Jacovitti – Sessant’anni di Surrealismo a fumetti
1st: Oct. 18, 2010. 2nd: April 2011. NPE (Lucca, Museo del Fumetto). €35,00. Hard Bound. Authors: Franco Bellacci, Luca Boschi, Leonardo Gori, Andrea Sani. 19,5×26,5 cm. 352 pgs. Color and B&W.
The Jacovitti Bible.
- Exists also a paperback version
Note to this edition:
The text of this volume is the revised, yoked, integrated and largely rewritten from Jacovitti: the cartoonist and the myth in fifty years of Italian comics, published by Granata Press in 1992 and which has not been found for some time. The iconographic section, in particular, is entirely revised and expanded.
- Back to the Main List
- Table of content
- The list of comic story samples by Benito Jacovitti
- Photos
- Cover Art
- Sample picts of the pages of the book
Translated with Google translator!
- PREFAZIONE di / PREFACE of Gianni Brunoro, pg 10
- 1.1. La radici di / The roots of Jacovitti, pg 21
- 1.1.1. Da Tremoni a Macerata / From Tremoni to Macerata, pg 21
- 1.1.2. Elzie C. Segar e Braccio di Ferro / Elzie C. Segar and Popeye, pg 22
- 1.1.3. Walter Faccini, pg 24
- 1.1.4. Cocco & c., pg 25
- 1.1.5. “Vite parallele” / “Parallel Lives”, pg 26
- 1.1.6. Albert Dubout, pg 27
- 1.2. Il “Brivido” dell’esordio / of the debut, 30
- 1.2.1. Lo Jacovitti fiorentino / The Florentine Jacovitti, pg 30
- 1.2.2. “Il Vittorioso”, pg 33
- 1.2.3. Il vittoriosi 3P, pg 35
- 1.2.4. Il mistero dello / The Mystery of Cinque Giorninate, 39
- 1.3. Tempo di guerra / Wartime, pg 41
- 1.3.1. Vietato fumettare / Forbidden to smoke, pg 41
- 1.3.2. Cucù: la “svolta” di / the “turning point” of Jacovitti, pg 45
- 1.3.3. L’emerganza / The emergency, pg 49
Capitolo secondo: IL LUNGO DOPOGUERRA / Chapter 2: THE LONG POST-WAR, pg 54
- 2.1. Jacovitti “clandestino” / “undercover”, pg 55
- 2.1.1. La lunga notte del ’44 / The long night of ’44, pg 55
- 2.1.2. Un piccolo mistero / A little mystery, pg 57
- 2.1.3. Il lungo Dopoguerra / The long postwar period, pg 58
- 2.1.4. Il magnifico / The magnificent Pinocchio, pg 62
- 2.2. Intervallo / Interval, pg 68
- 2.2.1. La famiglia / The family Spaccabue, pg 68
- 2.2.2. Battista l’ingenuo Fascista / the naive Fascist, pg 71
- 2.3. Il nuovo / The new “Vittorioso”, pg 74
- 2.3.1. Jacovitti nella Luna / in the moon, pg 74
- 2.3.2. Italia provvisoria / provisional, pg 76
- 2.3.3. Miracolo a / Miracle of Roma, pg 79
- 2.3.4. Strapaese, pg 81
- 2.4. L’avventura degli anni Cinquanta / The adventure of the fifties, pg 84
- 2.4.1. Cip e / and Zagar, pg 84
- 2.4.2. Jacovitti di mare e di costa / of sea and coast, pg 88
- 2.5. Le grandi favole / The great fairy tales, pg 90
- 2.5.1. Mussolini e il Faraone / and the Pharaoh, pg 90
- 2.5.2. Le babbucce cantanti / The singing slippers, pg 92
- 2.6. La parabola del / The parable of the “Vittorioso”, pg 94
- 2.6.1. Pippo, Zagar e / and Jak Mandolino, pg 94
- 2.6.2. Crepuscolo dei / Twilight of the “3P”, pg 95
- 2.7. Diario Vitt, pg 98
- 2.7.1. Jacovitti scolastico / school, pg 98
- 2.7.2. Gli anni d’oro del / The golden years of “Diario Vitt”, pg 102
Capitolo terzo / Chapter 3: IL “GIORNO” E / AND IL “GIORNO DEI RAGAZZI”, pg 106
- 3.1. La chiamata di / The call of Enrico Mattei, pg 107
- 3.2. Tom Ficcanaso, pg 109
- 3.3. Nuovi personaggi / New characters, pg 113
- 3.3.1. Jacovitti “per adulti” / “for adults”, pg 113
- 3.3.2. Baby Tarallo Il “Mandolino” del Boom / of the Boom, pg 114
- 3.3.3. Baby Megaton e / and Baby Rocket, pg 118
- 3.3.4. Dalla fantascienza alla fiaba / From science fiction to fairytale, pg 119
- 3.3.5. Gamba di quaglia e / Leg of quail and Tizio, Caio e Sempronio, pg 122
- 3.4. Cocco Bill, pg 125
- 3.4.1. Il Cocco Bill della valle solitaria / of the lonely valley, pg 125
- 3.4.2. Psicoanalisti del / Psychoanalysts of the Cocco, pg 127
- 3.4.3. Il salame-western / The salami-western, pg 129
- 3.4.4. Il western pernacchia / The western raspberry, pg 131
- 3.4.5. Cocco Bill e / and Lucky Luke, pg 134
- 3.4.6. Cocco Bill sponsorizzato / sponsored, pg 136
Capitolo quatro: GLI ANNI DEL / Chapter 4: THE YEARS OF “CORRIERE DEI PICCOLI”, pg 140
- 4.1. Il ritorno / The return of di Jak Mandolino, pg 141
- 4.1.1. La trasformazione del / The transformation of the “Corriere dei piccoli”, pg 141
- 4.1.2. Jak Mandolino e / and Pop Korn, pg 142
- 4.1.3. Il Jak Mandolino del / of the “Corriere dei Piccoli”, pg 144
- 4.2. Zorry Kid, pg 146
- 4.2.1. La cosa / The thing, la California, pg 146
- 4.2.2. Una “summa” jacovittesca / A Jacovittesque “summa”, pg 149
- 4.2.3. Zorry Kid all’arrembaggio! / boarding!, pg 151
- 4.3. Vecchie conoscenza e nuove proposte / Old knowledge and new proposals, pg 153
- 4.3.1. Il Cocco Bill del / of the “Corriere ei Piccoli”, pg 153
- 4.3.2. Cip e / and Zagar nova versione / new version, pg 155
- 4.3.3. Tarallino, pg 156
Capitolo quinto / Chapter 5: DA / FROM “LINUS” AL / TO THE “KAMASUTRA”, pg 161
- 5.1. Jacovitti, “Linus” e / and Gionni Peppe, pg 161
- 5.1.1. Jacovitti e la sinistra extraparlamentare / and the extra-parliamentary left, pg 161
- 5.1.2. Jacovitti contro tutti / against all, pg 164
- 5.1.3. Separazione consensuale? / Consensual separation?, pg 166
- 5.2. Sexyjac, pg 170
Capitolo sesto / Chapter 6: L’ULTIMO / THE LAST ONE COCCO BILL, pg 174
- 6.1. Il ritorno del pistolero / The return of the gunslinger, pg 175
- 6.2. Cocco Bill diquaedilà / diquaedilà, pg 178
- 6.3. Lo Jacovitti Club e il rilancio di Jacovitti / The Jacovitti Club and the relaunch of Jacovitti, pg 181
Capitolo settimo / Chapter 7: JAC E IL COSTUME / AND THE COSTUME, pg 186
- 7.1. Jacovitti e il costume dal ’40 al ’70 / and the costume from the 1940s to the 1970s, pg 187
- 7.2. La nuova libertà espressiva / The new freedom of expression, pg 189
- 7.3. Una miriade di copertine / A myriad of covers, pg 193
- 7.4. Urlatori alla sbarra / Howlers at the bar, pg 196
- 7.5. L’Italia del “Giorno” e oltre / The Italy of the “Giorno” and beyond, pg 198
Capitolo ottavo: IL LINGUAGGIO DI / Chapter 8: THE LANGUAGE OF JACOVITTI, pg 208
- 8.1. Il linguaggio grafico / The graphic language, pg 209
- 8.1.1. Il surrealismo / Surrealism, pg 209
- 8.1.2. L’interpretazione psicoanalitica / The psychoanalytic interpretation, pg 210
- 8.1.3. Il macabro e la violenza / The macabre and the violence, pg 212
- 8.1.4. Interferenza e metafore / Interference and metaphors, pg 214
- 8.1.5. La visualizzazione dei termini equivoci e dei giochi linguistici / The visualization of equivocal terms and language games, pg 217
- 8.2. Il linguaggio verbale / The verbal language, pg 22
- 8.2.1. Il gergo fanciullesco / The boyish jargon, pg 220
- 8.2.2. I proverbi di / The proverbs of Jacovitti, pg 222
- 8.2.3. I dialetti e lo slang jacovittesco / Jacovittesque dialects and slang, pg 224
- 8.2.4. Il Palazzeschi del fumetto / Il Palazzeschi of comics, pg 227
- 8.2.5. Le onomatopee e i termini jacovitteschi / Onomatopoeias and Jacovittesque terms, pg 228
Intervista-fiume al più prolifico cartoonist di tutti i tempi / River interview with the most prolific cartoonist of all time
(A cure di / Edited by Franco Bellacci)
(A cure di / Edited by Franco Bellacci)
- a. “Il Brivido”, pg 284
- b. “Il Travaso”, pg 287
- c. Altre collaborazioni / Other collaborations, pg 288
- d. Le strisce autoconclusive / The self-contained strips, pg 290
- e. Le panoramiche / The panoramas, pg 292
- Antologia della vignette, strisce e tavola panoramiche / Anthology of vignettes, strips and panoramic panels, pg 294
- a. Pinocchio Atto primo / Act 1, pg 296
- b. Pinocchio Atto secondo / Act 2, pg 299
- c. Pinocchio Atto terzo / Act 3, pg 301
- d. Altri volumi / Other volumes, pg 301
- Libri illustrati da / Books illustrated by Jacovitti, pg 303
- Cartonista / Cartoonist, pg 308
- a. La propaganda politica / Political propaganda, pg 312
- b. Gli alimentari / Food, pg 315
- c. I gelati / The ice-creams, pg 319
- d. “Pubblicità progresso” / “Advertising progress”, pg 322
- Pubblicità di Jacovitti divisa per settori / Jacovitti advertising divided by sectors, pg 322
(A cura di / Edited by Franco Bellacci)
- 1. IPSE DIXIE; pg 326
- 2. L’AUTORE, I PERSONAGGI, LE STORIE (Le “grandi ristampe”) / THE AUTHOR, THE CHARACTERS, THE STORIES (The “great reprints”), pg 328
- 3. IL SEGNO DI / THE SIGN OF JAC, pg 332
- 4. IN MEMORIAM, pg 333
The comic story samples
This list does not contain samples from other artists’ works. Photos listed in the end.
Each pict/sample has mention in the end if it is “Color” or “B&W” (black-and-white). If the pict is big there is mention, “A quarter [of a page]” / “Half page” / “Full page”. The last one has only the pic on it. If there is no mention of the size, the pict is smaller than a quarter.
1. Dagli esordi al “Vittorioso”
- 055. “L’on. Tarzan”. 24 pgs. Il Vittorioso #9 (Feb. 29, 1948) to #33 (Aug. 15, 1948). Re: A. Giraffone Supergigante (1951). Vitt #16 to #19 (1969). Il Mago #11 (Feb.) to #12 (March 1973). Jacovitti Memories #1 (Mondadori 1975). A. Conti #275 (1990). Tutti I salami di Jacovitti #1 (Mondadori 1993). Hachette #76 (2019).
- Pg 18: First three strips of part 8. B&W.
- 370. “Cipzagmapù”. 29 pgs. Color. Albi del Club Anni Trenta #2-3 (March 10, 1988). Re: Hachette #59 (2018).
- Pg 19: A page. Full page. B&W.
- 001. Pippo #1: “Pippo e gli inglesi”. 11 pgs. B&W. Il Vittorioso #40 (Oct. 5, 1940) to #50 (Dec. 14, 1940). Re: A. AVE #50 (1942; rist. anastatica 2000). A. ANAF n. n. (1972). Eia eia baccalà (Stampa Alternativa 2010).
- Pg 37: First three strips. B&W.
- Pg 38: Two strips (no speech balloons, but captions under). The 1942 reprint version. (Compare Chapter 7 version). B&W.
- 003. Caccia grossa #1: “Caccia grossa”. 29 pgs. A. Viaggi e Avventure #1 (March 23, 1941) to #29 (Oct. 5, 1941). Re: Exploit Comics #38 (1986). Caccia grossa (“Il Fumetto”, 2004).
- Pg 39: First page. B&W.
- Pg 40: Page 13. B&W.
- 013. “Alì Babà e i quaranta ladroni”. 23 pgs. Il Vittorioso #15 (April 11, 1942) to #37 (Sept. 12, 1942). Re: A. Supergigante #1 (1942). A. Conti #16 (1975).
- Pg 41: Three first frames. B&W.
- Pg 44: Three first frames of a page. B&W.
- Pg 45: Two frames of Sultano. B&W.
- 009. Pippo #4: “Forza Pippo!” 15 pgs. 2-color & B&W. Il Vittorioso #47 (Nov. 22, 1941) to #9 (Feb. 28, 1942). Re: A. Conti #28 (1975).
- Pg 42: Three first frames. B&W.
- 021. Pippo #9: “Pippo trotta”. 16 pgs. Il Vittorioso #8 (Feb. 27, 1943) to #23 (July 24, 1943). Re: A. Roma #4, a supplement for Il Vittorioso #35(1946). A. di Pippo #15, supplement for Il Vittorioso #32 (1949, rist. anastatica 1991). “Avvenire 7” #117 to #227 (1973). A. Conti #197 (1980).
- Pg 43: A baroque drawing of a page (nine picts with captions inside one frame). B&W.
- 017. “Cucù”. 20 pgs. Il Vittorioso #38 (Sept. 19, 1942) to #7 (Feb. 20, 1943). Re: A. di Giraffone #2 (1948). A. ANAF n. n. (1973).
- Pg 46: Al Capone’s America. A page. B&W.
- Pg 47: Yankee adventure with Buffalo Bill, Tom Mix, and Tarzan. A page. B&W.
- Pg 48: A page (and a frame enlargement) of the “visualization of metaphors”(spanking). B&W.
- 022. “Caramba”. 19 pgs. Il Vittorioso #8 (Feb. 27, 1943) to #26 (Dec. 30, 1943). Re: A. di Giraffone #1 (1948). A. ANAF n. n. (1973). “Avvenire 7” (Nov. 15, 1973 to June 5, 1974).
- Pg 49: The first “lisca di pesce”, i.e. Fishbone. First page. B&W.
- Pg 50: A forerunner duel for Zorry Kid. Three first strips of part 2. B&W.
- 026. “Pete lo sceriffo”. 16 pgs. A. Roma #28 (1943). Re: A. ANAF n. n. (1974).
- Pg 51: The surreal insignia. Eleven picts with captions inside one frame. B&W.
- 007. Pippo #3: “Pippo e la boa”. B&W. Il Vittorioso #31 (Aug. 2, 1941) to #45 (Nov. 8, 1941). Re: A. AVE #52 (1942; rist. anastatica 2000), supplement for Il Vittorioso #44 (1942). A. ANAF n. n. (1974).
- Pg 52: Three strips. Half page. B&W.
- 028. “Peppino il Paladino”. 24 pgs. Il Vittorioso #19 (Dec. 10, 1944) to #21 (June 10, 1945). Re: A. di Pippo #6 (1948, rist. anastatica 1991). “Avvenire 7” #231 (1972) to #71 (1973). A. Conti #69 (1976). Autobiografia mai scritta (2010).
- Pg 52: One big frame. Half page. B&W.
- 074. “Gufo bianco [#2]”. 1 pg. Argentovivo #1 (1951). Re: Informavitt #28 (1998). Notiziario GAF #39 (2010).
- “Gufo bianco [#3]”. 1 pg. Argentovivo #?. Dopoguerra (1951). This story was missing from the bibliography in Sessant’anni (2010), but there was a sample pict on pg 53!
- Pg 53: A page which says a rare Jacovitti story, “Gufo bianco [#3], Dopoguerra (1951)! Full page. B&W.
2. Il lungo Dopoguerra
- 043. Pinocchio. 31 pgs. Color. Il Vittorioso #49 (Dec. 22, 1946) to #26 (July 13, 1947). Re: A. di Giraffione #24 (1950). Festival Jacovitti (ed. “rosa” AVE 1961). Pinocchio (Mondadori 1972). A. Conti#72 (1976). Pinocchio (ed. Di 2007). Hachette #70 (2018).
- Pg 54: A page. Full page. B&W.
- Pg 64: A frame. B&W.
- Pg 65: A huge frame with picts with captions, and a close-up: the caricature of Hitler inside the whale. B&W.
- Pgs 66-67: Two sample pages. B&W.
- 028. “Peppino il Paladino” (see chapter 1). Pg 57: Seven picts inside one frame. B&W.
- 027. “Chicchirichi”. 20 pgs. Il Vittorioso #1 (Feb. 30, 1944) to #20 (Dec. 17, 1944). Re: A. di Giraffone #3 (1948). A. ANAF n. n. (1972).
- Pg 59: First frame. B&W.
- Pg 60: A page of part 17. Full page. B&W.
- Pg 61: A page of part 20, last part. B&W.
- 037. “Caccia grossissima” 19 pgs. Il Vittorioso #4 (Jan. 27, 1946) to #22 (June 16, 1946). Re: A. di Giraffone #6 (1949). A. Conti #248 (1983).
- Pg 63: A page of part 13. Full page. B&W.
- 030. Pippo #12: “Pippo e il dittatore”. 11 pgs. B&W, except last three strip on last page: color. Intervallo #2 (May 12, 1945) to #12 (July 28, 1945). Re: A. di Pippo #5 (1948, rist. anastatica 1991). Il Mago #1 (April 1972). Jacovitti Memories #2 (Mondadori 1975). A. Conti #151 (1978). Jacovittisimo! (Salani 1999). Eia eia baccalà (Stampa Alternativa 2010). Hachette #79 (2019).
- Pg 68: Two strips of Flitt aka Adenoid Hinkel. B&W.
- Pg 69: Three strips about hierarchy. B&W.
- 033. “La famiglia Spaccabue!”. 11 pgs. Intervallo #13 (Aug. 12, 1945) to #24 (Nov. 24, 1945). Re: A. ANAF n. n. (1973). A. Conti #272 (1989). Eia eia baccalà (Stampa Alternativa 2010).
- Pg 70: Two strips of La Signora Carlomagno. B&W.
- 036. “Battista l’ingenuo fascista”. 13 pgs. Intervallo #26 (Dec. 8, 1945) to #14 (June 8, 1946). Re: A. Conti #10 (1974). Il Meridiano #42 (1979): #43to #45 (1980). Eia eia baccalà (Stampa Alternativa 2010).
- Pg 71: One strip about realism of the fascists and the nazis. B&W.
- Pg 72: Two frames. B&W.
- 053. “Oreste il Guastafeste!”. 8 pgs. Il Vittorioso #1 (Jan. 4, 1948) to #8 (Feb. 22, 1948). Re: A. di Pippo #20 (April 9, 1950, rist. anastatica 1991) aka Albo Vitt #15. Vitt #3 (1969). Il Mago #3 (June 1972). Jacovitti Memories #3 (Mondadori 1975). A. Conti #247 (1983). Hachette #59 (2018), Color.
- Pg 73: One strip where Oreste hits a baby in a carriage, because the baby bit his finger. B&W.
- 032. Pippo #13: “Pippo nella luna!” 12 pgs. Il Vittorioso #22 (June 17, 1945) to #34 (Sept. 9, 1945). Re: A. di Pippo #1 (1948; rist. anastatica 1991). Gulliver #0 (1976). A. Conti #87 (1976). Jacovitti Fantastorie (Stampa Alternativa 2005). Hachette #72 (2019).
- Pg 75: A page of part 3. B&W.
- 034. “Ciak!”. 18 pgs. Il Vittorioso #34 (Sept. 9, 1945) to #3 (Jan. 20, 1946). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #18 (1998). A. Conti #375 (1997).
- Pg 77: A page of part 9. Full page. B&W.
- 047. “La rovina in commedia”. 2 pgs. Bel-ze-bù #11 (April 2, 1947) to #12 (April 9, 1947). Re: Jacovitti (Granata Press 1992). Albo Amici del Vittorioso (1995). Eia eia baccalà (Stampa Alternativa 2010).
- Pg 78: A page. Full page. B&W.
- 045. “Il paradiso sosvastico”. 5 pgs. Fra’ Cristoforo #1 (Feb. 6, 1947) to #5 (March 14, 1947). Re: A. Amici del Vittorioso (1995). Eia eia baccalà (Stampa Alternativa 2010).
- Pg 79: Three first strips. B&W.
- 041. Raimondo #1: “Raimondo il Vagabondo” 5 pgs. Color. Il Vittorioso #39 (Oct. 13, 1946) to #43 (Nov. 10, 1946). Re: A. di Pippo #4 (1948, rist. anastatica 1991). A supplement for Il Vittorioso (5.7.1953). Il Vittorioso #17 (1961). A. Conti #247 (1983). Eia eia baccalà (Stampa Alternativa 2010). Hachette #55 (2018).
- Pg 79: A frame. B&W.
- 039. “Mandrago”. 12 pgs. Il Vittorioso #27 (July 21, 1946) to #38 (Oct. 6, 1946). Re: A. di Pippo #4 (1948, rist. anastatica 1991). A supplement for Il Vittorioso (5.7.1953). Vitt #4 (1969). Il Mago #2 (May 1972). Jacovitti Memories #2 (Mondadori 1975). A. Conti #152 (1978). Jacovitti Magazine #20(2001). Vol. Alessandro ed. (2001). Hachette #63 (2018), Six strips per page, only two on the last page. Color.
- Pg 80: Three strips, and a pict of Mandrago. B&W.
- Pg 81: Two strips. B&W.
- 038. Pippo #15: “Pippo vola”. 12 pgs. Il Vittorioso #18 (May 19, 1946) to #29 (Aug. 4, 1946). Re: A. di Pippo #3 (1948, rist. anastatica 1991). A supplement for Il Vittorioso (20.12.1953). ANAF n. n. (1972). A. Conti #307 (1994). I Classici de Fumetto di Repubblica #38 (2003).
- Pg 82: One strip. B&W.
- 040. Pippo #16: “Pippo cow-boy”. 14 pgs. B&W. Il Vittorioso #34 (Sept. 8, 1946) to #47 (Dec. 8, 1946). Re: A. di Pippo #11 (1949, rist. anastatica 1991), supplement for Il Vittorioso #14 (1949). Il Vittorioso #28 to #34 (1965). Vitt #33 (1970). A. Conti #88 (1976). Hachette #19 (2017).
- Pg 83: Two first strips. B&W.
- 058. “Il giro della risata”. 20 pgs. Il Vittorioso #42 (Oct. 17, 1948) to #9 (Feb. 27, 1949). Re: Vitt #20 to #23 (1969). A. Conti #292 (1991).
- Pg 84: A page. B&W.
- 031. Cip #1: “Cip il poliziotto”. 12 pgs. Il Vittorioso #22 (June 17, 1945) to #33 (Sept. 2, 1945). Re: A. di Pippo #9 (1949, rist. anastatica 1991), supplement for Il Vittorioso #8 (1949). Il Mago #6 (Sept. 1972). Jacovitti Memories #3 (Mondadori 1975). A. Conti #246 (1983).
- Pg 85: One frame, and a close-up to Cip. B&W.
- 035. Pippo #14: “Pippo in montagna!” 28 pgs. Il Vittorioso #38 (Oct. 7, 1945) to #17 (May 12, 1946). Reprinted in A. di Pippo #10 (rist. anastatica 1991), supplement for Il Vittorioso #11 (1949). A. Conti #154 (1978). Jacovitti in giallo (Stampa Alternativa 2004).
- Pg 86: Two strips about Zagar, the nemesis of Cip. B&W.
- 042. Cip #2: “Cip contro Zagar”. 10 pgs. Il Vittorioso #44 (Nov. 17, 1946) to #3 (Jan. 26, 1947). Re: A. di Pippo #7 (1948, rist. anastatica 1991). Il Vittorioso #33 (1960). Vitt #7 (1969). A. Conti #167 (1979). Jacovitti in giallo (Stampa Alternativa 2004).
- Pg 87: Two first strips. B&W.
- Pg 104: A page of part 3. Full page. B&W.
- 054. Pippo #21: “Pippo e la bomba comica”. 15 pgs. B&W. Il Vittorioso #1 (Jan. 4, 1948) to #15 (April 11, 1948). Re: A. di Giraffone #17 (1950). Vitt #13 to #14 (1969). A. ANAF n. n. (1973). Jacovitti Fantastorie (Stampa Alternativa 2005, color). Hachette #52 (2018, B&W).
- Pg 87: Two frames. B&W.
- 051. “Giacinto il corsaro dipinto”. 16 pgs. Il Vittorioso #31 (Aug. 17, 1947) to #46 (Nov. 30, 1947). Re: A. di Giraffone #8 (1949). Il Vittorioso #35 to #40 (1964). Vitt #41 to #43 (1970). Il Mago #16 (July 1973). Jacovitti Stories #1 (Mondadori 1973). A. Conti #163 (1979). Tutti I salami di Jacovitti #1(Mondadori 1993). Hachette #63 (2018), six strips per page. Color.
- Pg 89: Two strips. B&W.
- 078. “Capitan Pim”. 15 pgs. Il Vittorioso #51 (Dec. 23, 1951) to #13 (March 30, 1952). Re: Il Vittorioso #22 to #27 (1965). Il Mago #20 (Nov. 1973). Jacovitti Stories #1 (Mondadori 1973). A. Conti #377 (1997). Hachette #74 (2019), color.
- Pg 90: One frame. B&W.
- 056. Pippo #22: “Pippo e il Faraone”. 23 pgs. Il Vittorioso #18 (May 2, 1948) to #40 (Oct. 3, 1948). Re: A. di Giraffone #27 (1951). Enciclopedia dei Fumetti (Sansoni 1970). Il Mago #17 (Aug. 1973). Jacovitti Stories #2 (1973). A. Conti #153 (1978). Tutti i salami di Jacovitti #2 (Mondadori 1993). Jacovitti Fantastorie (Stampa Alternativa 2005). Hachette #79 (2019), 19 pgs, color, six strips per page.
- Pg 92: Two first strips of part 4. B&W.
- Pg 93: One frame of a caricature of Mussolini. B&W.
- 061. “Le babbucce di Allah”. 25 pgs. Color. Il Vittorioso #10 (March 6, 1949) to #33 (Aug. 14, 1949). Re: A. di Giraffone #23 (1950). Il Vittorioso #1to #12 (1965). Jacovitti Stories #2 (Mondadori 1973). A. Conti #57 (1975). Tutti i salami di Jacovitti #2 (Mondadori 1993). Hachette #72 (2019).
- Pg 93: Three first strips. B&W.
- Pg 94: Two strips compared with Infernos by Rino Albertarelli (1941), and Luciano Bottaro (1959). B&W.
- 067. “Don Chisciotte”. 27 pgs. Il Vittorioso #15 (April 9, 1950) to #41 (Oct. 8, 1950). Re: A. supplement for Il Vittorioso #14 (April 5, 1953). Il Vittorioso #10 to #25 (1964). Il Mago #13 (April) to #15 (June 1973). A. Conti n. n. (1988). Don Chisciotte (ed. Di 2006). Hachette #68 (2018).
- Pg 95: One round except, and two frames. B&W.
- 075. Pippo #27: “Pippo nel castello di Rococò”. 16 pgs. Il Vittorioso #8 (Feb. 25, 1951) to #24 (June 17, 1951). Re: A supplement for Il Vittorioso (Dec. 17, 1958). Festival Jacovitti (ed. “rosa” 1961). Festival Jacovitti (ed. “blu” 1962). Il Mago #21 (Dec. 1973); #22 (Jan.) to #25 (April 1974). Jacovitti Circus #2 (Mondadori 1978), forced. Jacovitti Circus (Club degli Editori 1979). Hachette #64 (2018).
- Pg 96: Two strips. B&W.
- 100. Pippo #36: “Pippo milionario”. 20 pgs. Il Vittorioso #44 (Nov. 1, 1953) to #11 (March 14, 1954). Re: Jacovitti Circus #1 (Mondadori 1978), forced. Jacovitti Circus (Club degli Editori 1979). Hachette #57 (2018), color.
- Pg 97: A big frame. B&W.
- 111. “Tex Revolver”. 34 pgs. Color. Il Vittorioso #11 (March 13, 1955) to #41 (Oct. 12, 1955). Re: Il Vittorioso #8 to #25 (1963). Jacovitti Show #1 (Mondadori 1977). Jacovitti Show (Club degli Editori 1979). Hachette #40 (2018).
- Pg 97: A big frame. B&W.
- 069. Pippo #26: “Pippo nel Duemila”. 18 pgs. Color. Il Vittorioso #43 (Oct. 22, 1950) to #7 (Feb. 18, 1951). Re: Il Vittorioso #1 to #5 (1963). Il Mago #29 (Aug.) to #30 (Sept. 1974); #34 (Jan.) to #35 (Feb. 1975). Jacovitti Circus #2 (Mondadori 1978), forced. Jacovitti Circus (Club degli Editori 1979). A. Conti #293 (1991). Jacovitti Fantastorie (Stampa Alternativa 2005). Hachette #54 (2018).
- Pg 98: Two strips. B&W.
- Pg 99: Cover of the first “Diario Vitt” drawn by Jacovitti (school year 1950-51). B&W.
- Pg 100: Cover of “Diario Vitt” of the school year 1963-64. A spread (the back and front covers). B&W.
- Pg 100: A frame from “Diario Vitt” of the school year 1971-72. B&W.
- Pg 101: A frame from “Diario Vitt” of the school year 1971-72. B&W.
- Pg 102: Cover of Gli anni d’oro dei Diario Vitt, Viterbo, Stampa Alternativa/Nuovi Equilibri, 2006. B&W.
- Pg 103: Cover of “Diario Vitt” from 1977-78 with the story Jacovittevolissimevolmente Jak Mandolin, per gli amici Jak Violoncello. A spread (the back and front covers). B&W.
- Pg 103: Cover of “Diario Vitt” from 1978-79 with the story Jacovittevolissimevolmente Cocco Bill. A spread (the back and front covers). B&W.
- 082. Pippo #31: “Pippo ùgh!” 16 pgs. Il Vittorioso #27 (July 6, 1952) to #42 (Oct. 19, 1952). Re:. A. supplement for Il Vittorioso (Nov. 12, 1958). Festival Jacovitti (ed. “rosa” 1961). Festival Jacovitti (ed. “blu” 1962). A. Conti #299 (1994). Hachette #61 (2018), color.
- Pg 105: A page of part 3. Full page. B&W.
3. Il “Giorno” e “Il Giorno dei Ragazzi”
- Pg 106: The cover of the first issue of “Giorno dei ragazzi”, a supplement for “Il Girono” #75 (March 28, 1957). Full page. B&W. No Jacovitti on it.
- 140. Tom Ficcanaso #1: “Tom Ficcanaso”. 30 pgs. Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #31 (Oct. 24, 1957) to #20 (May 15, 1958). Re: Sorry Album #1 (1973), color, forced. Jacovitti in giallo (Stampa Alternativa 2004), color. Hachette #15 (2017), color.
- Pg 109: The first strip. B&W.
- Pg 110: The first two strips. B&W.
- Pg 111: One frame. B&W.
- Pg 138: Page 3. Full page. B&W.
- 192. Tom Ficcanaso #7: “Supertom”. 23 pgs. Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #15 (April 11, 1963) to #38 (Sept. 26, 1963). Re: Eureka #19 (1969). Jacovitti Magazine #13 (1997). Hachette #17 (2017), color.
- Pg 109: Three frames. B&W.
- Pg 111: The first strip (a big frame). B&W.
- Pg 112: Two frames from the end of part 5, and The last frame from part 9. B&W.
- 190. Baby Tarallo #3: “Baby Rocket”. 30 pgs. Il Giorno del Lunedì #5 (Feb. 4, 1963) to #34 (Sept. 2, 1963). Re: A. Conti #289 (1991). Jacovitti Fantastorie (Stampa Alternativa 2005). Hachette #77 (2019), B&W.
- Pg 115: Two strips. B&W.
- Pg 116: Two strips. B&W.
- 183. Baby Tarallo #2: “Baby Megaton”. 31 pgs. Il Giorno del Lunedì #3 (Jan. 15, 1962) to #33 (Aug. 13, 1962). Re: A. Conti #288 (1991). Hachette #75 (2019), , B&W, except color on pgs 3, 6, 12, 14, 28-31.
- Pg 119: Two frist frames. B&W.
- 200. “Microciccio Spaccavento”. 30 pgs. Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #4 ([Jan. 28], 1965) to #33 ([Aug. 19], 1965). Re: Eureka Bazaar (1974). Arcicomiche Stellari (De Vecchi 1978). Jacovitti Fantastorie (Stampa Alternativa 2005). Hachette #52 (2018), color.
- Pg 120: Two strips. B&W.
- 064. “Checco”. 10 pgs. A. Morvan #1 (Dec. 4, 1949) to #3 (Feb. 18, 1949). Re: Capitan Walter #190 (1956). Alm. Vitt Amico d’inverno (1963). Agenda Amici del Vitt Club (1969). Informavitt #29 (1998). Hachette #67 (2018), 2-color (black with green or red), two pages sideways on each page (cover, 10 pgs).
- Pg 121: One frame from the beginning. B&W.
- 194. “Chicchirino”. 18 pgs. Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #39 (Oct. 3, 1963) to #6 (Feb. 6, 1964). Re: Eureka Natalie (1969). Jacovitti (Dami 1974). Hachette #67 (2018), color.
- Pg 121: Last two strips from the first page. B&W.
- 169. “Tizio, Caio e Sempronio”. 26 pgs. Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #32 (Aug. 11, 1960) to #5 (Feb. 2, 1961). Re: Eureka Bazaar (1974). Jacovitti (Dami 1974). Hachette #74 (2019), color.
- Pg 123: Page 5. Full page. B&W.
- 165. “Gamba di quaglia”. 30 pgs. Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #2 ([Jan. 14], 1960) to #31 (Aug. 4, 1960). Re: Eureka Seltz (1970). Jacovitti (Dami 1974). Hachette #78 (2019), color.
- Pg 124: Two strips. B&W.
- Pg 125: One strip. B&W.
- 133. Cocco Bill #01: “Cocco Bill [#1]”. 30 pgs. [SYNOPSIS]. © 1957. Il Giorno dei Ragazzi [#1] (March 28, 1957) to #30 (Oct. 17, 1957). Re: Album de “Il Girono” #1 (1962). Sorry #5 and #7 (1973). Cocco Bill (Milano Libri 1975). Comix #124 to #128 (1994). Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Superfumetti #8 (Oct. 13, 2015). Hachette #01 (2017).
- Pg 126: A strip. B&W.
- 166. Cocco Bill #05: “Il sergente Cocco Bill”. 30 pgs. [SYNOPSIS]. Giorno dei Ragazzi #7 (Feb. 18, 1960) to #36 (Sept. 8, 1960). Re: Album de “Il Giorno” #4 (1962). Cocco Bill (Milano Libri 1975). Jacovitti Magazine #18 (1998). Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Hachette #10 (2017).
- Pg 126: A strip. B&W.
- Pg 134: Cover of Album de Il Giorno #4. B&W.
- 164. Cocco Bill #04: “Cocco Bill in Canada”. 30 pgs. [SYNOPSIS]. Giorno dei Ragazzi #29 (July 16, 1959) to #6 (Feb. 11, 1960). Re: Album de “Il Giorno” #5 (1962). Cocco Bill (Milano Libri 1975). Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Superfumetti #14 (Nov. 24, 2015). Hachette #07 (2017).
- Pg 127: A strip. B&W.
- Pg 128: Three frames. B&W.
- 182. Cocco Bill #08: “Il cosacco Cocco Bill”. 25 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS]. Giorno dei Ragazzi #46 (Nov. 23, 1961) to #19 (May 10, 62). Re: Album de “Il Giorno” #8 (1962). “Il Giorno” di Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2009). Superfumetti #14 (Nov. 24, 2015). Hachette #19 (2017).
- Pg 129: Cover of Album de Il Girono #8 (1962). B&W.
- Pg 135: One strip about Jacovitti announcing the next, absurd, adventures of Cocco Bill which never existed. B&W.
- 170. Cocco Bill #06: “Cocco Bill contro Cocco Bill”. 30 pgs. [SYNOPSIS]. Giorno dei Ragazzi #37 (Sept. 15, 1960) to #14 (April 6, 1961). Re: Album de “Il Giorno” #6 (1962). Cocco Bill (Milano Libri 1975). “Il Giorno” di Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2009). Superfumetti #14 (Nov. 24, 2015). Hachette #11 (2017), color.
- Pg 130: One frame. B&W.
- Pg 131: Two frames. B&W.
- Pg 132: One strip. B&W.
- Pg 133: Cover of Album de Il Giorno #6. B&W.
- 329. Cocco Bill #35: “Jacovittevolissimevolmente CoccoBill”. 52 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS] Diario Vitt “Maxivitt, 1978/79” (June, 1978). Re: Cocco Bill (Glénat Italia 1986). Il Girono (Sept. 30, 1992 to Nov. 11, 1993). I Classici dei Fumetto di Repubblica #20 (2005). Gli anni d’oro del Diario Vitt(Stampa Alternativa 2006). Hachette #16 (2017).
- Pg 131: Two frames. B&W.
- 147. Cocco Bill #02: “Cocco Bill e gli Apaciones”. 30 pgs. [SYNOPSIS]. [JAC 58]. Giorno dei Ragazzi #21 (May 22, 1958) to #50 (Dec. 11, 1958). Re: Album de “Il Giorno” #2 (1962). Cocco Bill (Milano Libri 1975). Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Superfumetti #14 (Nov. 24, 2015). Hachette #04 (2017).
- Pg 133: Two strips about Cocco Bill vs. Peter Zing. B&W.
- 199. Cocco Bill #14: “Lo sceriffo Cocco Bill”. 30 pgs. [SYNOPSIS] Giorno dei Ragazzi #3 ([Jan. 21], 1965) to #32 ([Aug. 21], 1965). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #5 (1995). Trotta, trotta… Cocco Bill (Salani 1996). “Il Giorno” di Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2009). 100 anni di fumetto italiano 22(RCS 2010). Hachette #03 (2017), color.
- Pg 136: One frame with Cocco Bill dreaming Camillino Eldorado ice-cream which he made some advertising as well during that time. B&W.
- Pg 137: One strip which presents Chitarre Joe, the character who appeared in the Camillino Eldorado ice-cream logo. B&W.
- Pg 139: A pict of Cocco Bill (1974). Full page. B&W.
4. Gli anni del “Corriere dei Piccoli”
- Pg 140: A pict of Zorry Kid from cover of Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, I giganti del fumetto #2 (1975). Full page. B&W.
- Pg 141: Covers of Corriere dei Piccoli #48 (1968), and Corriere dei Piccoli #13 (1968). B&W.
- Pg 142: A pict of Jak Mandolino. B&W.
- Pg 143. A pict of Pop Korn. B&W.
- 230. Jak Mandolino #7: “Jak Mandolino”. 8 pgs. Color. A calendar with Corriere dei Piccoli #11 (March 17, 1968). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #1 (1994). Hachette #48 (2018).
- Pg 143: Two frames how Pop Korn tempts Jak Mandolin. B&W.
- 223. Jak Mandolino #6: “Jak Mandolino”. 42 pgs. Vitt #21 (June 1, 1967) to #33 (Aug. 24, 1967). Re: Jacovitti Stories #3 (Mondadori 1973). Jacovitti in giallo (Stampa Alternativa 2004). Hachette #66 (2018), color and B&W. Also with the tile “Jak Mandolino – Un parazumparappappà di Jacovitti”.
- Pg 144: One frame. The tempting devil is not yet called Pop Korn but Satanicchio. B&W.
- 230. Jak Mandolino #7: “Jak Mandolino”. 8 pgs. Color. A calendar with Corriere dei Piccoli #11 (March 17, 1968). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #1 (1994). Hachette #48 (2018).
- Pg 144: Two strips. Jak Mandolino’s first story appeared in Corriere dei Piccoli in 1968 (in a horizontal album attached). [Editorial note: The very first Jak Mandolino appeared in Captain Walter #11 (March 3, 1953). This was the first Corriere dei Piccoli appearance]. B&W.
- 308. Jak Mandolino #13: “Jak Mandolino tanto per far del bene”. 4 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Ragazzi #34 (Aug. 26, 1973). Re: Hachette #61 (2018).
- Pg 145: Two frames. Pop Korn the little devil is replaced by his sixth cousin Peppino the Cherub. B&W.
- Pg 147: Cover of Corriere dei Piccoli #42 (1969). Rather big pict. B&W.
- 231. Zorry Kid #1: “Jacovittùmpetezicchezacche!”. 60 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS]Il Corriere dei Piccoli #12 (March 24, 1968) to #28 (June 18, 1968). Re: I Giganti del Fumetto #1 (BUR 1975). Jacovittissimo! (Salani 1999). Il segno di Zorrykid (Ed. If 2003). Zorry Kid (Stampa Alternativa 2008). Hachette #45B to #46 (2018).
- Pg 148: Sample page. Full page. B&W.
- Pg 150: Two strips. B&W.
- Pg 149: Cover of Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, I giganti del fumetto #1 (1975). B&W.
- Pg 151: Cover of Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, I giganti del fumetto #3 (1975). B&W.
- 238. Cocco Bill #21: “Cocco Bill sulle rotaie”. 44 pgs. [SYNOPSIS] Corriere dei Piccoli #8 (Feb. 23, 1969) to #23 (June 8, 1969). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #14 (1997). Hachette #06 (2017).
- Pg 153: Two frames. B&W.
- Pg 155: Four picts: Cip, Zagar, Gallina and Kilometro the dog. B&W.
- 279. Tarallino #3: “Tarallino”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #13 (Aug. 6, 1972). Re: TV Junior #38 (1983). Più #238 (1987). Jacovitti Magazine #1 (1994). Diario Vitt (Pigna 1995). Hachette #44 (2018).
- Pg 157: The third strip from the first page. B&W.
- Pg 158: Cover of Corriere dei Piccoli #33 (1969). Full page. B&W.
- Pg 159: Cover of Corriere dei Piccoli #49 (1969). Full page. B&W.
- Pg 160: A pict of Zorry Kid and his horse Saratoga. Full page. B&W.
Color insert: Tutti i colori di Jacovitti
- Pg 1: Five picts:
- Indian as a Pinocchio (untitled). Color.
- “Pinocchio di Falco” [i.e. “Pinocchio by Falco”]. Color.
- “Pedro Catto e Gionni Volpe” [i.e. Pedro Cat and Johnny Fox”]. Color.
- “Il Grillo Sparante (spara sentenze)” [i.e. “The shooting cricket (shoot sentences)”] (Buffalo Grill). Color.
- “La maestrina dai cappelli turchini” [i.e. “The mistress with the blue hat”]. Color.
- Pgs 2-3: Illustrations for Pinocchio published by La Scuola (1945). Coloring by Aristide Longato © Editrice La Scuola. Two full pages. Color.
- Pg 4: Cover of Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #21 (1966). Full page. Color.
- Pg 5: Cover of Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #17, #20, #22, and #27 (1966). Each one quarter. Color.
- Pg 6: Cover of Il Vittorioso #10 (1960). Full page. Color.
- Pg 7: Cover of Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #37 (1966). Full page. Color.
- Pg 8: A pict from Pinocchio, published by A.V.E. (1964). Full page. Color.
- Pg 9: A pict from Jacovitti Magazine #17 (July 1998). Half page. Color.
- Pg 9: A pict from Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #48 (1966). Half page. Color.
- Pg 10: Cover of the volume Jacovitti Festival (second edition, A.V.E., 1964). Full page. Color.
- Pg 11: Table appeared on Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #48 (1965). “Caccia al titolo” [i.e. “Title Hunt”]. Full page. Color.
- 210. Pippo #48: “Pippo Western per un pugno di spiccioli”. 32 pgs. Vitt #1 (Jan. 8, 1967) to #11 (March 23, 1967). Re: Hachette #20 (2018), color.
- Pg 12: The opening page. Full page. Color.
- 199. Cocco Bill #14: “Lo sceriffo Cocco Bill”. 30 pgs. [SYNOPSIS] Giorno dei Ragazzi #3 ([Jan. 21], 1965) to #32 ([Aug. 21], 1965). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #5 (1995). Trotta, trotta… Cocco Bill (Salani 1996). “Il Giorno” di Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2009). 100 anni di fumetto italiano 22(RCS 2010). Hachette #03 (2017), color.
- Pg 13: Page 2. Full page. Color.
- Pg 14: Four picts:
- A pict, “Buone feste!” [i.e. “Happy Holidays!”] from Il Vittorioso (1964). A quarter. Color.
- Advertising for the Zigulì candy; made in 1979, it was used at least until 1984. A quarter. Color.
- Illustrations for surprise envelopes made in 1976 and in the following years by the Roman company Edierre. The envelopes contained plastic toys, balloons and books with reprints of stories published in the 1950s by the publisher Gabriele Gioggi, in particular designed by Guido Buzzelli. Two picts, both a quarter. Color.
- Pg 15: Advertising page for Toffy from Eldorado: the three-layered ice cream. For this, the gags inside the circle are based on number 3. These advertisements appear simultaneously in various publications; this one is taken from Intrepido #26 of (June 29, 1972. Full page. Color.
- Pg 16: A poster for the Municipal Police Department of the City of Milan (1962), from Jacovitti Magazine #8 (Dec. 1995). Full page. Color.
5. Da “Linus” al “Kamasultra”
- 299. “Gionni Peppe”. 40 pgs. B&W. Linus #7 (July, 1973) to #10 (Oct., 1973). Re: Il Giornale d’Italia #147 to #186 (1975). Comix #101 to #108 (1994). Hachette #27 (2018), color.
- Pg 161: One frame. B&W.
- Pg 162: One strip. B&W.
- Pg 163: One strip. Gionni Peppe accuses Jac of indifference. B&W.
- Pg 163: One frame. A worm in a fez hat reads Jacovitti (“Jacovitti: The Original Black Power”). B&W.
- Pg 165: One frame. Jac tries to hit the circle (Pci aka Italian Communist Party) and the barrel (Msi). B&W.
- Pg 166: One strip. Again the symbol of Pci. B&W.
- Pg 166: One frame. Again text P.C.I. in it. B&W.
- Pg 167: One frame. B&W.
- Pg 168: One frame. Linus magazine as toilet paper. B&W.
- Pg 168: One frame. A Marxist Snoopy. B&W.
- Pg 172: Page 1. Full page. B&W.
- 238. Cocco Bill #21: “Cocco Bill sulle rotaie”. (see Chapter 4).
- Pg 163: One pict. Already in 1969 Jacovitti – Cocco Bill was threatened by the dispute. B&W.
- 323. “Gionni Lupara”. 60 pgs. B&W. Linus #7 (July, 1974) to #12 (Dec., 1974). Re: Il Giornale d’Italia #187 to #216 (1975). Hachette #32 (2018), color, part 1, 30 pgs (Linus #7 to #9). Hachette #33 (2018), color, part 2, 30 pgs (Linus #10 to 12).
- Pg 164: One frame. The original frame published by Panorama, in which Linus is embraced not by his classic blanket but by the PCI flag. PCI stands for Italian Communist Party. B&W.
- Pg 164: Two frames. The censured frame (from the same frame as above) published by Linus #9 (Sept. 1974). The PCI flag has been redrawn as the classic blanket of Linus with a ladder next to it.
- Pg 166: Two different frames. B&W.
- Pg 167: One frame. A magazine of “Play-Boia”. B&W.
- Pg 173: Page 1. Full page. B&W.
- 343. “Joe Balordo”. 24 pgs. B&W. Linus #10 (Oct. 1981) to #2 (Feb. 1982). Re: Comix #31 to #37 (1992). Joe Balordo (F.C. Panini 1992). Hachette #53(2018), part 1, color.
- Pg 169: A pict for the cover of Joe Balordo (1992). Half page. B&W.
- Pgs 170-171: Two circle frames from Kamasutra. Half page. B&W.
6. L’ultimo Cocco Bill
- 324. Cocco Bill #34: ”Scioscioscioni Cocco Bill!”. 48 pgs. Color (partly two strips here and there in B&W!). [SYNOPSIS] Giorno dei Ragazzi #17 (April 25, 1976) to #28 (July 11, 1976). Re: Hachette #25 (2018), 24 pgs.
- Pg 174: Page 1. Full page. B&W.
- 329. Cocco Bill #35: “Jacovittevolissimevolmente CoccoBill”. 52 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS] Diario Vitt “Maxivitt, 1978/79” (June, 1978). Re: Cocco Bill (Glénat Italia 1986). Il Girono (Sept. 30, 1992 to Nov. 11, 1993). I Classici dei Fumetto di Repubblica #20 (2005). Gli anni d’oro del Diario Vitt(Stampa Alternativa 2006). Hachette #16 (2017).
- Pg 175: A pict taken from the cover of Jacovittevolissimmente Cocco Bill, published by French Glénat in 1986. A quarter. B&W.
- 330. Cocco Bill #36: “Salooon”. 6 pgs. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giornalino #27 (July 2, 1978). Re: An insert for Il Giornalino #37 (1985). Cocco Bill (Epipress 1979). A. “Jacovitti a colori” #1 (2004). Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Superfumetti #8 (Oct. 13, 2015). #10 (2017).
- Pg 176: A pict taken from the cover of Epipress reprint (1979). Half page. B&W.
- 367. Cocco Bill #61:”Cocco Bill contro se stesso”. 27 pgs. [SYNOPSIS] Comic Art #24 (July 1986, 10 pgs), #26 (Sept. 1986, 10 pgs), and #26 (Oct. 1986, 7 pgs). Re: Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Hachette #08 (2017).
- Pg 177: First two strips. Half page. B&W.
- Pg 178: Cover of Il Salgarone (1997). A quarter. B&W.
- 385. Cocco Bill #72:”Coccobill: Diquaedilà”. 94 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS] I grandi comici del fumetto #1 (Sergio Bonelli Editore, May 1997). Re: Hachette #41–#42 (2018).
- Pg 179: Cover of Diquaedità (1997). A quarter. B&W.
- Pg 180: One strip. B&W.
- Pg 180: One frame. B&W.
- Pg 181: One frame emulating Escher. B&W.
- Pgs 184-185: Two sample pages. Both full page. B&W.
- Pg 181: A pict of “Il Coyote della Sera” [i.e. “The Coyote of the Evening”]. B&W.
- Pg 182: A pict with Lucky Luke and Cocco Bill by Maurice de Bevere and Benito Jacovitti. B&W.
- Pg 183: A part of the cover of Jacovitti Magazine #1 (March 1994).
7. Jac e il costume
- Pg 186: Cover of Il Vittorioso #17 (1966). Full page. B&W.
- 001. Pippo #1: “Pippo e gli inglesi”. (see Chapter 1)
- Pg 187: Three first strips with speech balloons. The original 1940 version… (Compare Chapter 1 version). Half page. B&W.
- Pg 188: An unfinished “I tre re” story. B&W.
- 036. “Battista l’ingenuo fascista”. 13 pgs. Intervallo #26 (Dec. 8, 1945) to #14 (June 8, 1946). Re: A. Conti #10 (1974). Il Meridiano #42 (1979): #43to #45 (1980). Eia eia baccalà (Stampa Alternativa 2010).
- Pg 189: A page. Half page. B&W.
- 100. Pippo #36: “Pippo milionario”. 20 pgs. Il Vittorioso #44 (Nov. 1, 1953) to #11 (March 14, 1954). Re: Jacovitti Circus #1 (Mondadori 1978), forced. Jacovitti Circus (Club degli Editori 1979). Hachette #57 (2018), color.
- Pg 190: Three strips. Half page. B&W.
- 131. Jak Mandolino #3: “Gionni Chitarra e Jak Mandolino”. 8 pgs. Il Vittorioso #7 (Feb. 13, 1957) to #10 (March 10, 1957). Re: Almanacco Vitt(1961). Il Mago #7 (Oct. 1972). Jacovitti Stories #3 (Mondadori 1973). Jacovittissimo! (Salani 1999). Jacovitti in giallo (Stampa Alternativa 2004). Hachette #48 (2018), color and 2-color (black and blue).
- Pg 191: One strip. B&W.
- Pg 192: Il Vittorioso #39 (1955). Full page. B&W.
- Pg 193: Il Vittorioso #33 (1953). A quarter. B&W.
- Pg 193: Il Vittorioso (1958). A quarter. B&W.
- 125. “Quant’è bueno!”. 4 pgs. Il Vittorioso #43 (Oct. 24, 1956) to #47 (Nov. 21, 1956). Re: Corriere dei Piccoli #44 to #50 (1956).
- Pg 194: A page. Half page. B&W.
- Pg 195: Il Vittorioso #21 (1959). Full page. B&W.
- 168. Pippo #45: “Pippo e il cirlimpacco”. 14 pgs. Il Vittorioso #17 (April 23, 1960) to #30 (July 23, 1960). Re: Jacovitti Show #2 (Mondadori 1977). Jacovitti Show (Club degli Editori 1979).
- Pg 197: Page 9. Half page. B&W.
- 203. Cip #8: “Cip Cip Cip … Urrah!”. 22 pgs. Il Vittorioso #1 (Jan. 1, 1966) to #21 (May 21, 1966). Re: Jacovitti Show #3 (Mondadori 1977). Jacovitti Show (Club degli Editori 1979). Jacovitti Magazine #19 (2000). Hachette #53 (2018), color.
- Pg 197: Two first strips of page 2. B&W.
- 169. “Tizio, Caio e Sempronio”. 26 pgs. Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #32 (Aug. 11, 1960) to #5 (Feb. 2, 1961). Re: Eureka Bazaar (1974). Jacovitti (Dami 1974). Hachette #74 (2019), color.
- Pg 198: Two strips from page 2. Half page. B&W.
- Pg 199: Two different two strips samples. Both half page. B&W.
- 221. Cocco Bill #17: “Il Cocco bello, il brutto e il cattivo”. 29 pgs. [SYNOPSIS] Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #12 ([March 30], 1967) to #39 ([Oct. 12], 1967). Re: Jacovitti (Dami 1974). “Il Giorno” di Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2009). Hachette #28 (2018), 50 pgs, color.
- Pg 200: A pict of Cocco Bill and Trottalemme. Half page. B&W.
- Pg 201: Page 1. Half page. B&W.
- 201. Tom Ficcanaso #10: “Ficcanaso zerosette in Operazione Tonno”. 14 pgs. Il Gioro dei Ragazzi #34 ([Aug. 26], 1965) to #47 (Dec. 2, 1965). Re: Eureka Parapioggia (1970). Eternauta #56 (1987). Hachette #21 (2018), color.
- Pg 202: Page 1. Full page. B&W.
- Pg 203: Page 4. Full page. B&W.
- 163. “Giulietto e Romea”. 14 pgs. Color. Il Giorno della Donna #17 (June 9, 1959) to #31 (Sept. 15, 1959). Re: Jacovitti (Dami 1974). Engimstica Mensile #17 to #19 (1981). Hachette #35 (2018).
- Pg 205: Page 14. Full page. B&W.
- 041. Raimondo #1: “Raimondo il Vagabondo” 5 pgs. Color. Il Vittorioso #39 (Oct. 13, 1946) to #43 (Nov. 10, 1946). Re: A. di Pippo #4 (1948, rist. anastatica 1991). A supplement for Il Vittorioso (5.7.1953). Il Vittorioso #17 (1961). A. Conti #247 (1983). Eia eia baccalà (Stampa Alternativa 2010). Hachette #55 (2018).
- Pg 206: Three strips. Half page. B&W.
- 039. “Mandrago”. 12 pgs. Il Vittorioso #27 (July 21, 1946) to #38 (Oct. 6, 1946). Re: A. di Pippo #4 (1948, rist. anastatica 1991). A supplement for Il Vittorioso (5.7.1953). Vitt #4 (1969). Il Mago #2 (May 1972). Jacovitti Memories #2 (Mondadori 1975). A. Conti #152 (1978). Jacovitti Magazine #20(2001). Vol. Alessandro ed. (2001). Hachette #63 (2018), Six strips per page, only two on the last page. Color.
- Pg 206: Last two strips from last page. Half page. B&W.
- 056. Pippo #22: “Pippo e il Faraone”. 23 pgs. Il Vittorioso #18 (May 2, 1948) to #40 (Oct. 3, 1948). Re: A. di Giraffone #27 (1951). Enciclopedia dei Fumetti (Sansoni 1970). Il Mago #17 (Aug. 1973). Jacovitti Stories #2 (1973). A. Conti #153 (1978). Tutti i salami di Jacovitti #2 (Mondadori 1993). Jacovitti Fantastorie (Stampa Alternativa 2005). Hachette #79 (2019), 19 pgs, color, six strips per page.
- Pg 207: Two different two strips samples. Both half page. B&W.
8. Il linguaggio di Jacovitti
- Pg: 208: A pict from Jacovittissimo! (1999). Full page. B&W.
- 233. Zorry Kid #02: “Zorry Kid all’arrembaggio!”. 79 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Corriere dei Piccoli #28 (July 14, 1968) to #47 (Nov. 24, 1968). Re: I Giganti del Fumetto #2 (BUR 1975). Il Giornalino #2 to #12 (1990). Zorry Kid (Stampa Alternativa 2008). Hachette #50 to #51 (2018).
- Pg 209: A frame. Half page. B&W.
- Pg 219: Two frames how the beard becomes an active extension of the body. B&W.
- 155. Cocco Bill #03: “Cocco Bill e la revolución”. 30 pgs. [SYNOPSIS]. Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #51 (Dec. 18, 1958) to #28 (July 9, 1959). Re: Album de “Il Giorno” #3 (1962). Cocco Bill (Milano Libri 1975). “Il Giorno” di Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2009). Hachette #30 (2018), color.
- Pg 211: Two strips. Half page. B&W.
- Pg 218: One frame about plan/piano. B&W.
- 250. Zorry Kid #07: “Zorry-ugh!”. 20 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS] Corriere dei Piccoli #20 (May 17, 1970) to #21 (May 24, 1970). Re: I Giganti del Fumetto #3 (BUR 1975). TV Junior #42 to #45 (1983). Più #230 to #231 (1987). Zorry Kid (Stampa Alternativa 2008). Hachette #62 (2018).
- Pg 213: One frame about the violence. Half page. B&W.
- Pg 218: One strip. B&W.
- Pg 226: Two strips. Half page. B&W.
- 165. “Gamba di quaglia”. 30 pgs. Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #2 ([Jan. 14], 1960) to #31 (Aug. 4, 1960). Re: Eureka Seltz (1970). Jacovitti (Dami 1974). Hachette #78 (2019), color.
- Pg 214: One frame. The sadism of the evil Pape Satan [Paps Satan], sailor of the galleon “La Peppa”. B&W.
- 329. Cocco Bill #35: “Jacovittevolissimevolmente CoccoBill”. (See Chapter 3).
- Pg 215: Two strips about Cocco Bill makes a reticent witness to “spit the frog out his mouth”. Half page. B&W.
- 180. Tom Ficcanaso #4: “Tom Ficcanaso e l’Effebià!”. 26 pgs. Giorno dei Ragazzi #34 (Aug. 31, 1961) to #8 (Feb. 22, 1962). Re: Eureka #23 (1969). Tom Ficcanaso (Stampa Alternativa 2005). Hachette #34 (2018), color.
- Pg 215: One frame about a spy ordering a gun dealer to “shut the beak”. B&W.
- Pg 220: Two frames. B&W.
- Pg 216: One The Little Beppe strip where Giuseppe makes his eye sweet by taking one out of the socket and licking it. B&W.
- 183. Baby Tarallo #2: “Baby Megaton”. 31 pgs. Il Giorno del Lunedì #3 (Jan. 15, 1962) to #33 (Aug. 13, 1962). Re: A. Conti #288 (1991). Hachette #75 (2019), , B&W, except color on pgs 3, 6, 12, 14, 28-31.
- Pg 217: Two strips where Baby Tarallo and his opponent literally change their connotations with their fists. B&W.
- 164. Cocco Bill #04: “Cocco Bill in Canada”. (see Chapter 3).
- Pg 217: One frame where the heads of Indians become sieves. B&W.
- 192. Tom Ficcanaso #7: “Supertom”. (see Chapter 3).
- Pg 219: One frame. B&W.
- 279. Tarallino #3: “Tarallino”. (see Chapter 4).
- Pg 221: First strip. B&W.
- 185. Cocco Bill #09: “Cocco Bill nella foresta”. 27 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS] Giorno dei Ragazzi #20 (May 17, 1962) to #46 (Dec. 27, 1962). Re: Eureka #88 to #90 (1972). Cocco Bill (Milano Libri 1975). Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2007). Hachette #13 (2017).
- Pg 222: One strip. B&W.
- Pg 223: A sample Jacovittaggini. Half page. B&W.
- 263. Cip #13: Pic l’arbilopicciotto: “Rubar l’arte e metterla da parte!”. 2 pgs. Color. Corriere dei Piccoli #50 (Dec. 12, 1971). Re: Jacovitti Magazine #8 (1995). Hachette #35 (2018).
- Pg 224: One frame. Half page. B&W.
- 166. Cocco Bill #05: “Il sergente Cocco Bill”. (see Chapter 3).
- Pg 225: Two different frames. B&W.
- 231. Zorry Kid #1: “Jacovittùmpetezicchezacche!”. (see Chapter 4).
- Pg 227: One frame. B&W.
- Pg 229: One frame about onomatopoeia. B&W.
- 223. Jak Mandolino #6: “Jak Mandolino”. Also with the tile “Jak Mandolino – Un parazumparappappà di Jacovitti”. (see Chapter 4).
- Pg 227: One frame. B&W.
- 239. Zorry Kid #03: “Zorry contro Zorry”. 22 pgs. Color. [SYNOPSIS] Il Corriere dei Piccoli #33/1969. Re: I Giganti del Fumetto #3 (BUR 1975). Zorry Kid (Stampa Alternativa 2008). 100 anni di fumetto italiano #8 (RCS 2009). Hachette #46 (2018).
- Pg 228: One frame about onomatopoeia. B&W.
- 204. Cocco Bill #16: “Cocco Bill così e cosà”. 33 pgs. [SYNOPSIS] Giorno dei Ragazzi #16 (April 21, 1966) to #48 ([Dec. 29], 1966). Re: Jacovitti(Dami 1974). “Il Giorno” di Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa 2009). Hachette #24 (2018). “Cocco Bill so and so”.
- Pg 229: One frame. B&W.
- Pgs 230-231: Two “Jacovittaggini”s. One from Jacovitti. Beppe & Co. (2010), and the other from Jacovitti (1999). Both a page. Full pages. B&W.
La parola a Jacovitti (intervista)
- 299. “Gionni Peppe”. (see Chapter 5).
- Pg 239: One frame of French translation. Charlie #59 (Dec. 1973) to #62 (March 1974). B&W.
- Pg 240: Cover of Diario Vitt (1954-55). A quarter. B&W.
- 158. Pippo #44: “Pippo e Gibù”. 15 pgs. Il Vittorioso #7 (Feb. 14, 1959) to #13 (March 28, 1959). Re: Jacovitti Show #3 (Mondadori 1977). Jacovitti Show (Club degli Editori 1979). Tutti i salami di Jacovitti #3 (Mondadori 1993).
- Pg 241: Two sample frames. Both half page. B&W.
- Pg 243: A pict from 1965. B&W.
- 119. “Meo Pantera”. 5 pgs. Il Piccolo Missionario #6/7 (June/July, 1956). Re: Voci d’oltremare #6/7 (1956). Il Piccolo Missionario #11 (1979). Informavitt #28 (1998).
- Pg 245: Two strips. Half page. B&W.
- Pg 247: Cover of Pepito #99 (Nov. 20, 1958). B&W.
Appendix II
- Pg 293: One page of “Allegretto elettorale” [i.e. “Election joy”]. A panorama from Junior (1948). Half page. B&W.
- Pg 295: One page of “Sciolte e a pacchetti” [i.e. “Loose and packaged”]. A panorama from Gran Macel (1948), an election campaign. Full page. B&W.
- Pg 297: A pict from “Pinocchio” from La Scuola (1945). Full page. B&W.
- Pg 302: Cover of Elogio della medicina di Jacovitti (2001). B&W.
- Pg 305: A pict from Alleati in Italia (1945) series. A quarter. B&W.
- Pg 306: A pict “Vota Italia” from elections. A quarter. B&W.
- Pg 306: A pict from Prevenzione incendi (1950) series. Half page. B&W.
- Pg 308: A pict from La canzoni del Festival di Sanremo (1950). Half page. B&W.
- Pg 309: Four picts from Pia Opera Nazionale Vocazioni Francescane (1950). Each a quarter. B&W.
- Pg 310: A pict from 1987. Half page. B&W.
- Pg 311: A pict from Il Rione Murena (1997). Half page. B&W.
- Pgs 312-313: Three election campaign posters from 1951, 1955 (pg 312), and 1972 (pg 313). Each a quarter. B&W.
- Pg 315: A menu pict from 1961. B&W.
- Pg 316: A menu pict from 1961. Half page. B&W.
- Pg 317: A pict. B&W.
- Pg 318: A menu pict from 1961. B&W.
- Pgs 320-321: Three Eldorado ice cream ads. Two on pg 320, one on pg 321. Each a quarter. B&W.
- Photos on pages (only some full page): 10, 16, 55, 68, 70, 71, 76, 130, 131, 188, 196, 232-258, 319. B&W.
Cover Art
Table of Contents, 1
Table of Contents, 2
Page samples
Copyright © 2010 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: October 24, 2010. Last updated: March 11, 2023 at 15:36 pm