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Animation: | Semi-Animated Cartoon | Cocco Bill (1968) | Animation #1-52 | Return To The Future | Zorry Kid |

This page lists Cocco Bill & Zorro Kid animations [source Fumetto Cocco Bill]. 

Jacovitti Semi-Animated Cartoon


Among others, Benito Jacovitti’s comic strips (at least Jack Mandolino, Cocco Bill, and Mandrake) has been included as a semi-animated cartoon for one of the most popular Italian TV show of the 1970s, Gulp! (1972), authors were Guido De Maria (director and writer) and Franco Bonvicini (Bonvi) (co-writer and art). In 1977 came the follow-on TV series SuperGulp! (1977–1981). The best of episodes has been collected on VHS (60 minutes) and later 2009 on DVD. 

See more about the broadcast: Nick Carter [ITA] 

The first Cocco Bill Animation (1968) 

Cocco Bill. Carosello gelato Eldorado (1968) 360p

1968. Carusello. The Eldorado ice-cream ad. “Cocco Bill”

Cocco Bill Animation (2001, 2004)

Cocco Bill. #64: Cocco Lilliput (ENG) 360p

Cocco Bill comics have been transformed to the animation. Here’s a list of their Italian names. 
1st: 2001. 52 episodes, 13 minutes each. Aired in Rai 2, satellite, and DVD format
2nd: 2004. 52 episodes more, 13 minutes each. Aired only through satellite. No DVD print

Episodes (2001)

  1. Cocco e la piccola peste
  2. Cocco Hood
  3. Cocco ciambella
  4. Cocco spot
  5. Cocco camping
  6. Cocco e il fantasma dell’opera
  7. Cocco e l’adorabile vecchietta
  8. Manicocco Cocco Bill
  9. Spy Cocco Bill
  10. Uffa Cocco Bill
  11. Cocco e il Bunz invisibile
  12. Cocco Glub
  13. Cocco Bill contro Cocco Bill
  14. Cocco Bill ha detto sì
  15. Cocco e il piccolo mago
  16. Cocco Zelig
  17. Cocco contro El Topo
  18. Mondo pistola Cocco Bill
  19. Crocodile Cocco Bill
  20. Cocco Bill e Lady Bunz
  21. Cocco e la finestra sul West
  22. Cocco Bill e i polli brillanti
  23. Cocco Bill e il fuggiasco
  24. Rocky Cocco
  25. Cocco al centro della terra
  26. Coccoaccadde domani
  27. Cocco Bill e la maschera indiana
  28. Cocco Crusoe
  29. Trottalemme superstar
  30. Supercocco e Terminator
  31. Cocco la spada e la faina
  32. Cocco stangata
  33. Un Cocco chiamato asinello
  34. Cocco Bill e i dobloni
  35. Cocco contro il trio
  36. Ombre grosse Cocco Bill
  37. Cocco e il genio ribelle
  38. Cocco Bill e la mummia
  39. Silent Cocco
  40. Cocco e il falsario
  41. Cocco Bill e lo sceicco
  42. No buono Cocco Bill
  43. Cocco e la cena delle beffe
  44. Cocco Bill e il predicatore
  45. Cocco e il Bunz addormentato
  46. Cocco Bill e l’ingranaggio
  47. Cocco contro Mandracchio
  48. Cocco Bill a Villa Serena
  49. Cocco Bill protezione testimoni
  50. Cocco duel
  51. Cocco e il tacchino dei Baskerville
  52. La crociera di Cocco Bill

Episodes (2004)

Undefined (except episode 64).

64. Cocco Lilliput

Cocco Bill Return To The Future (Jan. 25, 2003)

Cocco Bill. Ritorna al futuro. DVD

De Mas & Partners S.r.l., EM.TV & Merchandising AG, Radiotelevisione Italiana. Distributed by: EM.TV & Merchandising AG. Cartoon Characters: Cocco Bill, Osusanna Iloveyou, Bunz Barabunz, Slowtrott. Directed By Pierluigi De Mas. Produced By Thomas Haffa. Written By Oscar Avogadro, Sergio Crivellaro. Originally Released on January 25, 2003. Originally Aired on SAT 1. Running Time: 15 minutes. Color. Italy / Germany. 
1st: 2001. 52 episodes, 13 minutes each
2nd: 2004. 52 episodes more, 13 minutes each

Episodes (2001) ENG

  1. Cocco Augh 
  2. Coccobill Gets It Right 
  3. Cocco Bill Two Pistols and a Crib 
  4. Cocco and the Guardian Angel 
  5. Cocco Cocco Cocco Bill 
  6. Cocco Bill On Track 
  7. Cocco Bill Lucks It Out 
  8. Cocco Bill Against All 
  9. Coccobilliput 
  10. Cocco Bill Pirate / La crociera di Cocco Bill
  11. Coccobusy 
  12. Coccobillchamill 
  13. Cocco Deceives Them all 
  14. Cocco Nice, Bad, Ugly 
  15. Cocco Seven 
  16. Double Cocco 
  17. Cocco Bill Loses His Shadow (*
  18. Coccochristmas (*
  19. Cocco Bill and the Ghosts Cocco Bill nell’aldiqua (*
  20. Cocco Bill and the Shrink (*
  21. Cocco Bill Queen Puma 
  22. Cocco Bill Catastrophe 
  23. Cocco Bill Treasure 
  24. Coccocrazy 
  25. Sheriff Cocco Bill / Sceriffo Cocco Bill – Scena N.1 
  26. Cocco Bill In Babylon City 
  27. Viva Cocco Bill 
  28. Cocco And Daddy’s Pet 
  29. Cocco Bill Crossing 
  30. Cocco UFO 
  31. Cocco Bill Return to the Future Cocco Bill ritorna al futuro 
  32. Cocco and the Laughing Dead 
  33. Cocco in the Mines 
  34. Cocco Bill and the Vanishing Wagons 
  35. Cocco Bill and the Ace up His Sleeve 
  36. Jurassic Cocco 
  37. Cocco Bill and the Son of Moby Dick 
  38. Cocco Boom 
  39. Cocco Bill and Frankenstein’s Brother 
  40. Cocco Bill and his Soul Mate 
  41. Cocco Bill and the Chamonesia 
  42. Cocco Bill and the Lake Monster 
  43. Cocco Bill and the Rigged Rewards
  44. Cocco Bill Thriller the Defense’s Turn 
  45. Cocco Bill and the Great Race 
  46. Cocco Bill Dances with Bears 
  47. Cocco Bill at Fort Apache 
  48. Cocco Bill and the Vampire 
  49. Cocco Bill and the Clown 
  50. This Crazy, Crazy, Crazy Cocco 
  51. Cocco Bill and the Big Bad Wolf 
  52. Cocco Bill and the Haunted Castle 

*) In some sources episodes 17–20 are sorted like this:

17. Cocco Bill and The Ghosts
18. Cocco Bill and The Shrink
19. Cocco Bill Loses His Shadow
20. Coccochristmas

Episodes (2004) ENG

Undefined (except episode 64).

64. Cocco Lilliput

Zorry Kid Animation 

Zorry Kid Trailer (2006) Graphilm. 640p

Zorry Kid (2006). Rai Fiction / Graphilm. 52 x 13 min. [source Graphilm

Copyright © 2008 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink! 
Created: March 31, 2008. Last updated: December 19, 2020 at 18:14 pm