Benito Jacovitti

This page lists Jacovitti in France [main source BD oubliées].

Cocco Bill [FRA]: 7 fois moucheJacovitti in France

Cocco Bill [FRA]: 7 fois mouche

1975. JC Lattès. Color. Hard Bound.

"Cocco Bill [FRA]: 7 fois mouche"
Cover Art [JAC 73]

"Cocco Bill [FRA]: 7 fois mouche" Syno
Original: Cocco Bill #20: "Cocco Bill fa sette più". Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 48/1968 to 7/1969.

Cocco Bill [FRA]: Sur les rails

Cocco Bill [FRA]: Sur les rails1975. JC Lattès. 2nd trimester 1975. Color. Hard Bound. © 1975 Corriere dei Ragazzi/Juvenile Studio/Presse Bureau Junior.
Similar print with Finnish 2. Cocco Bill ja junarosvot [2/75].

"Cocco Bill [FRA]: Sur les rails"
Cover Art [JAC 73]

"Sur les rails" © 1969. 44 pgs. [JAC 69] Syno
Original: Cocco Bill #21: "Cocco Bill sulle rotaie". Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 8 to 23/1969.

"Pour une bricole" © 1972. 2 pgs. [JAC 72] Syno
Original: Cocco Bill #30: "Cocco Bill quasi per niente". Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #41/1972.

"Tarallino" © 1972. 2 pgs. [JAC 72]

Cocco Bill [FRA]: Le cow-boy Spaghetti de Jacovitti

Cocco Bill [FRA]: Le cow-boy Spaghetti de JacovittiMay 1982. Vaillant. Color.
Prob. similar print with Finnish 2. Cocco Bill ja junarosvot [2/75].

"Cocco Bill [FRA]: Le cow-boy Spaghetti de Jacovitti"
Cover Art

Cocco Bill: "Le cow-boy Spaghetti de Jacovitti" Syno
• Part 1
Original: Cocco Bill #36: "Salooon". Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 27/1978.
• Part 2
Original: Cocco Bill #37: "Cicci e Cocco". Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 29/1978.
• Part 3
Original: Cocco Bill #38: "Mondo pistola". Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 31/1978.
• Part 4
Original: Cocco Bill #39: "Cocco Ugh!". Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 33/1978.
• Part 5
Original: Cocco Bill #40: "Cocco patata". Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 35/1978.
• Part 6
Original: Cocco Bill #41: "Cocco siù". Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 38/1978.
• Part 7
Original: Cocco Bill #42: "Ciccicoccomac". Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 45/1978.
• Part 8
Original: Cocco Bill #43: "Coccopepite". Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 49/1978.

Tagada Cvrs
Tagada Cvrs.


Small sized.

"Tex Revolver [FRA]" 31+32+31+17 pgs. B&W. Syno
Original: "Tex Revolver". Appeared in Il Vittorioso #11/1955 (13.3.1955) to #41/1955 (12.10.1955). Reprinted in • Tagada #3/1959 (Feb. 1959) to #6/1959 (May 1959) • as "Tex Revolver [FRA]" in Super Boy #299 (Feb. 1959) to #300 (May 1959) • as "Tex Revolver [FRA]" in Jet Cobb #9.

Super Boy

Super Boy Special: 132 pgs, monthly, B&W, 35 Frangs (#11), 55 Frangs (#41).

"Caramba [FRA]" 33 pgs. B&W.
Original: "Caramba". Appeared for the first time in Il Vittorioso Feb.-Dec./1943. Reprinted in Super Boy Special #11: Vacances (Aug. 1950), pgs 96–128 and by SNPI in 8 episodes (June 1955 to Jan. 1956) [source Wikipedia].
Super Boy edition most likely highly edited.

Gags 1 strip per page. B&W.
Original and the first appearance unknown. Reprinted in Super Boy Special #11: Vacances (Aug. 1950), pgs 96–128.

Super Boy Special #11 gags (1950. B&W.):
• Gag: ["Cow and a coil of string"]: Pg 54 (1 strip).
• Gag: ["Cow, snake and a tail"]: Pg 58 (1 strip).
• Gag: ["Looks like a cow"]: Pg 59 (1 strip).
• Gag: ["Chase"]: Pg 61 (1 strip).
• Gag: ["Cow in a photo"]: Pg 66 (1 strip).
• Gag: ["Need for fire brigade"]: Pg 75 (1 strip).

"Peppino le Paladin" 21 pgs. B&W.
Original and the first appearance unknown. Reprinted in Super Boy spécial 1952–1953 #41 (Dec. 1952), pgs 106–126.

"Tex Revolver [FRA]" B&W (?). Syno
Original: "Tex Revolver". Appeared in Il Vittorioso #11/1955 (13.3.1955) to #41/1955 (12.10.1955). Reprinted in • Super Boy #299 (Feb. 1959) to #300 (May 1959) • as "Tex Revolver [FRA]" in Tagada #3/1959 (Feb. 1959) to #6/1959 (May 1959) • as "Tex Revolver [FRA]" in Jet Cobb #9.


Futuropolis. Size 300x400 mm. Slick paper. 32 pgs.

"Don Quichotte"
Original: "Don Quichotte". Appeared for the first time in Il Vittorioso. Reprinted in Collection Futuropolis 30/40: Don Quichotte (1983).

Jet Cobb

Pogo #5 (Aug. 1969)"Tex Revolver [FRA]" B&W (?). Syno
Original: "Tex Revolver". Appeared in Il Vittorioso #11/1955 (13.3.1955) to #41/1955 (12.10.1955). Reprinted in • Jet Cobb #9 • as "Tex Revolver [FRA]" in Tagada #3/1959 (Feb. 1959) to #6/1959 (May 1959) • as "Tex Revolver [FRA]" in Super Boy #299 (Feb. 1959) to #300 (May 1959).


"Tom le fouinard" Cover Art.
Reprinted [FRA] in • Pogo #5 (Aug. 1969).

"Tom le fouinard" 24 pgs.
Reprinted [FRA] in • Pogo #5 (Aug. 1969).


Dupuis. Soft covers. [cw]

Pippo: "Pippo au Mexique" Annoncement.
Reprinted [FRA] in • Spirou #698 (30.8.1951).

Pippo: "Pippo au Mexique"
Original: Viva Pippo! (?)
Appeared for the first time in Serie di Giraffone #33: Viva Pippo? (Oct. 1951). Reprinted [FRA] in • Spirou #699 (6.9.1951) to #720 (31.1.1952).

Mini #30: "Pic et l’oiseau"
Same mini album as in Dutch (Micro #30: "Snugger en de stelende vogel").

36 pgs. 6.50 x 9.00 cm. Reprinted [FRA] in • Spirou #1166 (18.8.1960).

Charlie #60 (Jan. 1974)Charlie Mensuel

"Giuseppe" 2 pgs.
Reprinted [FRA] in • Charlie #59 (Dec. 1973).

"Gionnipeppe" ??? pgs.
Reprinted [FRA] in • Charlie #59 (Dec. 1973) to #62 (March 1974).

Cover Art.
Reprinted [FRA] in • Charlie #60 (Jan. 1974).

"Gag" 1 pgs (?).
Reprinted [FRA] in • Charlie #62 (March 1974).

Giuseppe: "Gag" 1 pgs (?).
Reprinted [FRA] in • Charlie #76 (May 1975).

Charlie #79 (Aug. 1975)Cover Art.
Reprinted [FRA] in • Charlie #79 (Aug. 1975).

Jak Mandolino: "Du moins, pour commencer" 4 pgs.
Reprinted [FRA] in • Charlie #99 (April 1977).

Jak Mandolino: "Histoire de continuer" 4 pgs.
Reprinted [FRA] in • Charlie #103 (Aug. 1977).

Jak Mandolino: "Histoire de faire le dur" 4 pgs.
Reprinted [FRA] in • Charlie #105 (Oct. 1977).

Jak Mandolino: "Histoire de gagner deux sous" 4 pgs.
Reprinted [FRA] in • Charlie #107 (Dec. 1977).

Comicorama #1045

1970, M.C.L. 36 pgs (incl. covers).

Exactly the same as Zorry Kid #1 (1970), except the front cover (which is not by Jacovitti). ???


Cocco Bill: "Pour un peu de camomille !" ??? pgs.
Reprinted [FRA] in • BD #1 to #2/1977.

Cocco Bill: "Cocco Bill fa bim bam bum" Syno 4 pgs.
Original: Cocco Bill #31: "Cocco Bill fa bim bam bum". Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #42 (15.10.72). Reprinted [FRA] in • BD #3 to #4/1977.

Tom le fouineur: "Little Tom" ??? pgs.
Reprinted [FRA] in • BD #5 to #8/1977.

l'Echo des Savanes

"Africa ! Africa !" ??? pgs. With Bollon.
Reprinted [FRA] in • l'Echo des Savanes #41/1977.

Vaillant et Pif

Cocco Bill Annonce.
Reprinted [FRA] in • Vaillant et Pif #686/1982.

Cocco Bill Cover Art.
Reprinted [FRA] in • Vaillant et Pif #687/1982.

Cocco Bill: "Salooon" 24 pgs.
Reprinted [FRA] in • Vaillant et Pif #687/1982.

Fluide Glacial #89

Nov. 1983. 68 pgs. 12 Frangs.

Kama Sutra (1983) ArtefactPg 40: "Salamis et spaghettis" (a half column news about new album, "Kamasutra"). Two B&W picts from it.


Artefact. Collection La Tranche #7, June 1983. Hard Bound. 300 signed by Benito Jacovitti.
See also the original version.

Kamasutra. Cover Art.

Jacky Mandoline, Joe BalordoJacky Mandoline, Joe Balordo

Cygne 1983. 23x31 cm. 50 pgs. [source Librairie Lemarié]

Jacky Mandoline, Joe Balordo. Cover Art.

Zorry Kid

See Zorry Kid in France.

Copyright © 2008 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: April 15, 2008. Modified: October 13, 2017.