Benito Jacovitti

This page lists Jacovitti in the Netherlands [sources PepIndex, Zilverendolfijn].

Jacovitti in the Netherlands

Sources PepIndex | Stripschrift | Catawiki | Depepsite

Caramba [NL] (1948)Caramba [NL]

1948. De Vlijt uitgaven. Soft covers. Fr. 25,00.

"Caramba [NL] (1948)". Front Cover. Color.

"Caramba [NL]"
Original: "Caramba". Appeared for the first time in Il Vittorioso Feb.-Dec./1943. Reprinted in Dutch in Caramba [NL] (1948).

Kamasutra [NL] (1983)Kamasutra |NL]

1983. Rijperman Drukwerk. 80 pgs. 22.70 x 31.20 cm. Hard Bound. Color.
See also the original and German editions (the Dutch and German editions might me one and same).

"Kamasutra [NL] (1983)". Front Cover. Color.

Pinokkio [NL]

Pinokkio [NL] (1967)1967. Soft covers and Hard Bound. 23.00 x 32.00 cm. Color. © 1964.
Illustrated book.

"Pinokkio [NL] (1967)" Front Cover. Color.


De Geillustreerde Pers N.V. (1970), Oberon B.V. (1974–1975). Weelky Comics Magazine. [See separate Pep page]


Cocco Bill: "Spaghetti western" 48 pgs. Color. [see page division] Syno
Original: Cocco Bill #20: "Cocco Bill fa sette più". Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 48/1968 to 7/1969. Reprinted [NL] as "Spaghetti western" in Pep #1/70 (3.1.) to #24/70 (13.6.), and as "Haalt zeven plus" in Cocco Bill [NL/Semic] #1: Haalt 7+ (1975).

Cocco Bill: "Aangeschoten" 8 pgs. Color. [see page division] Syno
Original: Cocco Bill #22: "Coccobrillo". Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 30/1969.
Reprinted [NL] in Pep #25/70 (20.6.) to #28/70 (11.7.).

Cocco Bill: "Kale koppen-oorlog" 10 pgs. Color. [see page division] Syno
Original: Cocco Bill #23: "Coccoùgh!". Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 35/1969. Reprinted [NL] in Pep #29/70 (18.7.) to #33/70 (15.8.).

Cocco Bill: "Wild West Side Story: Western in bis mol" 14 pgs. Color. [see page division] Syno
Original: Cocco Bill #26: "Cocco Driinn!". Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 12/1970. Reprinted [NL] in Pep #38/70 (19.9.) to #44/70 (30.10.).

Cocco Bill: "Coltrush" 12 pgs (?). Color. Syno
Original: Cocco Bill #24: "Cocco Bill controcorrente"". Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #44 (1.11.70) to #48 (29.11.70). Reprinted [NL] in Pep #6/71 to #11/71.

Cocco Bill: "De Billiputters" 20 pgs. Color. Syno
Original: Cocco Bill #28: "Coccobilliput". Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #44 (1.11.70) to #48 (29.11.70). Reprinted [NL] in Pep #42/71 to #51/71.

Pep #25/72Cocco Bill. Front Cover. Color.
Pep #25/72 (17.6.)
Several Cocco Bill poses.

"Pep puzei" (pg 18): A word puzzle, idea by Jan Meulendijks, compositing by Rob Klaasen. Along the puzzle the main pict from the cover (Cocco Bill) appears here in B&W.
Pep #25/72 (17.6.). B&W.

Cocco Bill: "City-city beng beng" 24 pgs (?). Color. [see page division] Syno
Transl: Jan van Erp.
Original: Cocco Bill #27: "Cocco Bill contro chissà?". Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 24 to 27/1970. Reprinted [NL] in Pep #25/72 (17.6.) to #33/72, #35/72 to #37/72 (9.9.).

"Pep 40 / 10 yrs". The center fold of Pep #38/72 (16.22.9.). Several different comics characters (among others Cocco Bill) by a local artist.

On pgs 24–25: "Strip-sterren" (transl. Strip Stars). Idea by Jan Meulendijks, Composition by Rob Klasen. It's a game. There exists 49 stars excerpts from different Pep comics. Two Jacovitti characters (one on pg 24 and the other on 25) bear letters, "EDB" and "NH". On pg 23 was a coupon to guess how letters should read.
Pep #52/72 (Dec. 23.–29.). Color. (see also Pep #16/73)

Pep #2/73Kippeoog. Front Cover. Color.
Pep #2/73 (12.1.)
Cocco Bill and Chicken Eye.

Kippeoog [Chicken Eye]: "Cocco kakel" 35 pgs. Color. [see page division] Syno
Original: Cocco Bill #25: "Occhio di Pollo e... i polli con l'occhio". Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 49/1969. Reprinted [NL] in Pep #1/73 (5.1.) to #17/73 (27.4.).

On Pep post (pg 3): a pict by Willy Lohmann. No Jacovitti characters but a writing on a wall "Jacovitti was ['was' overdrawn] is here!"
Pep's Lonely Hearts Club (pg pg 44): "Jacovitti wordt 50!" (transl. Jacovitti is 50 yrs!). Color. A photo and a pict of Cocco Bill and the signature of Jacovitti, and congrats for his birthday.
Pep #9/73 (March 2). Color.

On center fold (pgs 25–26): "Strippereitjes" (transl. Stripper Eggs). Idea by Jan Meulendijks, Composition by Rob Klasen. It's a game. There exists 49 oval ("egg shape") excerpts from different Pep comics. Oval shapes variate in 5 differnet sizes and each oval's got one to three letters bellow them. Each biggest shapes' got a number above them (given the order of the series). Number 8 is "Cocco Bill" with letters, "IJM"; "Chicken Eye"'s got letter, "ET", "Tex Revolver"'s got "NF", and "a bone with a not"'s got "NE". On pg 24 was a coupon with headline, like "What kind of sense you find out of it?".
Pep #16/73 (April 20). Color. (See also Pep #52/72)

On Pep's LonelyHearts Club (pg 42). A quarter of a page excerpt of upcoming Zorry Kid story.
Pep 22/73 (1.6.). Color.

Pep #29/73Jacobord. Front Cover. Color.
Pep #29/73 (20.7.)
Part of the board game from the center spread. Also additional frames from the other comics.

"Pep Post" (pg 3). An exceprt frame from the older Cocco Bill (#25?) story.
Pep #29/73 (20.7.).

Het Pep-Jacovittibordspel: "Het Jacobord". © 1973 Corriére dei Ragazzi. Benito Jacovitti Boardgame. 2 pgs. Color.
Reprinted [NL] in Pep #29/73 (20.7.), pgs 24–25.
A 67 frame usual boardgame with Jacovitti characters telling what to do on each frame. With a roll of dice you move forewards and follow the instruction said on entering frame.

"Jacovitti". An article by Petje Pep. 2 pgs. B&W.
Reprinted [NL] in Pep #29/73 (20.7.): pgs 26–27.

Zorry Kid: "Zorry contra Zorry" 22 pgs. [see page division] Syno
Original: Zorry Kid #3: "Zorry contro Zorry". Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #8 to #23/1969. Reprinted [NL] in Pep #23/73 (Juni 8) to #33/73.

Pep #31/73Zorry Kid. Front Cover. Color.
Pep #31/73 (3.8.)
Part of the frame from the story, "Zorry contra Zorry", pg 17 (lowest middle frame).

Cocco Bill: "Wham! Bam! Bam!"4 pgs. Color. [see page division] Syno
Original: Cocco Bill #31: "Cocco Bill fa bim bam bum". Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Ragazzi 42/1972. Reprinted [NL] in Pep #29/73 (20.7.).

Cocco Bill: "Contra De Tsjoek Tsjoek Klan" 44 pgs. Color. [see page division] Syno
Original: Cocco Bill #21: "Cocco Bill sulle rotaie". Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 8 to 23/1969. Reprinted [NL] as "Contra De Tsjoek Tsjoek Klan" in Pep #35/73 to #4/74 (25.1), and as "Tussen de rails" in Cocco Bill [NL/Semic] #2: Tussen de rails (1975).

Jak Mandolino: "Heeft zijn dag niet" ??? pgs.
Reprinted [NL] in Pep #43/73.

Jak Mandolino: "Doet zij best maar" 4 pgs (pgs 44–47). Color. [JAC 73]
Reprinted [NL] in Pep #47/73 (Nov. 23).

Pep #50/73Jak Mandolino. Front Cover. B&W.
Pep #50/73 (14.11.)
A negative of almost entire 2nd page of the story, "Deze keer misschien?".

Jak Mandolino: "Deze keer misschien?" 4 pgs (pgs 44–47). Color. [JAC 73]
Reprinted [NL] in Pep #50/73 (Dec. 14).

Jak Mandolino: "Druk in de weer" 4 pgs (pgs 44–47). Color. [JAC 73]
Reprinted [NL] in Pep #5/74 (Feb. 1).

Cocco Bill: "In Brokkel-City"44 pgs. Color. [see page division] Syno
Original: Cocco Bill #29: "Cocco Bill sette per due". Transl. Anneke van Wissen. Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 30 to 40/1971. Reprinted [NL] in Pep #5/74 (1.2.) to #26/74 (28.6.).

Pep #28/75Cocco Bill: "De spokenbende" 21 pgs. Color. [see page division] Syno
Original: Cocco Bill #12: "Cocco Bill nell'aldiquà". Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #1 (2.1.64) to #21 (2.5.64). Reprinted [NL] in Pep #28/75 (11.7.) to #37/75 (12.9.).

Cocco Bill. Front Cover. Color.
Pep #28/75 (11.7.)
Half frame from running story; pg 17, last frame, indies removed.

Pep: Giuseppe

"Giuseppe" 1 strip. [see page division]
Reprinted [NL] in Pep #16/73, #18/73 to #20/73, #23/73, #25/73 to #26/73, #28/73 to #34/73, #38/73, #40/73 to #46/73, #50/73,#3/74, #15/74, #18/74, #20/74 to #32/74, #35/74 to #45/74, #48/74, #50/74 to #52/74.

Pep: Gags

Gags (without title or just "Jacovitti") 1 frame. [see page division]
Reprinted [NL] in Pep #40/73 to #46/73, #5/74, #7/74, #8/74, #10/74, #16/74, #20/74, #32/74 to #34/74, #36/74, #39/74 to #44/74, #51/74, #2/75.

Pep's lonely hearts club 2 gags. [see page division]
Reprinted [NL] in Pep #16/73, #18–20/73, #23/73, #30/73,#31/73, #40/73#42/73, #4/74 to #6/74, #12/74, #18/74, #20/74, #25/74.

Robbedoes NL 618Robbedoes

Dupuis. Soft covers. [cw]

Pippo in Mexico. Full pager. Color.
Robbedoes #596 (30.8.1951)
A full pager ad for upcoming new series.

"Pippo in Mexico"
Original: Viva Pippo!
Appeared for the first time in Serie di Giraffone #33: Viva Pippo? (Oct. 1951). Reprinted [NL] in • Robbedoes #597 (6.9.1951) to #618 (31.1.1952).

Robbedoes Micro-Bibliotheek #30: "Snugger en de stelende vogel"
Same micro album as in French (Mini #30: "Pic et l’oiseau").

Robbedoes Micro-Bibliotheek #3036 pgs. 6.50 x 9.00 cm. Reprinted [FRA] in • Robbedoes #1166 (18.8.1960) (?).


Weekly. Originally a comic insert (from 30's) of Panorama (which started already in 20's). Later (50's) as a comic magazine of it's own till 1975. []

"Hoenderoog" 16 pgs. Two-color.
Original: "Occhio di Pollo"
Appeared for the first time in Il Vittorioso (1957). Reprinted [NL] in • Sjors #18 (1960) to #25 (1960).


Het Stripschap (since 1968). Info magazine. [See separate Stripschrift page]

Sctripschrift #39/40: Western nummer (March/April 1972). Price: 3,25 Gulden or 55 Belgic Frangs. 56 pgs.

Hijschiet éérst... COCCO BILL, trekt dan pas z'n pistool..., article by Rolf van de Kamer. Text 2 pgs and 2 full page excerpt pages (pgs 8-11). Excerpts: page 29 of Cocco Bill #25 (on pg 9) taken from Dutch Pep (1973). On pg 10, aside of the article one photo of Benito Jacovitti and two excerpts from "Tex Revolver" (from Il Vittorioso #26/1955) and "Hallo Pippo" (from Il Vittorioso #7/1955). On pg 11 two more excerpts: three frames (from pg 5) from Cocco Bill #20, taken from Pep #3 (1970), and one big frame from "Little Tim" (from Il Giorno dei Ragazzi #21/1966).

Cocco Bill [NL] #1Cocco Bill in the Netherlands

See also Pep Weekly Comics Magazine.

[Source Zilverendolfijn]

Cocco Bill [NL] #1: Haalt 7+ – Semic Print

1975. Semic Juniorpress. Soft covers. 48 pgs. 21.80 x 27.50 cm. Fl. 4,50/Fr. 69. Color. Cover Art © Semic.

Cocco Bill: "Haalt zeven plus" 48 pgs. Color. Syno
Original: Cocco Bill #20: "Cocco Bill fa sette più". Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 48/1968 to 7/1969. Reprinted [NL] as "Spaghetti western" in Pep #1/70 (3.1.1970) to #24/70 (13.6.1970), and as "Haalt zeven plus" in Cocco Bill [NL/Semic] #1: Haalt 7+ (1975).

Cocco Bill [NL] #2Cocco Bill [NL] #2: Tussen de rails – Semic Print

1975. Semic Juniorpress. Soft covers. 48 pgs. 22.00 x 27.80 cm. Fl. 4,50/Fr. 69. Color. Cover Art © Semic.

Cocco Bill: "Tussen de rails" 44 pgs. Color. Syno
Original: Cocco Bill #21: "Cocco Bill sulle rotaie". Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 8 to 23/1969. Reprinted [NL] as "Contra De Tsjoek Tsjoek Klan" in Pep #35/73 to #4/74, and as "Tussen de rails" in Cocco Bill [NL/Semic] #2: Tussen de rails (1975).

Cocco Bill: "Al die moeite voor niks" 2 pgs. Color. Syno
Original: Cocco Bill #30: "Cocco Bill quasi per niente". Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #41/1972. Reprinted [NL] in Cocco Bill [NL/Semic] #2: Tussen de rails (1975).

Cocco Bill [NL] #1 Centri PressCocco Bill [NL] #1: De Billieputters / City Beng Beng – Strip Reeks Print

1980. CentriPress Strip Reeks. Soft covers. 48 pgs. 22.00 x 27.90 cm. Color. © Falcon Books In. (USA) P.B.J.

Cocco Bill: "De Billieputters" 20 pgs (pgs 3–22). Color. Syno
Original: Cocco Bill #28: "Coccobilliput". Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #44 (1.11.70) to #48 (29.11.70).

Cocco Bill: "City Beng Beng" 24 pgs (pgs 23–46). Color. Syno
Original: Cocco Bill #27: "Cocco Bill contro chissà?". Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 24 to 27/1970.

Cocco Bill [NL] #2 Centri PressCocco Bill [NL] #2: Contra De Tsjoek Tsjoek Klan – Strip Reeks Print

1980. CentriPress Strip Reeks. Soft covers. 48 pgs. 22.00 x 27.90 cm. Color. © Falcon Books In. (USA) P.B.J.

Cocco Bill: "Contra De Tsjoek Tsjoek Klan" 44 pgs (pgs 3–46). Color. Syno
Original: Cocco Bill #21: "Cocco Bill sulle rotaie". Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 8 to 23/1969.

Cocco Bill [NL] #3: In Brokkel-City– Strip Reeks Print

1980. CentriPress Strip Reeks. Soft covers. 48 pgs. 21.90 x 27.90 cm. Color. © Falcon Books In. (USA) P.B.J. Cocco Bill NL #3 Centri Press

Cocco Bill: "In Brokkel-City"44 pgs (pgs 3–46). Color. Syno
Original: Cocco Bill #29: "Cocco Bill sette per due". Transl. Anneke van Wissen. Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 30 to 40/1971.

Copyright © 2008 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: April 15, 2008. Modified: November 30, 2014.