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Jacovitti [NOR]

This page lists Jacovitti in Norway.

Jacovitti in Norway

Norway: | Alle Gutters Serieblad | Cocco Bill | Fantomet | Humor og kanari | Pyton | Tøffe Tom |

Alle Gutters Serieblad

Halvorsen & Larsen. 106 issues. Cover Price (issues #30 to #31): 50 øre (#1/1952 – #12/1953 = av. 346x246mm, 16 pgs, color. #13/1953 – #5/1954 = 173x264mm, 16 pgs, color. #6/1954 – #11/1954 = 238x172mm, 20 pgs, blue&white. #12/1954 – #16/1955 = 80x168mm, 20 pgs, blue&white or bronw&white). [GCD]

“Piff og Paff og Pippo” 1 pg. 
Original: “Pippo, Pertica e Palla”.
Characters: Professor Spissnes, Kringla, Travo Galoppo, Pippo, Tritoni. Appeared for the first time in I Vittorioso #?. Reprinted [NOR] in Alle Gutters Serieblad #17/1953.

Sample page of Kaptein Pim.
Sample page of “Kaptein Pim” from Alle Gutters Serieblad (1953).

“Kaptein Pim” 1+1 pg (on last page). Color. 
Original: “Capitan Pim”.
Appeared for the first time in I Vittorioso (1951). Reprinted [NOR] in Alle Gutters Serieblad at least in issues #30 and #31/1953.

Cocco Bill [NOR]

Winthers. Color. 210×288 mm. Cover price: NORKR 16,50. 52 pgs. 
See also Tøffe Tom.

Cocco Bill [NOR] #1/1979

“Coco Bill [NOR]”.
• Original (Part 1): Cocco Bill #36: “Salooon”. Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 27/1978. [SYNOPSIS]
• Original (Part 2): Cocco Bill #37: “Cicci e Cocco”. Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 29/1978. [SYNOPSIS]
• Original (Part 3): Cocco Bill #38: “Mondo pistola”. Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 31/1978. [SYNOPSIS]
• Original (Part 4): Cocco Bill #39: “Cocco Ugh!”. Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 33/1978. [SYNOPSIS]
• Original (Part 5): Cocco Bill #40: “Cocco patata”. Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 35/1978. [SYNOPSIS]
• Original (Part 6): Cocco Bill #41: “Cocco siù”. Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 38/1978. [SYNOPSIS]
• Original (Part 7): Cocco Bill #42: “Ciccicoccomac”. Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 45/1978. [SYNOPSIS]
• Original (Part 8): Cocco Bill #43: “Coccopepite”. Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 49/1978. [SYNOPSIS]

Fantomet (Fantom comics book)

Comic book. [See also Italian, Phantom [ITA], Swedish, Fantomen, and Finnish, Mustanaamio
[See also FantometWiki | PhantomWiki] [Sources: FantometIpcomics]

Jacovittis elleville verden: “Zorry Kid” [SYNOPSIS]
Original: Zorry Kid #4: “Zorry Zumparappappà!”. Translation: Anna Widstrand, Text: Printed. © 1969, 2004 Benito Jacovitti/Silvia Jacovitti. Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 33/1969. Reprinted [NOR] in Fantomet #17 to #18/2004.

Jacovittis elleville verden: “Jack Mandolino: Med hög hatt och gangsterfiol” 
Original: Jack Mandolino. Translation: Anna Widstrand, Text: Printed. © 1969, 2004 Benito Jacovitti/Silvia Jacovitti. Reprinted [NOR] in Fantomet #20/2004.

Jacovittis elleville verden: “Beppe Beppe Beppe” 1 pg. 
The first appearance unknown. © 1969, 2004 Benito Jacovitti/Silvia Jacovitti. Reprinted [NOR] in Fantomet #21/2004.

Jacovittis vildsinta värld: “Napper the kid” or “Jak Mandolino” 
The first appearance unknown. Translation: Anna Widstrand. © 1997, 2004 Benito Jacovitti/Silvia Jacovitti. Reprinted [NOR] in Fantomet #22/2004.

“Jacovittis elleville verden” 1 pg. 
The first appearance unknown. © 1973, 2004 Benito Jacovitti/Silvia Jacovitti. Reprinted [NOR] in Fantomet #26/2004.

“Jacovittis elleville verden” 3 pgs. 
The first appearance unknown. © 1974, 1975, 2004 Benito Jacovitti/Silvia Jacovitti. Reprinted [NOR] in Fantomet #2/2005.

Humor og kanari

Gevion. 5 issues (1987). Color. Size: 190×270 mm. Stifted. [GCD]

“Er dette humor?” Transl. “Is this humour?”. 3/4 pg (Foreword). 
Original and first appearance unknown. Reprinted [NOR] in Humour og kanari #1/1987.

Tøffe Tøm: “Kuler og krutt midt i City-City i Texifornia” Transl. “Bullets and gunpowder in the middle of City-City, Texifornia”. 6+ pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS]
Original: Cocco Bill #27: “Cocco Bill contro chissà?”.
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 24 to 27/1970. Reprinted [NOR] in Humour og kanari #1/1987 to #5/87.

Cocco Bill mentioned on the cover with a small pict of him in each issue, except #4/1987.


Gevion. 18 issues (1986-1987). B&W. 205×270 mm. Stifted.

“Toc! Toc! Toc!” 4 strips from 1974-1975. B&W. 
Original and first appearance unknown. Reprinted [NOR] in Pyton #1/1987 (Jan.).

(Untitled) 4 strips from 1974-1975. B&W. 
Original and first appearance unknown. Reprinted [NOR] in Pyton #2/1987 (Feb. 24).

(Untitled) 4 strips from 1974-1975. B&W. 
Original and first appearance unknown. Reprinted [NOR] in Pyton #3/1987 (March 24).

(Untitled) 4 strips from 1972-1973. B&W. 
Original and first appearance unknown. Reprinted [NOR] in Pyton #6/1987 (July 7).

“Tror du jeg er pervers, eller ?!?” Transl. “You think I’m a pervert or what?!?” 1 pg from 1974. B&W. 
Original and first appearance unknown. Reprinted [NOR] in Pyton #9/1987 (Nov. 3).

“Snømannen Transl. “Bigfoot” 1 pg from 1973. B&W. 
Original and first appearance unknown. Reprinted [NOR] in Pyton #10/1987 (Dec. 1).

“Badeballer Transl. “Beach Ball” 1 pg from 1974. B&W. 
Original and first appearance unknown. Reprinted [NOR] in Pyton #1/1988 (Jan.).

(Untitled) 1 pg from 1973. B&W. 
Original and first appearance unknown. Reprinted [NOR] in Pyton #2/1988 (Feb. 7).

“Øyelapper Transl. “Patch” 1/4 pg from 1974. B&W. 
Original and first appearance unknown. Reprinted [NOR] in Pyton #5/1988 (May 23).

Tøffe Tom

Williams Forlag A/S. Color. 218×280 mm. Cover price: NORKR 9,50. 52 pgs. 
See also Cocco Bill [NOR].

Tøffe Tom #1/1976: Den store togjakten

Tøffe Tom #1/1976

“Den store togjakten”
Cover Art

“Den store togjakten” Color. [SYNOPSIS]
Original: Cocco Bill #21: “Cocco Bill sulle rotaie”. Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 8 to 23/1969.

Tøffe Tom #2/1976

Supporting stories undefined. 

Tøffe Tom #2/1976: På nye eventyr

“Tøffe Tom”
Cover Art

Stories undefined.

Tøffe Tom #3/1976: Tøffe tom mot… hvem vet?

Tøffe Tom #3/1976

“Tøffe Tom”
Cover Art

“Tøffe tom mot… hvem vet?”
Cover Art [Excerpt frame from the story, page 1, Cocco Bill and Sheriff switching places and a salami might be added by unknown artist (?)]

Cocco Bill: “Tøffe tom mot… hvem vet?” Color. [SYNOPSIS]
Original: Cocco Bill #28: “Coccobilliput”.
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 44 to 48/1970.
• Part 1. 4 pgs. 
• Part 2. 4 pgs. 
• Part 3. 4 pgs. 
• Part 4. 4 pgs. 
• Part 5. 4 pgs.

Supporting stories undefined.

Tøffe Tom #4/1976: Hønseøye og de enøyde hønene!

Tøffe Tom #4/1976

“Hønseøye og de enøyde hønene!” 
Cover Art [Excerpt frame from the story, page 20]

Tøffe Tom: “Hønseøye og de enøyde hønene!” Color. [SYNOPSIS]
Original: Cocco Bill #25: “Occhio di Pollo e… i polli con l’occhio”. Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 49/1969.

Supporting stories undefined.

Copyright © 2009 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink! 
Created: October 20, 2009. Last updated: May 16, 2020 at 14:39 pm