Benito Jacovitti

This page lists all original Cocco Bill stories [source Fumetto Cocco Bill].

Cocco Bill Original Italian Stories

Cocco Bill page coverage.

0030 01: "Cocco Bill [#1]" 30 pgs. © 1957. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #1 (28.3.57) to #30 (17.10.57).

0060 02: "Cocco Bill e gli Apaciones" 30 pgs. [JAC 58]. Syno
Appeared for the first time in color in Giorno dei Ragazzi #21 (22.5.58) to #50 (11.12.58).
0090 03: "Cocco Bill e la revolución" 30 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #51 (18.12.58) to #28 (9.7.59).
0120 04: "Cocco Bill in Canada" 30 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #29 (16.7.59) to #6 (11.2.60).
015005: "Il sergente Cocco Bill" 30 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #7 (18.2.60) to #36 (8.9.60).
018006: "Cocco Bill contro Cocco Bill" 30 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #37 (15.9.60) to #14 (6.4.61).
021007: "Kamumilla Kokobì" 30 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #16 (20.4.61) to #45 (16.11.61).
023508: "Il cosacco Cocco Bill" 25 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #46 (23.11.61) to #19 (10.5.62).
026209: "Cocco Bill nella foresta" 27 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #20 (17.5.62) to #46 (27.12.62).
028510: "Cocco Cocco Cocco Bill" 23 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #1 (3.1.63) to #23 (13.6.63).
0310 11: "Cocco Bill nell'Arizona" 25 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #24 (20.6.63) to #49 (12.12.63).
0331 12: "Cocco Bill nell'aldiquà" 21 pg. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #1 (2.1.64) to #21 (2.5.64).
0361 13: "Il corsaro Cocco Bill" 30 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #22 (28.5.64) to #1 (sd, 1965).
039114: "Lo sceriffo Cocco Bill" 30 pgs. Color. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #3 (sd, 1965) to #32 (sd, 1965).
042415: "Ugh-Ugh Cocco Bill" 33 pgs.Syno
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #34 (sd, 1965) to #15 (14.4.66).
0457 16: "Cocco Bill così e cosà" 33 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #16 (21.4.66) to #48 (sd, 1966).
0486 17: "Il Cocco bello il brutto e il cattivo" 29 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #12 (sd, 1967) to #39 (sd, 1967);
050518: "Coccobillevolissimevolmente" 19 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #40 (sd, 1967) to #49 (sd, 1967).
050619: "Calendario 1968" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #50 (sd, 1967).
0554 20: "Cocco Bill fa sette più" aka "Cocco Bill fa 7+" 48 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #48/1968 (1.12.68) to #7/1969 (16.2.69).
0598 21: "Cocco Bill sulle rotaie" 44 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #8 (23.2.69) to #23 (8.6.69).
0606 22: "Coccobrillo" 8 pgs.Syno
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #30 (27.7.69).
0616 23: "Coccoùgh!" 10 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #35 (31.8.69).
0628 24: "Cocco Bill contro corrente" 12 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli, volume "I nuovi eroi" ([Dec.] 1969).
0663 25: "Occhio di Pollo e... i polli con l'occhio" 35 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #49 (7.12.69).
0677 26: "Cocco driinn!" 14 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #12 (22.3.70). Reprinted in • Jacovitti Magazine #9 (April 1996).
0701 27: "Cocco Bill contro chissà?" 24 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #24 (14.4.70) to #27 (5.7.70).
0721 28: "Coccobilliput" 20 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #44 (1.11.70) to #48 (29.11.70).
076529: "Cocco Bill sette per due" 44 pgs. Syno [FIN] [GR] [NL1] [NL2] [SPA] [YSL1] [YSL2]
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #30 (25.7.71) to #40 (3.10.71).
076730: "Cocco Bill quasi per niente" 2 pgs. Syno [FIN] [FRA] [YSL1] [YSL2]
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #41 (8.10.72).
0771 31: "Cocco Bill fa bim bam bum" 4 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #42 (15.10.72).
0779 32: "Cocco Bill a Bob City" 8 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #52 (24.12.72).
078333: "Cocco Bill per un po' di camomilla" 4 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #48 (2.12.73).
083134: "Scioscioscioni Cocco Bill!" 48 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #17 (25.4.76) to #28 (11.7.76).
088535: "Jacovittevolissimevolmente CoccoBill" 54 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Diario Vitt "Maxivitt, 1978/79" (June 1978).
0891 36: "Saloon" 6 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #27 (2.7.78).
0897 37: "Cicci e Cocco" 6 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #29 (16.7.78).
0903 38: "Mondo pistola!" 6 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #31 (30.7.78).
0909 39: "Cocco Ugh!" 6 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #33 (20.8.78).
0916 40: "Cocco Patata" 6 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #35 (3.9.78).
0921 41: "Cocco Siù" 6 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #38 (24.9.78).
0927 42: "Ciccicoccomac" 6 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #45 (12.11.78).
0933 43: "Coccopepite" 6 pgs. Syno
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #49 (10.12.78).
095744: "Cocco Bill [#44]" 24 pgs (wide 3 strip pages). Syno
Appeared for the first time in Strisce e musica #1 (18.3.81) to #24 (26.8.81).
095945: "Cocco Biilll [#45]" 2 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #49 (11.12.82).
0961 46: "Cocco Bill [#46]" aka "Camomilla al Trotto" 2 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #51 (25.12.82).
0963 47: "Cocco Bill [#47]" 2 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #1 (8.1.83).
0965 48: "Cocco Bill [#48]" 2 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #3 (22.1.83).
0970 49: "Cocco Bill! [#49]" 5 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #15 (16.4.83).
097550: "Cocco Bill! [#50]" 5 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #16 (23.4.83).
098051: "Cocco Billo! [#51]" 5 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #18 (7.5.83).
098552: "Cocco Bill [#52]" 5 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #21 (28.5.83).
099053: "Cocco Bill [#53]" 5 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #23 (11.6.83).
099554: "Cocco Bill [#54]" 5 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #25 (25.6.83).
100055: "Cocco Biiiiill [#55]" 5 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #27 (9.7.83).
100556: "Cocco Bill! [#56]" 5 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #39 (1.10.83).
101057: "Cocco Bill [#57]" 5 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #48 (3.12.83).
105858: "Cocco Bill fa coccodè" 48 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #21 (21.5.86) to #23 (14.6.86).
106659: "Cocco Beach" 8 pgs.
Appeared for the first time as insert "Messaggero Estate" in daily Il Messaggero (19.7.86).
109360: "Cocco Bill contro se stesso" 27 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Comic Art #24 (July 1986) to #26 (Oct. 1986).
1099 61: "Cocco Billl [#61]" 6 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #47 (26.11.86).
110562: "Cocco Bill [#62]" 6 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #3 (21.1.87).
110963: Cocco Bill: "Gags" 4 pgs (one page gags each). Syno
Appeared for the first time in Jacovitti Magazine #13 (March 1997). [JAC 79]
112164: "Coccodrill" 12 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #14 (2.4.97). Note: "+ cop [e una pagina pubblicitaria in Il Giornalino #13]".
1122 65: "Coccobillaggini" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #15 (9.4.97).
1123 66: "Coccobillando" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #16 (16.4.97) [paginona]
112967: "Goggobill" 6 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #17 (23.4.97).
113068: "Coccobillaggini!" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #18 (30.4.97).
113169: "Coccobillaggini!" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #19 (7.5.97).
113270: "Coccobillando" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #20 (14.5.97).
113371: "Coccobillando!" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #21 (21.5.97).
219072: "Coccobill: Diquaedilà" 94 pgs. Color.
Appeared for the first time in collection I grandi comici del fumetto #1 (Sergio Bonelli Editore, May 1997).
219173: "Coccobillando!" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #22 (28.5.97) [paginona]
219274: "Coccobillando!" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #23 (4.6.97) [paginona]
219375: "Coccobillaggini!" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #24 (11.6.97).
219976: "Crazy Cocco" 6 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #25 (18.6.97). Note: Plus sleeve.
220077: "Coccobillando!" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #26 (25.6.97) [paginona]
220178: "Coccobillaggini!" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #27 (2.7.97)
220279: "Coccobillando!" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #28 (9.7.97) [paginona]
220380: "Coccobillaggini!" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #29 (16.7.97)
221181: "Coccobeheheh!" 8 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #30 (23.7.97). Note: Plus sleeve.
221282:"Coccobillando!" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #33 (13.8.97) [paginona]
221383: "Coccobillaggini!" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #35 (3.9.97)
2214 84: "Coccobillando!" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #37 (17.9.97) [paginona]
222085: "Coccozitt!" 6 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #39 (1.10.97). Note: Plus sleeve.
222186: "Coccobillaggini!" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #45 (12.11.97)
222287: "Coccobillando!" 1 pg. Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #47 (26.11.97) [paginona]
223088: "Coccobrrrr" 8 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #50 (17.12.97). Note: Plus sleeve.
223689: "Coccobull" 6 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #30 (28.1.98). Note: Plus sleeve.
224190: "E'Natale Cocco Bill" aka "Buon Natale Cocco Bill" 5 pgs. Syno
Prob. appeared for the first time in Jacovitti Magazine #18 (Nov. 1998).
2248 91: "Coccoecocco" 7 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino (1998?)
226192: "Coccoetì" 13 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino (1998?)
226293: "Coccobillaggini" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino (1998?)
226394: "Coccobillaggini" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino (1998?)
2264X: There also exists an untitled 1 pager in Invito a... Il Giornalino (Oct. 8, 1986) [Source GCD]. And an 2 pg ad ("È arrivato Toffy Il grangelato a tre stadi!") in Topolino #858 (March 7, 1972) [Source GCD].

Cocco Bill #1

Cocco Bill #2

Cocco Bill #3

Cocco Bill #5

Cocco Bill #6

Cocco Bill #7

Cocco Bill #8

CoccoBill Fa 7 Plus

Il Giornalino #47/1986

Cocco Bill, Sergio Bonelli Editore

Cocco Bill Antologies

The page count of Cocco Bill stories is incredible 2264! And only a part of that legacy has been reprinted in antologies. See bellow.

Cocco Bill Antalogia (1975)Jacovitti [Piero Dami]

1974. Ed. Piero Dami.

[See stories inside

Cocco Bill [Milano Libri]

March 1975. Ed. Milano Libri. 338 pgs. 200x280 mm.

Cocco Bill. Color.
Cover Art [JAC 74]. Blue cover above.

[See stories inside

Stampa Alternativa/Nuovi Equilibri Antologies

Cocco Bill: Mezzo secolo di ristate western (Stampa Alternativa Antologia #1) Il Giorno di Cocco Bill (Stampa Alternativa Antologia #2)

Stampa Alternativa/Nuovi Equilibri. Two antologias. The first one was for 50 year Cocco Bill jubilee (the very first Cocco Bill story was printed in March 28, 1957).

1st volume: Dec. 4, 2007. 238 pgs. [See stories inside
2nd volume: Oct. 20, 2009. 357 pgs. 29,00 €. [See stories inside

Period Jacovitti Magazine (1994–2001)

Jacovitti Magazine

Translated Cocco Bill

Copyright © 2008 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: March 27, 2008. Modified: November 30, 2014.