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Cocco Bill #13: “Il corsaro Cocco Bill”

Cocco Bill #13: “Il corsaro Cocco Bill

© 1964. Signature always on the first strip, except on pgs 1, 5, 7 on the second, on pg 4 on the thrid, on pg 11 on the thrid, and on pg 20 on the last strip [JAC 64]. Page numbering inside a fish. 30 pgs. 

Reprint changes (page altering):
Appeared in Jacovitti Magazine for the first time in full lenght. 

Prints (Cocco Bill #13):

Cocco Bill is knocked out and carried to the ship. But the ship is hicked by pirates and Cocco Bill will be the captain of the ship. Trottalemme participates this story concretely. 

Cocco Bill; Trottalemme (here just “cavallo”, a horse); Capitano Nikolas Fumaburro; Capitano Smogh; Bruk. 

[* Opening page excerpt from the Italian reprinted edition] 

Copyright © 2010 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: August 30, 2010. Last updated: May 2, 2020 at 20:00 pm