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Jacovitti Timeline (from 1968)

Benito Jacovitti stories ordered according their first publishing. Source: Jacovitti – Sessant’anni di Surrealismo a fumetti (2010)

Pay attention, Giuseppe and such has been separated from the list under headline Miscs.

The stories listed here in the chronology are distributed across the three “publishing groups” for which Jac worked
longer (Franco Bellacci comicography was divided in four parts, here they are combined as one): 

  1. AVE/EDI.PER (“Il Vittorioso” and its retinue “Vitt”; books, almanacs, “Diario Vitt”)
  2. “Corriere della Sera” (“Corriere dei Piccoli”, “Corriere dei Ragazzi”)
  3. Soc. Ed. Lombarda/SEGISA (“Il Giorno”, “Il Giorno del Lunedì”, “Il Giorno dei Ragazzi”, “Il Giorno della Donna”)
  4. And a group of various other publications

For the untitled stories [in square brackets] the title is suggested by the character protagonist and the topic of the story. The unsure date is presented in square brackets.

| 1923 | 1940 | 1941 | 1942 | 1943 | 1944 | 1945 | 1946 | 1947 | 1948 | 1949 | 1950 | 1951 | 1952 | 1953 | 1954 | 1955 | 1956 | 1957 | 1958 | 1959 | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1992 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 2000 | 2001 | Miscs |


  • [Hachette] = Cocco Bill [Hachette] (2017-2019) aka Cocco Bill e il meglio di Jacovitti
  • Re, or rist. = ristampa (reprint)
    • Anastatic printing: (From Anastasis, resuscitation, raising up again): This process for producing copies of manuscript, or printed documents, or engravings, that can with difficulty be detecte from the originals, was invented by M. Baldermus, at Erfurt about 1841. It was soon after made public and Faraday explained the process at the Royal Institution, April 25, 1845. It has since transpired that a similar process had been employed in England some time before M. Baldermus’s invention was made known. The invention was improved and extended by Strickland and Delamotte in 1848. The process is analgous to lithography, but a zinc plate is employed instead of a stone. A printed page, an engraving, or a blank note may be exactly copied by this invention. Moisten the printed paper with dilute phosphoric acid, lay it downwards on a clean sheet of zinc, and put it into a press for a short time. The acid of the unprinted parts etches the zinc beneath, while the printed part also sets off on the zinc, and thus produces a reverse copy of the printing. Wash the plate with an acid solution of gum, and it will be ready for use. The plate may now be treated as the stone in lithographic printing; first damped and then rolled. The affinity of the ink to the letters already “set off” on the plate, and the repulsion of the other parts of the plate, cause the lines of the device to take the ink, but the other parts remain clean; the printing then follows.—See “A brief Description of the Art of Anastatic Printing, with illustrative specimens and full directions.” By S. H. Cowell. Ipswich: 1868.
  • Forced = The order of the frames from the original print has been reordered according a new dimension of the page
  • A. = Albo = Book
  • AVE = AVE
  • Serie di Giraffone, or A. [di] Giraffone = Albi del Vittorioso, Serie di Giraffone
  • Serie di Pippo, A. [di] Pippo = Gli Albi del Vittorioso, Serie di Pippo


  • Pippo could be translated as Goofy
  • Cocco Bill could be translated as Coconut Bill
  • Chicchirì, or Chicchirichi could be translated as Cock-a-Doodle-Dooooo, or a chatty person


  • Benito Jacovitti was born in Termoli (March 9, 1923).


  • Story #229Cocco Bill #19: “Antologia di Cocco Bill”. 19 pgs. Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #1 ([Jan. 4], 1968) to #19 ([May 23], 1968). The Anthology re-proposes in “condensed” form (several strips omitted, replaced by a short summary) the stories “Cocco Bill”, “Sergeant Cocco Bill”, “The Cossack Cocco Bill”; this last “anthology” ends with # 19 and remains unfinished.
  • Story #231Zorry Kid #01: “Jacovittùmpetezicchezacche!”. 60 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS]Il Corriere dei Piccoli #12 (March 24, 1968) to #28 (June 18, 1968). Re: I Giganti del Fumetto #1 (BUR 1975). Jacovittissimo! (Salani 1999). Il segno di Zorrykid (Ed. If 2003). Zorry Kid (Stampa Alternativa 2008). Hachette #45B to #46 (2018). “Jacovittumpeteswishswash”. On Jacovittissimo! the first 5 tables.
  • Story #232Zio Max #1: “Zio Max”. 1 pg. Nuovi Incontri #2 (June, 1968). “Uncle Max”.
  • Story #233Zorry Kid #02: “Zorry Kid all’arrembaggio!”. 79 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Il Corriere dei Piccoli #28 (July 14, 1968) to #47 (Nov. 24, 1968). Re: I Giganti del Fumetto #2 (BUR 1975). Il Giornalino #2 to #12 (1990). Zorry Kid (Stampa Alternativa 2008). Hachette #50 to #51 (2018). “Zorry Kid boarding!”.
  • Story #234Zio Max #2: “Zio Max”. 1 pg. Nuovi Incontri #3/4 (July/Aug., 1968). “Uncle Max”.
  • Story #235Zio Max #3: “Zio Max”. 1 pg. Nuovi Incontri #7 (Nov., 1968). “Uncle Max”.
  • Story #236Zio Max #4: “Zio Max”. 1 pg. Nuovi Incontri #8 (Dec., 1968). “Uncle Max”.
  • Story #237Cocco Bill #20: “Cocco Bill fa sette più” aka “Cocco Bill fa 7+”. 48 pgs. [SYNOPSIS]. Corriere dei Piccoli #48 (Dec. 1, 1968) to #7 (Feb. 16, 1969). Re: A. del Corriere della Sera (1973). Trotta trotta… Cocco Bill (Salani 1998), every other spread B&W and every other color. I Classici del Fumetto di Repubblica #38 (2003). Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Hachette #05 (2017). “Cocco Bill makes seven and more”.


  • Story #239Zorry Kid #03: “Zorry contro Zorry”. 22 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Il Corriere dei Piccoli #13 (March 30) to #23 (July 8, 1969). Re: I Giganti del Fumetto #3 (BUR 1975). Zorry Kid (Stampa Alternativa 2008). 100 anni di fumetto italiano #8 (RCS 2009). Hachette #46 (2018). “Zorry vs Zorry”.
  • Story #240Cocco Bill #22: “Cocco Brillo”. 8 pgs. [SYNOPSIS]. Corriere dei Piccoli #30 (July 27, 1969). Re: La Grande Avventura dei fumetti, Raccolta #13 (De Agostini 1990). Trotta trotta… Cocco Bill (Salani 1998), every other spread B&W and every other color. A. Ineditalia ANAF (2007). Hachette #01 (2017). “Cocco Shine”.
  • Story #241Zorry Kid #04“Zorry Zumparappappà!”. 10 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Corriere dei Piccoli #33 (Aug. 17, 1969). Re: I Giganti del Fumetto #1 (BUR 1975). TV Junior #40 to #41 (1983). Più #221 (1987). Il Giornalino #29 (1990). Jacovitti Magazine #2 (June 1994). B&W. Zorry Kid (Stampa Alternativa 2008). Hachette #62 (2018). “Zorry Zumparappappà!”.
  • Story #243Jak Mandolino #8: “Bàng! Mandolino”. 8 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #39 (Sept. 28, 1969). Re: Hachette #48 (2018). “Bang! Mandolin”.
  • Story #244Zorry Kid #05: “Zorry Chicchirikid!”. 8 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #42 (Oct. 19, 1969). Re: I Giganti del Fumetto #3 (BUR 1975). TV Junior #3 to #4 (1984). Più #222 (1987). Il Giornalino #16 (1990). Comix #52 (Feb. 27, 4 pgs) to #53 (March 6, 1993, 4 pgs). Color. I Classici del Fumetto di Repubblica #38 (2003). A. Ineditalia ANAF (2007). Zorry Kid (Stampa Alternativa 2008). Hachette #67 (2018). “Zorry Cock-a-Doodle-Dooooo!”.


  • Story #249Jak Mandolino #9: “Mandolino mandolì”. 6 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #17 (April 26, 1970). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #12 (Dec. 1996). Color. Zibrillo Sera #1 to #3 (1984). Hachette #48 (2018). “Mandolin mandolin”.
  • Story #250Zorry Kid #07: “Zorry-ugh!”. 20 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Corriere dei Piccoli #20 (May 17, 1970) to #21 (May 24, 1970). Re: I Giganti del Fumetto #3 (BUR 1975). TV Junior #42 to #45 (1983). Più #230 to #231 (1987). Zorry Kid (Stampa Alternativa 2008). Hachette #62 (2018). “Zorry-ugh!”.
  • Story #252Zorry Kid #08: “Zorry Zeta”. 12 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Corriere dei Piccoli #34 (Aug. 23, 1970) to #35 (Aug. 30, 1971). Re: I Giganti del Fumetto #1 (BUR 1975). TV Junior #1 to #2 (1984). Più #226 (1987). Il Giornalino #25 (1990). Jacovittissimo! (Salani 1999). Zorry Kid (Stampa Alternativa 2008). Hachette #65 (2018). “Zorry Zeta”.
  • Story #254Tarallino #1: “Tarallino Tarallà!”. 10 pgs. Color. [JAC 70]. [SYNOPSIS]. [FIN]. [YSL]. Corriere dei Piccoli #51 (Dec. 20, 1970). Re: Hachette #23 (2018). “Tarallino Taralla!”.


  • Story #255Zorry Kid #09: “Zorrypuft!”. 32 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Corriere dei Piccoli #1 (Jan. 3, 1971) to #10/11 (March 14, 1971). Re: I Giganti del Fumetto #3 (BUR 1975). Zorry Kid (Stampa Alternativa 2008). Hachette #65 (2018). “Zorrypuft!”.
  • Story #256Tarallino #2: “Tarallino”. 36 pgs. Color. [JAC71]. [SYNOPSIS]. Corriere dei Piccoli #12 (March 21, 1971) to #20 (May 16, 1971). Re: TV Junior #29 to #36 (1983). Hachette #26 (2018). “Tarallino”.
  • Story #257Pippo #49: “Pipipi a Parlachiaro!”. 16 pgs. Color. Diario Vitt 1971-1972 (June, 1971). Re: Informavitt #34 (1999). Jacovitti Magazine #20 (June 2001). Color. vol. Alessandro Ed. (2001). I Classici dei Fumetto di Repubblica #20 (2005). Gli anni d’oro del Diario Vitt (Stampa Alternativa 2006). Hachette #31 (2018). “Pipipi speaks clearly!”.
  • Story #259Cip #9: Cip l’arcipoliziotto: “Giallo al caciocavallo”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #44 (Aug. 31, 1971). Re: Comix #42 (1992). Hachette #30 (2018). “Cip the arch cop: Yellow cheese with caciocavallo”. “Caciocavallo” is a hard cheese, typical of southern Italy, made with cow or buffalo milk, semi-skimmed, in characteristic pear shapes.
  • Story #260Cip #10: Cip l’arcipilolizattto: “Con Zagar non è sicuro il marsupio del canguro”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #46 (Nov. 14, 1971). Re: Comix #46 (1993). Hachette #32 (2018). “With Zagar the kangaroo pouch is not safe”.
  • Story #261Cip #11: Cip l’arcipoliziottto: “Non rubar la nonna del Ciccio!”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #47 (Nov. 21, 1971). Re: Hachette #71 (2019). “Don’t steal Ciccio’s grandmother!”.
  • Story #262Cip #12: Ciricip l’arcipoliziottto: “Scippar baffi di visone”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #48 (Nov. 28, 1971). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #8 (Dec. 1995). Color. Hachette #34 (2018). “Snatch mink whiskers”.
  • Story #263Cip #13: Pic l’arbilopicciotto: “Rubar l’arte e metterla da parte!”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #50 (Dec. 12, 1971). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #8 (Dec. 1995). Color. Hachette #35 (2018). “Steal the art and set it aside!”.
  • Story #264Cip #14: Cip l’arcipoliziottto: “Cucù… Gallina non c’è più!”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #51 (Dec. 19, 1971). Re: Hachette #33 (2018). “Cuckoo… Hen is gone!”.


  • Story #265Cip #15: Cipp l’arcipoliziottto: “Quando il giallo è nero, il verde, ahimè, é rosso!”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #1 (Jan. 2, 1972). Re: Hachette #36 (2018). “When yellow is black, green, alas, is red!”.
  • Story #266Cip #16: Cipp l’arcipopodimeno Archipoliziottto: “Non regge la legge contro legge”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #2 (Jan. 9, 1972). Re: Hachette #37 (2018). “It does not hold the law against the law”.
  • Story #267Cip #17: Cip l’arcipoliziotto: “Tanto v a Zagatto al lardo…”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #3 (Jan. 16, 1972). Re: Hachette #39 (2018). “So much for Zagatto with lard …”.
  • Story #268Cip #18: Cip L’Arcipoliziotto: “Non Zagarare la Carlomagno!”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #4 (Jan. 23, 1972). Re: Comix #73 (1993). I Classici dei Fumetto di Repubblica #38 (2003). A. inedietalia ANFI (2007). Hachette #40 (2018). “Don’t Zagarare la Charlemagne!”.
  • Story #269Cip #19: Cip l’arcipoliziotto. 2 pgs. Corriere dei Ragazzi #5 (Jan. 30, 1972). “Cip the arch cop”.
  • Story #270Cip #20: Cip l’arcipoliziotto. 2 pgs. Corriere dei Ragazzi #7 (Feb. 13, 1972). “Cip the arch cop”.
  • Story #271. Cip #21: Cippe l’Arcipoliziottto: “Quando bara Zagarò tutti gli altri fanno ohibò!”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #7 (Feb. 13, 1972). Re: Hachette #45B (2018). “When Zagaro cheats, all the others do phew!”.
  • Story #272Cip #22: “Cip Sottozero”. 4 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #12 (March 19, 1972). Re: Lupo Alberto (Alm. di Natale 1991). Hachette #42 (2018). “Cip Subzero”.
  • Story #273Cip #23: Cip l’arcipoliziottto: “La Signora Zagarlomagno”. 2 pgs. Color.  Corriere dei Piccoli #13 (Mach 26, 1972). Re: Il Giornalino #26(1987). Hachette #46 (2018). “Mrs. Zagarlomagno”. On Il Giornalino with the title “Cip l’archipoliziottto: la signora Zagarlomagno”.
  • Story #274Cip #24: “Cip contro Zagzag”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #14 (April 2, 1972). Re: Il Giornalino #25 (1987). Hachette #48 (2018). “Cip against Zagzag”. On Il Giornalino and Hachette with the title “Cip contro Zagzagar”.
  • Story #275Cip #25: “Cip e Zagallina”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #15 (April 9, 1972). Re: Il Giornalino #24 (1987). Hachette #50 (2018). “Cip and Zagallina”.
  • Story #276Cip #26: “Cipzag”. 2 pgs. Corriere dei Ragazzi #17 (April 23, 1972). “Cipzag”.
  • Story #277“Pa-e-ma”. 12 pgs. Radiocorriere #28 (July 7, 1972) to #39 (Sept. 24, 1972). Re: A. Conti #305 (1994). “Pa-and-Ma”. Self-contained tables.
  • Story #278Zorry Kid #10: “Zic zac Zorry Kid”. 2 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Corriere dei Piccoli #32 (Aug. 6, 1972). Re: I Giganti del Fumetto #3 (BUR 1975). Zorry Kid (Stampa Alternativa 2008). 100 anni di fumetto italiano #8 (RCS 2009). Hachette #62 (2018). “Zic Zac Zorry Kid”.
  • Story #279Tarallino #3: “Tarallino”. 2 pgs. Color. [JAC 72]. [SYNOPSIS]. [FIN]. [YSL]. Corriere dei Piccoli #13 (Aug. 6, 1972). Re: TV Junior #38 (Sept. 18, 1983). Più #238 (1987). Jacovitti Magazine #1 (March 1994). B&W. Diario Vitt (Pigna 1995). Hachette #44 (2018). “Tarallino”.
  • Story #280Occhio di pollo #2: “Occhio di Pollo”. 2 pgs. Color. [JAC 72] [SYNOPSIS]Corriere dei Piccoli #14 (Aug. 13, 1972). Re: TV Junior #37 (Sept. 11, 1983). Più #243 (1987). Jacovitti Magazine #1 (March 1994). B&W. Hachette #21 (2018). “Chicken Eye”.
  • Story #281Zorry Kid #11: “Zorry Kid tutta zeta”. 4 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Corriere dei Piccoli #33 to #34 (Aug. 20, 1972). Re: I Giganti del Fumetto #3(BUR 1975). Il Gironalino #22 (1990). Più #218 (1986). Il segno di Zorrykid (ed. If 2003). Zorry Kid (Stampa Alternativa 2008). Hachette #62 (2018). “Zorry Kid all zeta”.
  • Story #282Tarallino #4: “Jacovittinlarillallero Jacovittinlarillallà Tarallinlarillallero”. 2 pgs. Color. [JAC 72]. [SYNOPSIS]. Corriere dei Piccoli #15 (Aug. 20, 1972). Re: Hachette #44 (2018). Jacohumpty Jacodumpty Tarallinobumpty.
  • Story #283Occhio di Pollo #3: “Occhio di Pollo a rotta di collo”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #16/17 (Sept. 3, 1972). Re: Hachette #21 (2018). “Breakneck Chicken Eye”.
  • Story #289Occhio di Pollo #4: “Ochhio per occhio, ochhio di pollo“. 2 pgs. [JAC 72] [SYNOPSIS]Corriere dei Piccoli #33 (Dec. 24, 1972). Re: TV Junior #37 (Sept. 11, 1983). Più #241 (1987). Jacovitti Magazine #1 (March 1994). B&W. “Eye for an eye, Chicken Eye”.


  • Story #290Tarallino #7: “Tarallinbimbum”. 2 pgs. Color. [JAC 72]. [SYNOPSIS]. Corriere dei Piccoli #2/3 (Jan. 21, 1973). Re: Hachette #44 (2018). “Tarallinbimbum”.
  • Story #291Cip #27: “Cip l’arcipoliziottto un pochino contro Zagar”. 4 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #16 (April 22, 1973). Re: Il Giornalino #23 (1987). Hachette #55 (2018). “The arch-cop Cip, a little bit against Zagar”.
  • Story #292Cip #28: “Cip Cip Cip Zagà”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #17 (April 29, 1973). Re: Il Giornalino #36 (1987). Hachette #57 (2018). “Cip Cip Cip Zaga”.
  • Story #293Tarallino #8: “Tarallinobis”. 2 pgs. Color. [JAC 72]. [SYNOPSIS]. Corriere dei Piccoli #21 (March 27, 1973). Re: Hachette #44 (2018). “Tarallinobis”.
  • Story #294Cip #29: “Cicici Zazazà”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #22 (July 3, 1973). Re: Il Giornalino #47 (1987). Hachette #58 (2018). “Cicici Zazaza”.
  • Story #295Cip #30: “Cippe & Zagghe”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #23 (July 10, 1973). “Cippe & Zagghe”.
  • Story #296Cip #31: “C Z”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #24 (June 17, 1973). Re: Hachette #74 (2019). “C Z”.
  • Story #297Occhio di Pollo #5: “Fum’occhio di pollo”. 2 pgs. Color. [JAC73]. Corriere dei Piccoli #25 (June 24, 1973). Re: Hachette #20 (2018). “Smoke of Chicken Eye”.
  • Story #298Cip #32: “C Z lo suponevo”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #26 (July 1, 1973). Re: Il Giornalino #33 (1987). Hachette #66 (2018). “C Z, I suppose”.
  • Story #299“Gionni Peppe”. 40 pgs. B&W. Linus #7 (July, 1973) to #10 (Oct., 1973). Re: Il Giornale d’Italia #147 to #186 (1975). Comix #101 to #108 (1994). Hachette #27 (2018), color. “Johnny Peppe”.
  • Story #300Jak Mandolino #10: “Jak Mandolino tanto per cominciare”. 4 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #27 (July 8, 1973). Re: Il Giorno (Feb. 15 to Feb. 24, 1993). Diario Vitt (Pigna 1994). Jacovittissimo! (Salani 1999). A. Ineditalia ANAFI (2007). Hachette #55 (2018). “Jack Mandolin to begin with”.
  • Story #301Jak Mandolino #11: “Jak Mandolino tanto per seguitare”. 4 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #28 (July 15, 1973). Re: Il Giorno (Feb. 25 to March 7, 1993). Diario Vitt (Pigna 1994). Hachette #57 (2018). “Jack Mandolin just to go on”.
  • Story #302Jak Mandolino #12: “Jak Mandolino tanto per cambiare”. 4 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #30 (July 29, 1973). Re: Il Giorno (April 11 to April 21, 1993). Hachette #58 (2018). “Jack Mandolin for a change”.
  • Story #303Tarallino #9: “Tarallinlallero”. 2 pgs. Color. [JAC 73]. [SYNOPSIS]. Corriere dei Piccoli #30 (July 29, 1973). “Tarallinlallero”.
  • Story #304Occhio di Pollo #6: “Occhio di palla”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #31 (Aug. 5, 1973). Re: Hachette #22 (2018). “Eye Ball”.
  • Story #305Jak Mandolino #13: “Jak Mandolino tanto per far bumbum!”. 4 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #32 (Aug. 12, 1973). Re: Il Giorno (April 22 to May 5, 1993). Hachette #59 (2018). “Jack Mandolin so much for bangbang!”.
  • Story #306Occhio di Pollo #7: “Occhio di pollacchione”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #33 (Aug. 19, 1973). Re: Hachette #27 (2018). “Bird’s Eye”.
  • Story #307Jak Mandolino #14: “Jak Mandolino tanto per far due soldi”. 4 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #33 (Aug. 19, 1973). Re: Il Giorno (May 16 to May 24, 1993). Hachette #60 (2018)Jack Mandolin, for a few pennies more”.
  • Story #308Jak Mandolino #15: “Jak Mandolino tanto per far del bene”. 4 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #34 (Aug. 26, 1973). Re: Hachette #61 (2018). “Jack Mandolin just to do good”.
  • Story #309Jak Mandolino #16: “Jak Mandolino tanto per mangiar qualcosa”. 4 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #35 (Sept. 2, 1973). Re: Il Giorno (March 18 to March 29, 1993). Hachette #64 (2018). “Jack Mandolin just for something to eat”.
  • Story #310Tarallino #10: “Tarallinbracc”. 2 pgs. Color. [JAC 73]. [SYNOPSIS]. Corriere dei Piccoli #35 (Sept. 2, 1973). “Tarallinbracc”. Bricco Bracco is a dog character in Tarallino stories.
  • Story #311Occhio di Pollo #8: “Occhio di plunft”. 2 pgs. Color. [JAC73]. Corriere dei Piccoli #38 (Sept. 23, 1973). Re: Hachette #34 (2018). “Occhio di plunft”.
  • Story #312Jak Mandolino #17: “Jak Mandolino tanto per rubare mica”. 4 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #39 (Sept. 30, 1973). Re: Il Girono (March 8 to March 17, 1993). Diario Vitt (Pigna 1994). Hachette #67 (2018). “Jack Mandolin just a small steal”.
  • Story #313Tarallino #11: “Tarallinonz”. 2 pgs. Color. [JAC 73]. [SYNOPSIS]. Corriere dei Piccoli #42 (Oct. 21, 1973). “Tarallinonz”.
  • Story #314Cip #33: “Cip e Za!”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #44 (Nov. 4, 1973). Re: Il Giornalino #29 (1987). Hachette #67 (2018). “Cip and Za!”.
  • Story #315Cip #34: Cip l’Arcipoliziottto: “Ciiiiiippppp Zagaaarrr”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #45 (Nov. 11, 1973). Re: Il Giornalino #30 (1987). Hachette #72 (2019). “Ciiiiiippppp Zagaaarrr”.
  • Story #316Jak Mandolino #18: “Jak Mandolino tanto per far il duro”. 4 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #47 (Nov. 25, 1973). Re: Il Giorno (May 6 to May 15, 1993). “Jack Mandolin just to be tough”.
  • Story #318Cip #35: “Cippettino Zagaraccio”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #49 (Dec. 9, 1973). Re: Il Giornalino #3 (1987). Hachette #76 (2019). “Cippettino Zagaraccio”.
  • Story #319Cip #36: “Cipt Zagt”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #50 (Dec. 16, 1973). Re: Il Giornalino #28 (1987). Hachette #77 (2019). “Cipt Zagt”.
  • Story #320Zorry Kid #12: “Zorry Kid w la cosa, la California!”. 4 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Corriere den Ragazzi #52 (Dec. 30, 1973). Re: I Giganti del Fumetto #1 (BUR 1975). Jacovittissimo! (Salani 1999). Zorry Kid (Stampa Alternativa 2008). 100 anni di fumetto italiano #8 (RCS 2009). Hachette #65 (2018). Linus #5/2023 (2023). “Zorry Kid viva the thing, California!”.


  • Story #321Jak Mandolino #19: “Jak Mandolino tanto per far cucù”. 4 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #2 (Jan. 13, 1974). Re: Il Giorno (March 30 to April 10, 1993). Diario Vitt (Pigna 1994). Hachette #66 (2018). Jack Mandolin, just for the cuckoo”.
  • Story #322Cip #37: “Cizapgar”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #4 (Jan. 13, 1974). Re: Il Giornalino #31 (1987). Hachette #78 (2019). “Cizapgar”.
  • Story #323“Gionni Lupara”. 60 pgs. B&W. Linus #7 (July, 1974) to #12 (Dec., 1974). Re: Il Giornale d’Italia #187 to #216 (1975). Hachette #32 (2018), color, part 1, 30 pgs (Linus #7 to #9). Hachette #33 (2018), color, part 2, 30 pgs (Linus #10 to 12). “Johnny Shawnoffshotgun”. “Lupara” is load for hunting rifles, consisting of buckshot or pieces of blunt material, used for hunting wolves and wild boars and, traditionally, in executions between members of the Sicilian underworld.



  • Story #325“Sandocan”. 2 pgs. Corriere dei Piccoli #31 (Aug. 4, 1977). “Sandocan”.
  • Story #326Jak Mandolino #20: Jacovittevollissimevolmente: Jak Mandolino per gli amici: “Jak Violoncello”. 53 pgs. Diario Vitt 1977/1978 (Sept. 1977). Re: A. “G d’oro”, a supplement for Il Giornalino #22 to #36 (1979). Il Giorno (Dec. 5, 1993 to Jan. 31, 1994). I Classici del Fumetto di Repubblica#20 (2005). Gli anni d’oro del Diario Vitt (Stampa Alternativa 2006). Hachette #60 to #61 (2018), 2-color (black with red). Jacovitti Willingly: Jack Mandolin for friends: Jack Cello””.
  • Story #327. “Pinocchio alla Jacovitti”. 4 pgs. B&W. L’immagine nel libro per ragazzi (Nov., 1977). Re: cat. Mostra Pinocchio (Arsenale 1998). Informavitt #30 (1998), Hachette #70 (2018). “Jacovitti’s Pinocchio”. Published in L’immagine nel libro per ragazzi. Gli illustratori di Pinocchio in Italia e nel mondo, c. by Piero Zanotto (catalog of the homonymous exhibition, ed. Provincia Autonoma di Trento, November 1977).


  • Story #328“Sor Fremura Toscanello”. 2 pgs. Che vita, ragazzi! (June, 1978). Re: Jacovittissimo! (Salani 1990). Informavitt #32 (1999). “Sor Fremura Toscanello”. Che vita, ragazzi! Volume published by Longanesi.
  • Story #329Cocco Bill #35: “Jacovittevolissimevolmente CoccoBill”. 52 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Diario Vitt “Maxivitt, 1978/79” (June, 1978). Re: Cocco Bill (Glénat Italia 1986). Il Girono (Sept. 30, 1992 to Nov. 11, 1993). I Classici dei Fumetto di Repubblica #20 (2005). Gli anni d’oro del Diario Vitt(Stampa Alternativa 2006). Hachette #16 (2017). “Jacovitti willingly Cocco Bill”. Published in the Diario Vitt 1978/79 in 206 strips, one per page. On Il Giorno with the title “Il ritorno di Cocco Bill con Arcicocco”. On the volume “Cocco Bill” (Glénat Italia) published in 103 tables of two strips each. Also cited as “Jacovittevolissimemolmente Cocco Bill”.
  • Story #330Cocco Bill #36: “Salooon”. 6 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Il Giornalino #27 (July 2, 1978). Re: An insert for Il Giornalino #37 (1985). Cocco Bill (Epipress 1979). A. “Jacovitti a colori” #1 (2004). Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Superfumetti #8 (Oct. 13, 2015).  Hachette #10 (2017). “Salooon”.
  • Story #331Cocco Bill #37: “Cicci e Cocco”. 6 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Il Giornalino #29 (July 16, 1978). Re: An insert for Il Giornalino #37 (1985). Cocco Bill(Epipress 1979). A. “Jacovitti a colori” #1 (2004). Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Superfumetti #8 (Oct. 13, 2015). Hachette #10 (2017). “Cicci and Cocco”.


  • Story #338Cip #38: “Cipzag”. ? pgs. Diario Vitt 1979/1980 (Sept., 1979). Re: Il Girono (June 28 to Dec. 4, 1993). Il Girono, La Nazione, Il Resto del Carlino (July 15 to Aug. 26, 1997). Gli anni d’oro del Diario Vitt (Stampa Alternativa 2006). I Classici del Fumetto di Repubblica #20 (2005). “Cipzag”.


  • Story #340Checco #1: “Checco”. 4 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #23 (June 5, 1981). Re: Hachette #45 (2018). “Rooster”.
  • Story #341Checco #2: “Checco”. 3 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #27 (July 3, 1981). Re: Hachette #45 (2018). “Rooster”.
  • Story #342Checco #3: “Checco”. 5 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #29 (July 17, 1981). Re: Hachette #45 (2018). “Rooster”.
  • Story #343Joe Balordo #1: “Joe Balordo”. 24 pgs. B&W. Linus #10 (Oct. 1981) to #2 (Feb. 1982). Re: Comix #31 (Oct. 3) to #37 (Nov. 14, 1992). Color. Joe Balordo (F.C. Panini 1992). Hachette #53. Color. See also #371 (1992).
  • Story #344Checco #4: “Checco”. 4 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #47 (Nov. 20, 1981). Re: Hachette #45 (2018). “Rooster”.


  • Story #345Checco #5: “Checco”. 4 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #5 (Jan. 29, 1982). Re: Hachette #45 (2018). “Rooster”.
  • Story #346Checco #6: “Checco”. 4 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #6 (1982). Re: Hachette #45 (2018). “Rooster”.
  • Story #347“Playpeppe”. 2 pgs. Color. Playmen #3 (March 1982). Re: Hachette #69 (2018). “Playpeppe”.
  • Story #349Cocco Bill #47: ”Cocco Bill [#47]” aka “Camomilla al Trotto”. 2 pgs. [SYNOPSIS]. TV Junior #51 (Dec. 19, 1982). Re: Marameo #2 (1988). Jacovitti Magazine #1 (March 1994). B&W. Diario Vitt (Pigna 1995). Trotta trotta… Cocco Bill (Salani 1998), B&W, divided on four pages, 2 strips per page. Hachette #12 (2017), color. “Chamomile at the trot”.



  • Story #362Crazy Jac #1: “Crazy Jac”. 2 pgs. L’Eternauta #29 (Sept. 1984). “Crazy Jac”.
  • Story #363Crazy Jac #2: “Crazy Jac”. 3 pgs. L’Eternauta #30 (Oct. 1984). Re: Diario Vitt (Pigna 1955). Jacovitti Fantastorie (Stampa Alternativa 2005). “Crazy Jac”.
  • Story #364Crazy Jac #3: “Crazy Jac”. 1 pg. L’Eternauta #32 (Dec. 1984). “Crazy Jac”.


  • Story #366Cocco Bill #60: ”Cocco Beach”. 8 pgs. An insert “Messaggero Estate” in daily Il Messaggero (July 19, 1986). Re: “Jacovitti in b/n” #7 (2004). Autobiografia mai scritta (2010). Hachette #44 (2018), three color characters on the first page but all the rest B&W (with pale brown background). “Cocco Beach”.
  • Story #367Cocco Bill #61: ”Cocco Bill contro se stesso”. 27 pgs. [SYNOPSIS]. Comic Art #24 (July 1986, 10 pgs), #26 (Sept. 1986, 10 pgs), and #26 (Oct. 1986, 7 pgs). Re: Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Hachette #08 (2017). “Cocco Bill against himself”. The story was originally made in 1980 but Il Giorno refused to pay enough for printing story during that time.



  • Story #370Cip #38: “Cipzagmapù”. 29 pgs. Color. Albi del Club Anni Trenta #2-3 (March 10, 1988). Re: Hachette #59 (2018). “Cipzagmapu”. The unedited story from 1977.


  • Story #371Joe Balordo #2: “Joe Balordo”. 30 pgs. Color. Joe Balordo (Nov. 1992). Re: Hachette #58 (2018), part 2(2). “Joe Fool”. The original volume published by Franco Cosimo Pannini Editore; the unedited story from 1982 to 1983. See also #343 (1981).
  • Story #372“Missione Bonità”. 10 pgs. “Bonity mission”. A jam story with Jacovitti and others.




  • Story #373“La famiglia Spaccabue”. 9 pgs. B&W. Jacovitti Magazine #9 (April, 1996). B&W. Re: A. “Jacovitti in b/n” #2 (2001). “The Bullbraker family”. Screenplay for the series Supergulp! I fumetti in TV (1972).
  • Story #374“Rap”. 16 pgs. Albo Rap #0 (Oct., 1996).


  • Story #375“Hog City”. 16 pgs. Albo Rap #1 (Feb., 1997).
  • Benito Jacovitti passed away in Rome (Dec. 3, 1977).





  • “Giuseppe”. 1 strip/issue. B&W. Strisce #1 to #24. Re: Hachette #50 (2018).
  • “Giuseppe”. 1 strip/issue. B&W. Strisce #25 to #44. Re: Hachette #51 (2018).
  • “Giuseppe”. 1 strip/issue. B&W. Strisce #46 to #52. Re: Hachette #53 (2018).
  • “Giuseppe di Jacovitti”. 1 strip. B&W. Undefined publication. Re: Hachette #48 (2018).
  • “Pornorama”. 1 pg. Color. Pager. Undefined publication. Re: Hachette #69 (2018).
  • “Giuseppe di Jacovitti”. 1 strip. Color. Vitt #30 (Aug. 3, 1967).
  • “Tumorro” 1 pg. Pager. Color. Il Travaso #42 (Oct. 27, 1958). Re: Hachette #72 (2019)“Tumor”.
  • “Frattano Sempronio…” 1 pg (one narrow column on a right side of “Tumorro” pict). B&W. Il Travaso #42 (Oct. 27, 1958). Re: Hachette #72 (2019)“Frattano Sempronio…”.
  • “Giuseppe di Jacovitti”. 1 strip. Color. Vitt #30 (Aug. 3, 1967). Re: Hachette #66 (2018).
  • “Jac Jac Jac”. 1 pg (3 strips). Vitt #14 (April 13, 1967). Re: Hachette #48 (2018), color.
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. La Domenica del Corriere #5 (Jan. 30, 1968). Re: Hachette #55 (2018).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. La Domenica del Corriere #7 (Feb. 13, 1968). Re: Hachette #55 (2018).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. La Domenica del Corriere #8 (Feb. 20, 1968). Re: Hachette #55 (2018).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. La Domenica del Corriere #10 (March 5, 1968). Re: Hachette #57 (2018).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. La Domenica del Corriere #11 (March 12, 1968). Re: Hachette #57 (2018).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. La Domenica del Corriere #12 (March 19, 1968). Re: Hachette #57 (2018).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. Domenica del Corriere #15 (April 9, 1968). Re: Hachette #63 (2018).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. La Domenica del Corriere (April 13, 1968). Re: Hachette #58 (2018).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. Domenica del Corriere #19 (May 7, 1968). Re: Hachette #63 (2018).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. La Domenica del Corriere (May 14, 1968). Re: Hachette #58 (2018).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. Domenica del Corriere #23 (June 4, 1968). Re: Hachette #64 (2018).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. Domenica del Corriere #24 (June 11, 1968). Re: Hachette #66 (2018).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. La Domenica del Corriere (June 25, 1968). Re: Hachette #58 (2018).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. Domenica del Corriere #29 (July 16, 1968). Re: Hachette #67 (2018).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. Domenica del Corriere #30 (July 23, 1968). Re: Hachette #67 (2018).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. Domenica del Corriere #35 (Aug. 27, 1968). Re: Hachette #67 (2018).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. Domenica del Corriere #39 (Sept. 24, 1968). Re: Hachette #71 (2019).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. Domenica del Corriere #40 (Oct. 1, 1968). Re: Hachette #72 (2019).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. Domenica del Corriere #44 (Oct. 29, 1968). Re: Hachette #72 (2019).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. Domenica del Corriere #46 (Nov. 12, 1968). Re: Hachette #72 (2019).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. Domenica del Corriere #49 (Dec. 3, 1968). Re: Hachette #72 (2019).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. Domenica del Corriere #50 (Dec. 10, 1968). Re: Hachette #72 (2019).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. Domenica del Corriere #51 (Dec. 17, 1968). Re: Hachette #72 (2019).
  • “Cocco Bill: Calendario 1968”. 1 pg. Pager. Giorno dei Ragazzi #50 (sd, 1967).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. La Domenica del Corriere #69 (Jan. 7, 1969). Re: Hachette #75 (2019).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. La Domenica del Corriere #6 (Feb. 11, 1969). Re: Hachette #76 (2019).
  • “Pop Jac”. 1 pg. Color. La Domenica del Corriere #7 (Feb. 18, 1969). Re: Hachette #76 (2019).
  • “Mad Jac”. 1 pg. Pager. Color. La Domenica del Corriere #44 (Nov. 4, 1969). Re: Hachette #79 (2019).
  • “Storia delle invenzioni” 3 pgs (four picts per page). Color. Diario Vitt 1970/71 (1970). Re: Hachette #46 (2018). “History of Inventions”.
  • “Jacoroscopo”. 7 pgs. Color. Diario Vitt 1972-1973 (1972). Re: Hachette #45B (2018). “Jacoroscope”.
  • “Cosi’ si vota” 1 pg. Color. On pager. One of the four electoral posters created for DC Spes in 1975. Reprinted in Il Giornale d’Italia (1975). Re: Hachette #32 (2018). “So you vote”.
  • “Pop Corn”. 1 pgs. One color. Red. Diario Vitt scholastico 1977-1978 (Sept. 1977). Re: Hachette #55 (2018).
  • “Kamas Ultra”, Part 1(3). 50 pgs. Color/2-color (black with green or with red). Jacovitti & Marchesi. Kamasultra #1 (undated, Sept. 1977), and Kamasultra #2 (undated, Oct. 1977). Re: Hachette #47 (2018).
  • “Kamas Ultra”, Part 2(3). 44 pgs. Color/2-color (black with orange). Kamasultra #2 (Nov. 1977), and Kamasultra #3 (Dec. 1977). Re: Hachette #49 (2018).
  • “Kamas Ultra”, Part 3(3). 22 pgs. Color/2-color (black with green). Kamasultra #4 (undated, Jan. 1978). Re: Hachette #69 (2018).
  • “Jacodicestradalvittevolumente Cipzag” 47 pgs. B&W. Diario Vitt 1979/1980 (1979). Re: Hachette #38 (2018).
  • “Lo Jacoquiz stradale” (i.e. 40 puzzles with picts) 5 pgs. 2-color (black and red). Maxi Vitt 1979-1980 (1979). Re: Hachette #39 (2018).
  • Jacoerotikon (e altro): Eroticomica (1 pg), Sexyporn (1 pg), Arcisesso (1 pg), Sessomatto (1 pg), Pornoquipornolá! (1 pg), Oscenaggini (1 pg). Color. All pagers. 69 qui sigioca a erotic’oca (2 pgs). Gameboard. Color. 52 erotic illustrations (6 on one page). Color. Jacoerotikon from Playmen #12 (Dec. 12, 1980) (1 pg). Playmen (1979 to 1982). Re: Hachette #69 (2018).
  • “Checco Quiz”. 1 pg. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #23? (1981). Re: Hachette #45 (2018).
  • “Il gioco de Checco”. 2 pgs. Color. A board game. Corriere dei Piccoli #23? (1981). Re: Hachette #45 (2018).
  • “Checco Quiz”. 1 pg. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #23? (1981). Re: Hachette #45 (2018).
  • “Checco Quiz”. 1 pg. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #29? (1981). Re: Hachette #45 (2018).
  • “Checco Quiz [#1]”. 1 pg. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #47? (1981). Re: Hachette #45 (2018).
  • “Checco Quiz [#2]”. 1 pg. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #47? (1981). Re: Hachette #45 (2018).
  • “Checco Quiz”. 1 pg. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #17-18 (1982). Re: Hachette #45 (2018).
  • “Kamasutra spaziale”. 3 pgs. Kamasutra spaziale (1993). Re: Hachette #69 (2018).

Copyright © 2021 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink! 
Created: May 23, 2021. Last updated: May 1, 2022 at 9:06 am