Oct. 6, 2010. Stampa Alternativa/Nuovi Equilibri. 128 pgs. €20,00. Paperback. Collected by Antonio Cadoni. [amazon]
Incl. among other things:
- 028. “Peppino il Paladino”. 24 pgs. Appeared for the first time in Il Vittorioso #19 (Dec. 10, 1944) to #21 (June 10, 1945).
- 137. “Bobby Cianuro”. 10 pgs. Appeared for the first time in Il Travaso #27 (July 8, 1957) to #36 (Sept. 9, 1957).
- 154. “Pasqualino Rififì”. 12 pgs. Appeared for the first time in Il Travaso Delle idea #49 (Dec. 8, 1958) to #12 (March 23, 1959).
- 366. Cocco Bill #60:”Cocco Beach”. 8 pgs. An insert “Messaggero Estate” in daily Il Messaggero (July 19, 1986). Re: “Jacovitti in b/n” #7 (2004). Autobiografia mai scritta (2010). Hachette #44 (2018), three color characters on the first page but all the rest B&W (with pale brown background).
- “Sandocan”, a novel discovered in the attic
- “CollodJacoMeleVittiRime”, a two-part composition, created in 1990 by Jacovitti and Vezio Melegari for the centenary of Collodi’s death
- Interviews
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Created: July 15, 2021. Last updated: August 6, 2021 at 18:10 pm