classici dei Fumetto di Repubblica #20 (2005). Gli anni d’oro del Diario Vitt (Stampa Alternativa 2006). “Pipipi speaks clearly!”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #32: Cocco?.. No!

1st: March 27, 2018. [id]
Pg 3-4: “Che fine ha fatto baby Tarallo?”, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
Pg 6: “Qualche travestimento, un quiz un canguro”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
- 405. Cocco Bill #93: “Cocco?.. No!”. 5 pgs (pgs 7-11). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #12 (April 1, 1998). “Cocco?.. No!”.
- 260. Cip #10: Cip l’arcipilolizattto: “Con Zagar non è sicuro il marsupio del canguro”. 2 pgs (12-13 pgs). Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #46 (Nov. 14, 1971). Re: Comix #46 (1993). “With Zagar the kangaroo pouch is not safe”.
- “Cosi’ si vota” 1 pg (pg 14). Color. On pager. Originally one of the four electoral posters created for DC Spes in 1975. Reprinted in Il Giornale d’Italia (1975).
- 323. “Gionni Lupara”, Part 1(2). 30 pgs (pgs 17-46). Color. Originally 60 pgs. Linus #7 (July, 1974) to #9 (Sept., 1974). B&W. Re (all parts): Il Giornale d’Italia #187 to #216 (1975). “Johnny Shawnoffshotgun”. “Lupara” is load for hunting rifles, consisting of buckshot or pieces of blunt material, used for hunting wolves and wild boars and, traditionally, in executions between members of the Sicilian underworld.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #33: Coccorichiii!

1st: April 3, 2018. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Lupara in quadrichromia”, an article by Luca Boschi. Color. One B&W frame from Gionni Lupara: “Beh… Custa l’e ‘sta violenza?”, one color pict of Battista, l’ingenuo fascista, and one B&W sketch of “Salutammo!” [jacovitti 78] on pg 3. One B&W frame from Gionni Lupara: “Enzo Lunari”, and one color sketch of “100 tavole. Salutoni!” (jacovitti 83) on pg 4.
Pg 6: “Galli, Polli e Affini”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. one color front cover of Albi del Vittorioso, Serie di Giraffone: Chicchirichi (1948), three 2-color (black and red) frames from Chicchirichi (a 1961 Allegria print), and one 2-color (black and green) frame from Check (1949) [JAC49].
Pg 18: “I fumetti Linus”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. 5 B&W excepts from comics done by somebody else than Jacovitti.
Pgs 49-53: “Le censure di Gionni Lupara, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. the original B&W strips from #21, and #22 on pg 49, strip #23 on pg 50, strips #25, and #26 on pg 51, strips #27, #28, #29 on pg 52, and strips from #30 to #36 on pg 53.
Pg 56: A color full pager pict, Campagna “Sicurezza 1977” [JAC76], with text.
Inside front and back covers spreads: “Folia pure”, a full spread color pict. Same on both inside covers. [JAC60]
- 407. Cocco Bill #95: “Coccorichiii!”. 10 pgs (pgs 7-16). Color. [JAC97] [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #39 (Oct. 4, 1998). “Cocco-a-Doodle-Dooooo“.
- 323. “Gionni Lupara”, Part 2(2). 30 pgs. (pgs 19-48). Color. Originally 60 pgs. Linus #10 (Oct. 1974) to #12 (Dec., 1974). B&W. Re (all parts): Il Giornale d’Italia #187 to #216 (1975). “Johnny Shawnoffshotgun”. “Lupara” is load for hunting rifles, consisting of buckshot or pieces of blunt material, used for hunting wolves and wild boars and, traditionally, in executions between members of the Sicilian underworld.
- 264. Cip #14: Cip l’arcipoliziottto: “Cucù… Gallina non c’è più!”. 2 pgs (pgs 54-55). Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #51 (Dec. 19, 1971). “Cuckoo… Hen is gone!”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #34: Coccobeheheh!!

1st: April 10, 2018. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Un pocket per Jac”, an article by Luca Boschi. Color. One color title page of Titolo from Selezione dai Reader’s Digest, B&W sample from similar comics and one color Jacovitti story, Titolo della story (1957) on pg 3. A color sample page from an early Cocco Bill story, and a color sample page from Sergeant Preston of the Yukon by somebody else, a small color sketch with a photo of Jacovitti (from Vittorioso), and a B&W page of Risate autunnali on pg 4.
Pg 6: “Pecore e francobolli”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. color front cover of the supplement of Il Giornalino #18 (4.3.2008) [JAC97], a small color pict of Cocco Bill pin, and a color Cocco Bill stamp (Italia 2009).
Pg 18: “Un indiano, un reporter e un archoliziottto (con tre “t”)”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. one B&W frame from story, Cip e Gallina (1957), and two color frames from story, Tomasito Figuenariz [JAC62].
Pgs 45-47: “Il malinconico charlot di Jacovitti”, an article by an undefined writer. Color. Two color frames with a character Motta, one color frame with title of Tex Cerotto (Allegria) [Jacovitti 61] on pg 45. A color excerpt of Il Giro della Risata (1948) from Vittorioso, and a color front cover of Allegria (Jan. 1961). A B&W full page of Occhio di Pollo story, unfinished, on pg 47 [JAC72].
Pg 56: A color full pager of front cover of Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #27 (10.6.1966), with text [JAC66].
Inside front and back covers spreads: “Mare nostrum”, a full spread color pict. Same on both inside covers. [JAC60]
- 394. Cocco Bill #82: “Coccobeheheh!!”. 10 pgs (pgs 7-16). Color. [JAC97] [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #30 (July 23, 1997). “Coccobaaharhar”.
- 180. Tom Ficcanaso #4: “Tom Ficcanaso e l’Effebià!”. 26 pgs (pgs 19-44). Color. Giorno dei Ragazzi #34 (Aug. 31, 1961) to #8 (Feb. 22, 1962). Re: Eureka #23 (1969). Tom Ficcanaso (Stampa Alternativa 2005). “Snoopy Tom and EFBIAI”.
- Says, appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #34 (Aug. 31, 1961) to #6 (Feb. 22, 1962).
- 311. Occhio di Pollo #8: “Occhio di plunft”. 2 pgs (pgs 48-49). Color. [JAC73] Corriere dei Piccoli #38 (Sept. 23, 1973). “Occhio di plunft”.
- 262. Cip #12: Ciricip l’arcipoliziottto: “Scippar baffi di visone”. 2 pgs (pgs 50-51). Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #48 (Nov. 28, 1971). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #8(Dec. 1995). Color. “Snatch mink whiskers”.
- 173. Raimondo #2: “Raimondo il vagabondo”. 4 pgs (pgs 52-55). Color first two pages, 2-color (black and gray orange) last two pages. Allegria #2 (Feb., 1961). Re: Fumetto (ANAFI) #25 (1998). Informavitt #47 (2003). “Raymond the tramp”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #35: Contro chissà?

1st: April 17, 2018. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Ogni martedì Jacovitti parla alle donn”, an article by Luca Boschi. Color. Incl. one color front cover of Il Nuovo Giorno (1959), one B&W frame from La Famigilia Spaccabue with title (Eureka Vacanze, July 1969), and one color excerpt Giorno della Donna as coffee table book Piero Dami Jacovitti (1974) on pg 3. One color ad from Giornela della mattino (1959), and one color example of Lolita Dolcevita comics in Il Giorno della Donna (29.3.1960) on pg 4.
Pg 6: “Con chi se la prende Cocco Bill?”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. one color front cover of Corriere dei Piccoli #24 (14.6.1970), one color front cover of Spanish Héroes de papel: Cocco Bill #2: Cocobill contra nadir, one color front cover of Norwegian Humor og kanari (1987), and one color front cover of Finnish Cocco Bill ja mäskiläiset (1975).
Pg 32: “Il bacio impossibile”, an article by an undefined writer. Color. Incl. one color frame of Giulietto e Romea from Giorno della Donna #31 (15.9.1959) [JAC59], one color frame from Giorno della Donna #17 (9.6.1959), one 2-color (black and blue) frame, and four B&W frames of Famiglia Spaccabue from Giorno della Donna (1959).
Pg 47: A 2-color (black and blue) example page of Carletto Spaccabue (1959) [JAC59].
Pg 50: “Vita mancata del ragionier castracipolla”, an article by an undefined writer. Color. Incl. color sample page of Giuseppe: “33” (no signature).
Pg 51: A B&W storyboard for comics “Giuseppe (oppure il ragionier castracipolla) #1”.
Pg 52: A B&W storyboard for comics “Giuseppe (oppure il ragionier castracipolla) #2”.
Pg 53: A B&W storyboard for comics “Giuseppe (oppure il ragionier castracipolla) #3”.
Pg 54: A B&W storyboard for comics “Giuseppe (oppure il ragionier castracipolla)” (no number), and one color strip of Giuseppe (a blank joke about no-joke with signature of [JAC -blank-].
Pg 55: A color sample page of Giuseppe (elevator problems) [JAC69], with text.
Pg 56: A B&W storyboard for a page for Ragionier Castracipolla, a B&W pict of Agatone, and a color strips for searching an idea: “Fine” (Jacovitti drawing himself as the main protagonist).
Inside front and back covers spreads: “Silenzio”, a full spread color pict. Same on both inside covers. [JAC61]
- 251. Cocco Bill #27: “Cocco Bill contro chissà?”. 24 pgs (pgs 7-30). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Corriere dei Piccoli #24 (April 14, 1970) to #27 (July 5, 1970). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #16 (April 1998). B&W. “Cocco Bill against who knows?”.
- 163. “Giulietto e Romea”. 14 pgs (pgs 33-46). Color. Il Giorno della Donna #17 (June 9, 1959) to #31 (Sept. 15, 1959). Re: Jacovitti (Dami 1974). Engimstica Mensile #17 to #19 (1981). “Juliette and Romeo”. Self-contained tables, unfinished.
- 263. Cip #13: Pic l’arbilopicciotto: “Rubar l’arte e metterla da parte!”. 2 pgs (pgs 48-49). Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #50 (Dec. 12, 1971). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #8 (Dec. 1995). Color. “Steal the art and set it aside!”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #36: Coccokiller

1st: April 24, 2018. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Cli anni del’Almanacco Vitt”, an article by Luca Boschi. Color. Incl. one color front cover of the first almanacco for Vittorioso (12.6.1949), and one color front cover of Almanacco Vitt 1949 by Sebastiano Craveri, printed as a supplement for Vittorioso (12.12.1948) on pg 3. One color front cover of Almanacco di Cucciolo (1964) by Giorgio Rebuffi, and one color front cover of Almanacco Vitt in the series of Gioia d’inverno (Dec. 1963) on pg 4.
Pg 6: “Un killer alla rai?”, an article by an undefined writer. Color. Incl. one color front cover of Il Giornalino #43 (29.8.1997), one color front cover of Il Giornalino #39 (1.8.1997), and one B&W drawing with Lucky Luke by Morris and Cocco Bill by Jacovitti meeting each other: “Made in Belgique / Made in Italy” [JAC97].
Pg 16: “Messico e nuvole (parlanti)”, an article by an undefined writer. Color. Incl. one color front cover of Albo dei Vittorioso, Serie di Pippo: Cip contra Zagar (1948), and one color front cover of Albo dei Vittorioso, Serie di Pippo: Pippo e Zagar.
Pg 44: One color pager front cover of Almanacco Vitt, a supplement for Vittorioso #14 (6.4.1952): Pippo e la sorpresa.
Pg 45: One color pict of Pippo [JAC52], and two B&W frames of car related stories [JAC52].
Pg 46: One color pager panorama for Almanacca Vitt: “È primavera!”.
Pg 47: One color pager of page 9 for Almanacca Vitt (1952), Pippo, Pertica, and Palla.
Pg 48: One color pager, “Manicomio”, page 56 for Almanacco Vitt [JAC52], with text.
Pg 49: One color pager, the par page for previous one (Almanacco Vitt) [JAC52], with text.
Pg 50: One color pager panorama for Il Vittorioso: “Primaveril Sport” [JAC52], with text.
Pg 51: One color pager panorama for Almanacca Vitt: “Ah! Ah!” [JAC52], with text.
Pg 52: One 2-color (black and blue) panorama sample page: “Rompicapo” [JAC52], with text.
Pg 53: A 2-color (black and blue) sample page: “Dove sono?” [JAC52], with text.
Pg 54: A color panorama: “Din Don Dan!” [JAC52], with text.
Pg 55: A color panorama [JAC52], with text.
Pg 56: A color (with B&W art) sample page and frames for Almanacca Vitt (1952).
Inside front and back covers spreads: “Questa volta le mie guindicinali scioccaezze ve le servo scionlte e a pacchetti”, a full spread color pict. Same on both inside covers. [JAC60]
- 399. Cocco Bill #87: “Cocco Killer”. 6 pgs (pgs 7-12). Color. [JAC97] [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #43 (Oct. 29, 1997). “Cocco Killer”.
- 350. Cocco Bill #48: “Cocco Bill [#48]” aka “Una Camomilla al Cubo!”. 2 pgs (pgs 13-14). Color. [jacovitti -82-]. [SYNOPSIS] TV Junior #1 (Jan. 2, 1983). Re: Marameo #3 (1988). “A Cube Chamomile!”.
- 184. Tom Ficcanaso #5: “Tomasito Figuenariz”. 25 pgs (pgs 17-41). Color. [JAC 62]. [SYNOPSIS]. Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #9 (March 1, 1962) to #33 (Sept. 27, 1962). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #12 (Dec. 1996). Color. Tom Ficcanaso (Stampa Alternativa 2005). “Tomasito Figuenariz”.
- 265. Cip #15: Cipp l’arcipoliziottto: “Quando il giallo è nero, il verde, ahimè, é rosso!”. 2 pgs (pgs 42-43). Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #1 (Jan. 2, 1972). “When yellow is black, green, alas, is red!”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #37: Coccalemme

1st: May 1, 2018. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Fantascienza Jacovittesca“, an article by Luca Boschi. Color. Incl. one color frame as an inspiration from Flash Gordon, Microciccio Spaccavento #2 (1965), one color frame as a cubic Earth in Tom e Gionni (1961) on pg 3. One color frame from Tom Safari [JAC63], and two B&W frames from Cocco Bill (TV Junior) on pg 4.
Pg 6: “Tre Cocco Bill e quattro copertine”, an article by an undefined writer. Color. Incl. one color front cover of Il Giornalino #42 (25.8.1998), and one color front cover as Cocco Clic! of Il Giornalino #4 (31.1.1999), one color front cover as Cocco Zorry of Il Giornalino #45 (15.11.1998), and one color pict as for cover of Fumetto #25 (March 1998).
Pg 20: “Un safari per il professore Pazzo”, an article by an undefined writer. Color. Incl. one B&W frame from comics story Mickey Mouse at the Bar-None Ranch (1940), and a B&W ad on color background which Jacovitti used as an inspiration (Virus dal titulo Il polo “V”, 1939).
Pgs 50-56: Tex Cerotto, see bellow. On pg 56: a color except from story, “W Pippo!” (1949) where you can see an early version of cowboy invented by Jacovitti, and a B&W pict where Tex Revolver and an Indian made by Benito Jacovitti are chasing two Western guys made by Ruggero Giovanni (1922-1983).
Inside front and back covers spreads: “86 vignette a colori”, a full spread color pict. Same on both inside covers. [JAC61]
- 408. Cocco Bill #96: “Coccalemme”. 6 pgs (pgs 7-12). Color. [JAC97] [SYNOPSIS] Il Gironalino #42 (Aug. 25, 1998). “Coccottole”.
- 353. Cocco Bill #51: “Cocco Bill [#51]!” aka “La ‘G’ all’atto!”. 5 pgs (pgs 13-17). Color. [no signature!] [SYNOPSIS] TV Junior #16 (April 17, 1983). Re: Diario Vitt (Pigna 1994). “The ‘G’ in action!”.
- 395. Cocco Bill #83: ”Coccobillando!”. 1 pg (pg 18). Color. [JAC97] [SYNOPSIS] Il Gironalino #33 (Aug. 13, 1997).
- 188. Tom Ficcanaso #6: “Tom Safari”. 27 pgs (pgs 21-47). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #34 (Aug. 4, 1962) to #14 (April 14, 1963). B&W. Re: Jacovitti Magazine #10 (June 1996). Color. Tom Ficcanaso (Stampa Alternativa 2005). “Tom Safari”.
- 266. Cip #16: Cipp l’arcipopodimeno Archipoliziottto: “Non regge la legge contro legge”. 2 pgs (pgs 48-49). Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #2 (Jan. 9, 1972). “It does not hold the law against the law”.
- 177. “Tex Cerotto”. 6 pgs (pgs 50-55). Color, except pgs 3-4 in 2-color (black and green). Allegria #4 (April, 1961). Re: Informavitt #54 (2004). “Tex Patch”.
- With text.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #38: Coccobillaggini!

1st: May 8, 2018. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Cip, poliziotto esorcista“, an article by Luca Boschi. Color. One color front cover of Maxi Vitt (1979-1980), and a color sample from Diario Vitt (1973-1974) on pg 3. A color pict from Maxi Vitt (1979-1980), a color sample pict from Diario Vitt (1973-1974) on pg 4.
Pg 6: “Tre Cocco Bill e quattro copertine”, an article by an undefined writer. Color. A color page of a catalogue text in Cartoomics ’98.
Inside front and back covers spreads: “[70 vignette a colori]”, a full spread color pict. Same on both inside covers. [signature deformed!]
- 397. Cocco Bill #85: ”Coccobillando!”. 1 pg (pg 7). Color. [JAC97] [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #37 (Sept. 17, 1997).
- 401. Cocco Bill #89: ”Coccobillando!”. 1 pg (pg 8). Color. [JAC97] [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #47 (Nov. 26, 1997).
- “Jacodicestradalvittevolumente Cipzag” 47 pgs (pgs 10-56). B&W. Diario Vitt 1979/1980 (1979).
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #39: Coccoettì!

1st: May 22, 2018. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Extraterrestri in Arizona“, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. a color front cover of Amazing Stories (August 1927), and three B&W (with pale orange background) picts for the story by Stefano Benni “2047 Summer in space”, from L’Eternauta #11-14 (1983) on pg 3. Two color frames as Cocco Bill meets the alien Vrrroz Brrrì in “Cocco Billo!” (1983), a color front cover of Jacovitti Show (1979), and a color front cover of Il Vittorioso (8.4.1961), a cover for an Easter story where the Easter egg is an space ship, on pg 4.
Pg 6: “Alieni, rubanonne e camomille volanti”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. a color front cover of TV Junior where was printed “Cocco Billo!”. Tarallino with TV set as his body on the front cover, and a color front cover of Superbimbo #5, designed by Sergio Rosi (“Cocco Bill” on pg 20 was scanned from original pages).
Pgs 30-31: “Tre Volte (o quasi) l’Arcipoliziott(t)o”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. four 2-color (black and red) picts from Max Vitt 1979-1980 (1979) on both pages.
Pg 37: “Le soluzioni dello Jacoquiz”, answers for the quiz, Lo Jacoquiz stradale (pgs 32-36). Incl. two 2-color (black and red) picts from Max Vitt 1979-1980 (1979).
Pg 40: “Un cineromanzo pasquale”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. a color front cover of Almanacco Vittorioso #27 (6.7.1952), and a color front cover of AlmanaccoVitt: Amico d’Estate (June 1964).
Inside front and back covers spreads: “Micatrè”, a full spread color board game. Same on both inside covers. [JAC61]
- 406. Cocco Bill #94: ”Coccoetì”. 13 pgs (pgs 7-19). Color. [JAC97] [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #17 (June 3, 1998). “Coccoeetee”. Cocco Bill confronts extra terrestrial.
- 355. Cocco Bill #53: “Cocco Bill [#53]” aka “State zitte, vecchiacce!”. 5 pgs (pgs 20-24). Color. [SYNOPSIS] TV Junior #21 (May 28, 1983). Re: Marameo #5(1988). “Shut up, old woman!”.
- 359. Cocco Bill #57: “Cocco Bill [#57]!” aka “In un tardo april e di un giugno settembrino”. 5 pgs (pgs 25-29). Color. [SYNOPSIS] TV Junior #39 (Sept. 25, 1983). Re: Marameo #5 (1988). “In late April and June September”.
- The title text upside down!
- “Lo Jacoquiz stradale” (i.e. 40 puzzles with picts) 5 pgs (pgs 32-36). 2-color (black and red). Maxi Vitt 1979-1980 (1979).
- 267. Cip #17: Cip l’arcipoliziotto: “Tanto v a Zagatto al lardo…”. 2 pgs (pgs 38-39). Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #3 (Jan. 16, 1972). “So much for Zagatto with lard …”.
- 081. Pippo #30: “Pippo e l’uovo” 16 pgs (pgs 41-56). Color. Almanacco Vitt Pippo e la sorpresa, a supplement for Il Vittorioso #14 (April 6, 1952). Re: Capitan Walter #226 (1957). A. supplement for Vitt #15 (1969). Jacovitti Show #1 (Mondadori 1977). Jacovitti Show (Club degli Editori 1979). A. “Jacovitti in b/n” #5 (2002). “Pippo and the egg”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #40: Crazy Cocco

1st: May 29, 2018. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Un altro Text“, an article by Luca Boschi. Color. Incl. a color Pecos Bill character by Walt Disney animator Ward Kimball from “Lo scrigno delle sette perle” (Melody Time, 1948), and a color frame with Tex Revolver from the story “Tex Revolver” (1955) on pg 3. A color front cover of Almanacco di Pecos Bill, Albo d’Oro #255 (31.3.1951), and Pocos Bill by Lino Landolfi from Il Vittorioso (1951) on pg 4.
Pg 6: “Il folle Cocco Bill”, an article by an undefined writer. Inc. a color front cover of Il Giornalino #25 (18.6.1997), a color front cover of TV Junior #16 (17.-23.4.1983), and a color front cover of TV Junior #25 (19.-25.6.1983).
Pg 20: “Le allegre avventure di Cocco Bill”, a short text with a color ad of Eldorado ice-cream “Camillino” presented by Cocco Bill from Vitt #27 (13.7.1967).
Pg 22: “L’inizio del West Jacovittesco”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. four color frames from Pippo Ugh! (1952), and a color frame from “…Non cresce più l’erba…” by Ruggero Giovannini and Domenico Volpi from Almanacco Vitt Pippo e la sorpresa (1952).
Inside front and back covers spreads: “Giove ore 21”, a full spread color board game. Same on both inside covers. [JAC61]
- 389. Cocco Bill #77: “Crazy Cocco”. 6 pgs (pgs 7-12). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #25 (June 18, 1997). “Crazy Cocco”.
- 357. Cocco Bill #55: “Cocco Bill [#55]” aka “Per la sua strada!”. 5 pgs (pgs 13-17). Color. [SYNOPSIS] TV Junior #25 (June 19, 1983). Re: Marameo #8 (1988). “On his way!”.
- 268. Cip #18: Cip L’Arcipoliziotto: “Non Zagarare la Carlomagno!”. 2 pgs (pgs 18-19). Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #4 (Jan. 23, 1972). Re: Comix #73 (1993). I Classici dei Fumetto di Repubblica #38 (2003). A. inedietalia ANFI (2007). “Don’t Zagarare la Charlemagne!”.
- 111. “Tex Revolver”. 34 pgs (pgs 23-56). Color. Il Vittorioso #11 (March 13, 1955) to #41 (Oct. 12, 1955). Re: Il Vittorioso #8 to #25 (1963). Jacovitti Show #1 (Mondadori 1977). Jacovitti Show (Club degli Editori 1979). “Tex Revolver”. The first and last plates are by Jac and Giovannini.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #41: Diquaedilà, 1(2)

1st: June 5, 2018. [id]
Exception for the rule: infos of Cocco Bill story on the title page on pg 1!
Pg 4: “Cocco Bill bonelliano“, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
- 385. Cocco Bill #72: ”Coccobill: Diquaedilà”, Part 1(2). 52 pgs (pgs 5-56). Color. Originally 94 pgs. [SYNOPSIS] I grandi comici del fumetto #1 (Sergio Bonelli Editore, May 1997). “There and back again”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #42: Diquaedilà, 2(2)

1st: June 12, 2018. [id]
Pgs 4-5: “Jac Story”, two full pager comic pages of an unpublished color story [JAC 77]. The originals were kept by Maga Publicitas but got back through a legal actions against them.
Pg 6: “Cocco Bill a poer City“, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
- 385. Cocco Bill #72: ”Coccobill: Diquaedilà”, Part 2(2). 42 pgs (pgs 7-48). Color. Originally 94 pgs. [SYNOPSIS] I grandi comici del fumetto #1 (Sergio Bonelli Editore, May 1997). “There and back again”.
- 272. Cip #22: “Cip Sottozero”. 4 pgs (pgs 51-54). Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #12 (March 19, 1972). Re: Lupo Alberto (Alm. di Natale 1991). “Cip Subzero”.
- 388. Cocco Bill #76: “Coccobillaggini [#76]!”. 1 pg (pg 55). Color. Il Giornalino #24 (June 11, 1997).
- 390. Cocco Bill #78: “Coccobillando [#78]!”. 1 pg (pg 56). Color. Pager. Il Giornalino #26 (June 25, 1997).
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #43: Coccobillando!

1st: June 19, 2018. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Un Jacovitti de metà novecento“, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
Pgs 36-37: “Tre Mandolinate d’epoca”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
- 070. “Millenovecentotre”. 13 pgs (pgs 7-19). Every other spread color, every other B&W. Almanacco Vitt 1951, a supplement for Il Vittorioso #51 (Dec. 17, 1950). Re: Il Vittorioso #12 to #14 (1958). Vitt #1 to #2 (1969). Il Mago #26 (May) to #27 (June 1974). Jacovitti Memories #2 (Mondadori 1975). “Nineteen hundred and three”. On Il Mago and Jacovitti Memories with the title “1903”.
- 387. Cocco Bill #74: ”Coccobillando!”. 1 pg (pg 20). Pager. Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #23 (June 4, 1997).
- 351. Cocco Bill #49: “Cocco Bill [#49]” aka “Cin Cin Pro Manitù!”. 2 pgs (pgs 21-22). Color. [SYNOPSIS] TV Junior #3 (Jan. 16, 1983). Re: Marameo #4 (1988). “Cin Cin Pro Manitu!”.
- 369. Cocco Bill #63: “Cocco Bill [#63]” aka “Tutti pollacchioni”. 6 pgs (pgs 23-28). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #3 (Jan. 21, 1987). “All chicks”.
- 368. Cocco Bill #62: “Cocco Billl [#62]” aka “Il ladrone e il malloppo”. 6 pgs (pgs 29-34). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #47 (Nov. 26, 1986). The thief and the loot”.
- 095. Jak Mandolino #1: “Jak Mandolino e il colpo alla Flopty Bank”. 8 pgs (pgs 39-46). Color. Captain Walter #11 (March 8, 1953). Re: Il Campanaccio #1 (1956). Jolly #47 (1958). Alm. Vitt Festa d’estate (1963). Alm. Vitt W l’estate (1963). Vitt #8 (1969). Il Mago #7 (Oct. 1972). Jacovitti Stories #3 (Mondadori 1973). Informavitt #22 (1996). Fumetto (ANAFI) #28 (1998). A. “Jacovitti in b/n” #9 (2004). “Jack Mandolin and the Flopty Bank heist”. In Il Mago the story is combined with “Gionni Chitarra e Jak Mandolino” (131.) with common title “Jak Mandolino gangster senza padrino”..
- 096. Jak Mandolino #2: “Jak Mandolino e la ‘banda’”. 6 pgs (pgs 47-52). 2-color (every other spread black with green, every other black with brown). Captain Walter #14 (March 29, 1953). Re: Il Campanaccio #1 (1956). Jolly #47 (1958). Alm. Vitt Amico d’estate (1964). A. Il Vascello #42 to #43 (1973). Jacovitti Show #1 (Mondadori 1977). Jacovitti Show (Club degli Editori 1979). A. “Jacovitti in b/n” #9 (2004). “Jack Mandolin and the ‘gang’”.
- 172. Jak Mandolino #4: “Jak Mandolino”. 4 pgs (pgs 53-56). Color (two first pages), black with brown (two last pages). Allegria #1 (Jan., 1961). Re: Fumetto (ANAFI) #25 (1998). “Jack Mandolin”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #44: Cocco Beach

1st: June 26, 2018. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Un sintesi di tutto Jac“, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
Pg 6: “Spari e frecce sulla spiaggia”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 24: “L’ometto del sottobosco, oreste e gli altri”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
- 366. Cocco Bill #60: ”Cocco Beach”. 8 pgs (pgs 7-14). Three color characters on the first page but all the rest B&W (with pale brown background). An insert “Messaggero Estate” in daily Il Messaggero (July 19, 1986). Re: “Jacovitti in b/n” #7 (2004). Autobiografia mai scritta (2010). “Cocco Beach”.
- 386. Cocco Bill #73: ”Coccobillando!”. 1 pg (pg 15). Color. One page frame. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #22 (May 28, 1997).
- 391. Cocco Bill #79: “Coccobillaggini!”. 1 pg (pg 16). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #27 (July 2, 1997).
- 393. Cocco Bill #81: “Coccobillaggini!”. 1 pg (pg 17). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #29 (July 16, 1997).
- 396. Cocco Bill #84: “Coccobillaggini!”. 1 pg (pg 18). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #35 (Sept. 3, 1997).
- 400. Cocco Bill #88: “Coccobillaggini!”. 1 pg (pg 19). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #45 (Nov. 12, 1997).
- 409. Cocco Bill #97: “Coccobillaggini”. 1 pg (pg 20). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino (1998).
- 410. Cocco Bill #98: “Coccobillaggini”. 1 pg (pg 21). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino (1998). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #18 (Nov. 1998).
- 062. Pippo #23: “Pippo nel Texas”. 8 pgs (pgs 25-32). Color. Almanacco Estivo del il Vittorioso (June 12, 1949). Re: Quaderni Vitt (ca. 1954). Capitan Walter #225 (1957). Linus #22 (1967). Informavitt #23 (1997). “Peppi in Texas”.
- Says, appeared for the first time in Almanacco Vitt 1949 (1948).
- 106. Pippo #38: “Pippo e la mela d’oro”. 8 pgs (pgs 33-40). B&W. Almanacco Vitt 1955 (Dec. 19, 1954). Re: Jolly #24 to #25 (1958). Alm. Vitt Gioia d’invero (1964). Vitt #12 to #16 (1970). Jacovitti Stories #2 (Mondadori 1977). Jacovitti Show (Club degli editori 1979). A. “Jacovitti in b/n” #1 (2001).
- 093. “Oreste siede al caffè”. 8 pgs (pgs 41-48). Every other spread color, every other B&W. Capitan Walter #8 (Feb. 15, 1953). Re: Jolly #51 (1958). Alm. Vitt Amico d’estate (1964). Agenda Amici Vitt Club (1969). Avventure Americane #41 to #42 (1973). Jacovitti Memories #3 (Mondadori 1975). A. “Jacovitti in b/n” #7 (2004). “Oreste sits at the cafe”. On Agenda Amici Vitt Club with the title “Oreste al caffè”. On Avventure Americane only the first 4 tables reassembled in two tables out of sequence; the table on #41 with the title “Oreste al bar”.
- 279. Tarallino #3: “Tarallino”. 2 pgs (pgs 49-50). Color. [JAC 72] [SYNOPSIS] Corriere dei Piccoli #13 (Aug. 6, 1972). Re: TV Junior #38 (Sept. 18, 1983). Più #238 (1987). Jacovitti Magazine #1 (March 1994). B&W. Diario Vitt (Pigna 1995). “Tarallino”.
- Says falsely, appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #13 (Aug. 6, 1982).
- 290. Tarallino #7: “Tarallinbimbum”. 2 pgs (pgs 51-52). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Corriere dei Piccoli #2/3 (Jan. 21, 1973). Tarallinbimbum”.
- 293. Tarallino #8: “Tarallinobis”. 2 pgs (pgs 53-54). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Corriere dei Piccoli #21 (March 27, 1973). “Tarallinobis”.
- 282. Tarallino #4: “Jacovittinlarillallero Jacovittinlarillallà Tarallinlarillallero”. 2 pgs (pgs 55-56). Color. [SYNOPSIS] Corriere dei Piccoli #15 (Aug. 20, 1972). Jacohumpty Jacodumpty Tarallinobumpty.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #45: TV junior

1st: July 3, 2018. [id]
Pgs 3-4: “Di Cocco al checco“, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
Pg 6: “Tre ultimi Cocco Bill”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
Pg 22: “Il galletto per più piccini”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
- 358. Cocco Bill #56: “Cocco Biiiiill [#56]” aka “Mister Kapello”. 5 pgs (pgs 7-11). Color. [SYNOPSIS] TV Junior #27 (July 3, 1983). Re: Marameo #7 (1988). Diario Jacovitti (Pentapolis 1989). “Mr Hair”.
- 360. Cocco Bill #58: “Cocco Bill [#58]”. 5 pgs (pgs 12-16). Color. [SYNOPSIS] TV Junior #48 (Dec. 27, 1983). Re: Marameo #6 (1988). “Cocco Bill”.
- 376. Cocco Bill #63: ”[Gags]”. 4 pgs (pgs 17-20). B&W. [SYNOPSIS] Jacovitti Magazine #13 (March 13, 1997). [JAC 79]. “Cocco Bill”. Unpublished self-contained tables (1979).
- 340. Checco #1: “Checco”. 4 pgs (pgs 23-26). Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #23 (June 5, 1981). “Rooster”.
- “Checco Quiz”. 1 pg (pg 27). Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #23? (June 5, 1981).
- “Il gioco de Checco”. 2 pgs (pgs 28-29). Color. A board game. Corriere dei Piccoli #23? (June 5, 1981).
- “Checco Quiz”. 1 pg (pg 30). Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #23? (June 5, 1981).
- 341. Checco #2: “Checco”. 3 pgs (pgs 31-33). Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #27 (July 3, 1981). “Rooster”.
- 342. Checco #3: “Checco”. 5 pgs (pgs 34-38). Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #29 (July 17, 1981). “Rooster”.
- “Checco Quiz”. 1 pg (pg 39). Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #29? (July 17, 1981).
- 344. Checco #4: “Checco”. 4 pgs (pgs 40-43). Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #47 (Nov. 20, 1981). “Rooster”.
- “Checco Quiz [#1]”. 1 pg (pg 44). Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #47? (Nov. 20, 1981).
- “Checco Quiz [#2]”. 1 pg (pg 45). Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #48-49? (1981).
- 345. Checco #5: “Checco”. 4 pgs (pgs 46-49). Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #5 (Jan. 29, 1982). “Rooster”.
- 346. Checco #6: “Checco”. 4 pgs (pgs 50-53). Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #6 (1982). “Rooster”.
- “Checco Quiz”. 1 pg (pg 54). Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #17-18 (1982).
- 287. Tarallino #6: “Ucci ucci Tarallucci!!”. 2 pgs (pgs 55-56). Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Corriere dei Piccoli #32 (Dec. 17, 1972). “Kill Kill Trallill”.
Cocco Bill [Hachette] #45b: Zorry Kid, Part 1(2)

1st: July 3, 2018. Size: extra large! [id]
A supplement with Cocco Bill #45!
Pgs 3-4: “Il vendicatore della cosa… la California!“, an article by Luca Boschi. Incl. picts.
Pg 6: “Il segno (zodicale?) di Zorry”, an article by an undefined writer. Incl. picts.
- 231. Zorry Kid #01: “Jacovittùmpetezicchezacche!”, Part 1(2). 40 pgs (pgs 7-46). Originally 60 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Corriere dei Piccoli #12 (March 24, 1968) to #28 (June 18, 1968). Re: I Giganti del Fumetto #1 (BUR 1975). Jacovittissimo! (Salani 1999). Il segno di Zorrykid (Ed. If 2003). Zorry Kid (Stampa Alternativa 2008). “Jacovittumpeteswishswash”. On Jacovittissimo! the first 5 tables.
- 271. Cip #21: Cippe l’Arcipoliziottto: “Quando bara Zagarò tutti gli altri fanno ohibò!”. 2 pgs (pgs 48-49). Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #7 (Feb. 13, 1972). “When Zagaro cheats, all the others do phew!”.
- “Jacoroscopo”. 7 pgs (pgs 50-56). Color. Appeared for the first time in Diario Vitt 1972-1973 (1972).

Not located stories:
- Cocco Bill #19: “Calendario 1968” 1 pg. Pager. [SYNOPSIS]. Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #50 (sd, 1967); NOTE: paginone —
- Cocco Bill #X: There also exists an untitled 1 pager in Invito a… Il Giornalino (Oct. 8, 1986) [Source GCD]. And an 2 pg ad (“È arrivato Toffy Il grangelato a tre stadi!”) in Topolino #858 (March 7, 1972) [Source GCD].
Copyright © 2019 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: August 4, 2019. Last updated: November 30, 2023 at 19:37 pm