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Serie Oro #20

I Classici del fumetto di Repubblica SERIE ORO #20: Jacovitti/Diario Vitt

2005. La Repubblica. Hard Bound. 220 pgs. €7.80/€8.10. Color. 
A retrospective collection of comics and illustrations appeared in Dario Vitt. 

Article, “Jac, improvvisatore dell’assurdo”. Pgs 5–6. 
Article, “Segnali di stile”. Pg 7. 
Article, “Dietro e chine”. Pgs 8–9. 
Article, “Il mondo di Jac”. Pg 10. 
All with illustrations. 

Jacovitti: Abbasso la schula!, Part 1: “Pippo, Pertica e Palla”. Pgs 11–30. 

Pippo, Pertica e Palla: “Pipipi a parlachiaro” 16 pgs. Color. © 1971. Pgs 15–30. 
Incl. also a detective Cip l’arcipoliziotto and a black dressed villian Zagar characters. Bigger spaces between strips and different sizes of strips assumes that the output has been edited.

Jacovitti, Part 2: “Jak Mandolino”. Pgs 31–90. 

Jak Mandolino e Popcorn: “Jacovittevolissimevolmente” 25+2+27 pgs. 2-color (with cold red). © 1978. Pgs 33–57, 58–59 (spread frame), 60–86. 
Incl. also a detective Cip l’arcipoliziotto and a black dressed villian Zagar characters. Bigger spaces between strips assumes that the output has been edited.

Jak Mandolino: “Mondopecora!!!” Spread. 2-color (with cold red). © 1977. Pgs 58–59. 
Single spread frame full of people and talking.

Jak Manodlino. Illustrations from Diario Vitt. 2-color (with cold red). Pgs 87–90. 

Jacovitti, Part 3: “Cocco Bill”. Pgs 91–148. 

Cocco Bill #35: “Jacovittevolissinevolmente”. 25+27 pgs. 2-color (with green). © 1978 (year erased). Pgs 93–117, 118–119 (spread frame), 120–146.  
Appeared for the first time in Diario Vitt “Maxivitt, 1978/79” (June 1978). 

“Mondopistola!” Spread. 2-color (with green). © 1978 (year erased). Pgs 118–119. 
Single spread frame full of people and talking in the middle of the previous Cocco Bill story. This spread has nothing to do with that.

Cocco Bill. Illustrations from Diario Vitt. 2-color (with green). Pgs 147–148. 

Jacovitti, Part 4: “Cip l’arcipoliziotto”. Pgs 151–. 

Cip Zag[ar]: “Jacodicestradalvittevolmente”. 47 pgs. 2-color (with warm red). © (year erased). Pgs 153–199. 

Traffic sign illustrations (related to prev. Cip Zag story). No special character involved (except in one: Cip Zag). 2-color (with warm red). Pgs 200–210. 

“Jacoroscopo”. Horoscopes. Color. © 1972. Pgs 211–218. 

Illustrations. Non related theme. All around the publication.

Copyright © 2012 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink! 
Created: December 2, 2012. Last updated: July 16, 2021 at 11:38 am