Benito Jacovitti
This page lists all original Cocco Bill stories [source Fumetto Cocco Bill].
Cocco Bill Original Italian Stories
Corriere dei Piccoli is the first Italian publication about comics. It was published weekly from 1908 to 1996. After WWII, changed its name in Giornale dei Ragazzi (from May 27, 1945 to March 24, 1946), then back again to Corriere dei Piccoli. In 1970 became Corriere dei Ragazzi until 1972, then back to Corriere dei Piccoli, and in 1993 - directed by Maria Grazia Perini - changed in Corrierino. The last issue was published on Jan. 1996. Some issues were double, such as #1/2 published Jan. 12, 1986 and followed by #3, and #17/18 published May 2, 1982 and followed by #19; or triple, such as #2/3/4 published Jan. 22, 1982 and followed by #5. [Source ComicVine]
Cocco Bill's predecessor: "Tex Revolver" (1955).
Period 1957–1967 (l Giorno dei Ragazzi)
See also Cocco Bill page count.
01: "Cocco Bill [#1]" 30 pgs. © 1957. [FIN1] [FIN2] [YSL1] [YSL2]
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #1 (28.3.57) to #30 (17.10.57). Reprinted in • Album Il Giorno #1 (Jan. 1962, 64 pgs, 2 strips per page) PICT ASIDE! • Sorry [Ennio Ciscato], #5 (Feb. 1973) to #7 (May 1973) • Vol. "Cocco Bill", Milano Libri (March 1975) • Comix [Cosimo Panini] #124 (19.7.94) to #128 (16.8.94) • Mezzo secolo di risate western (4.12.07). Superfumetti #8: Cocco Bill (13.10.15).
02: "Cocco Bill e gli Apaciones" 30 pgs. [JAC 58]. [FIN1] [YSL]
Appeared for the first time in color in Giorno dei Ragazzi #21 (22.5.58) to #50 (11.12.58). Reprinted in • Album de Il Giorno #2 (Feb. 1962, 68 pgs, 2 strips per page) PICT ASIDE! • Vol. "Cocco Bill", Milano Libri (March 1975) • Mezzo secolo di risate western (4.12.07). Superfumetti #14: Cocco Bill (24.11.15).
Il giorno dei Ragazzi was 16 page newspaper and "Cocco Bill" used to be on the back cover (i.e. on pg 16) and 1 page per issue.
03: "Cocco Bill e la revolución" 30 pgs. [FIN1] [FIN2] [SPA] [YSL]
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #51 (18.12.58) to #28 (9.7.59). Reprinted in • Album de Il Giorno #3 (March 1962, 72 pgs, 2 strips per page) PICT ASIDE! • Vol. "Cocco Bill", Milano Libri (March 1975) • Il giorno di Cocco Bill (20.10.09).
04: "Cocco Bill in Canada" 30 pgs. [FIN]
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #29 (16.7.59) to #6 (11.2.60). Reprinted in • Album de Il Giorno #5 (May 1962) • Vol. "Cocco Bill", Milano Libri (March 1975) • Mezzo secolo di risate western (4.12.07). Superfumetti #14: Cocco Bill (24.11.15).
05: "Il sergente Cocco Bill" 30 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #7 (18.2.60) to #36 (8.9.60). Reprinted in • Album de Il Giorno #4, April 1962, 2 strips per page) PICT ABOVE! • Vol. "Cocco Bill", Milano Libri (March 1975) • Jacovitti Magazine #18 (Nov. 1998) • Mezzo secolo di risate western (4.12.07).
06: "Cocco Bill contro Cocco Bill" 30 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #37 (15.9.60) to #14 (6.4.61). Reprinted in • Album de Il Giorno #6 (June 1962, 68 pgs, 2 strips per page) PICT ASIDE! • Vol. "Cocco Bill", Milano Libri (March 1975) • Il giorno di Cocco Bill (20.10.09). Superfumetti #14: Cocco Bill (24.11.15).
07: "Kamumilla Kokobì" 30 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #16 (20.4.61) to #45 (16.11.61). Reprinted in • Album de Il Giorno #7 (July 1962, 68 pgs, 2 strips per page) PICT ASIDE! • Vol. "Cocco Bill", Milano Libri (March 1975) • Mezzo secolo di risate western (4.12.07).
08: "Il cosacco Cocco Bill" 25 pgs. [FIN]
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #46 (23.11.61) to #19 (10.5.62). Reprinted in • Album de Il Giorno #8 (Aug. 1962, 68 pgs, 2 strips per page) PICT ASIDE! • Il giorno di Cocco Bill (20.10.09). Superfumetti #14: Cocco Bill (24.11.15).
Incl. Russian onomapoetic language
09: "Cocco Bill nella foresta" 27 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #20 (17.5.62) to #46 (27.12.62). Reprinted in • Eureka [Corno] #88 (Nov. 1972), #89 and #90 (1972) • Vol. "Cocco Bill", Milano Libri (March 1975) • Mezzo secolo di risate western (4.12.07).
10: "Cocco Cocco Cocco Bill" 23 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #1 (3.1.63) to #23 (13.6.63). Reprinted in • Vol. "Cocco Bill", Milano Libri (March 1975) • Jacovitti Magazine #15 (Oct. 1997) • Il giorno di Cocco Bill (20.10.09).
11: "Cocco Bill nell'Arizona" 25 pgs. [YSL]
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #24 (20.6.63) to #49 (12.12.63). Reprinted in • Vol. "Cocco Bill", Milano Libri (March 1975) • Jacovitti Magazine #17 (July 1998) • Il giorno di Cocco Bill (20.10.09).
12: "Cocco Bill nell'aldiquà" 21 pgs. [FIN] [NL] [YSL]
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #1 (2.1.64) to #21 (2.5.64). Reprinted in • Vol. "Jacovitti", Piero Dami, 1974 • Il giorno di Cocco Bill (20.10.09).
13: "Il corsaro Cocco Bill" 30 pgs. [YSL]
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #22 (28.5.64) to #1 (sd, 1965). Reprinted in • Jacovitti Magazine #8 (Dec. 1995) • Il giorno di Cocco Bill (20.10.09) • Pirati Briganti e Carambate (2011).
Samples of Cocco Bill #14 from Jacovitti Magazine #5 (1995), and Cocco Bill #15 from Jacovitti Magazine #4 (1995).
Also a color collection of Il Giorno dei Ragazzi issues #4, #5, #14, #19, #22, #24, #25 (1965). [click pict to enlarge]
14: "Lo sceriffo Cocco Bill" 30 pgs. Color.
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #3 (sd, 1965) to #32 (sd, 1965). Reprinted in • Jacovitti Magazine #5 (March 1995) • Trotta, Trotta... Cocco Bill! (1998) • Il giorno di Cocco Bill (20.10.09).
15: "Ugh-Ugh Cocco Bill" 33 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #34 (sd, 1965) to #15 (14.4.66). Reprinted in • Vol. "Cocco Bill", Milano Libri (March 1975) • Jacovitti Magazine #4 (Dec. 1994) • Il giorno di Cocco Bill (20.10.09).
16: "Cocco Bill così e cosà" 33 pgs. [FIN] [SPA] [YSL1] [YSL2]
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #16 (21.4.66) to #48 (sd, 1966). Reprinted in • Vol. "Jacovitti", Piero Dami, 1974 • Il giorno di Cocco Bill (20.10.09).
17: "Il Cocco bello il brutto e il cattivo" 29 pgs. [FIN] [YSL]
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #12 (sd, 1967) to #39 (sd, 1967); NOTE: "la puntata 9 è stata pubblicata nel n. 19bis [v. cronologia GDR]". Reprinted in • Vol. "Jacovitti", Piero Dami, 1974 • Il giorno di Cocco Bill (20.10.09).
18: "Coccobillevolissimevolmente" 19 pgs (one pager and 18 common comics story pages).
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #40 (sd, 1967) to #49 (sd, 1967). Reprinted in • Jacovitti Magazine #14 (June 1997) and #11 (Aug. 1996) • Il giorno di Cocco Bill (20.10.09).
19: "Calendario 1968" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #50 (sd, 1967); NOTE: paginone ---
Period 1968–1976 (Corriere dei Piccoli, Corriere dei Ragazzi)
20: "Cocco Bill fa sette più" aka "Cocco Bill fa 7+" 48 pgs. [FIN] [FRA] [GER] [GR] [NL1] [NL2] [SPA] [YSL1] [YSL2] [YSL3]
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #48/1968 (1.12.68) to #7/1969 (16.2.69). Reprinted in • Album "Coccobill fa 7+", suppl. a Giorno dei Ragazzi #26 (sd, 1.8.73) • Trotta, Trotta... Cocco Bill! (1998) • Mezzo secolo di risate western (4.12.07).
21: "Cocco Bill sulle rotaie" 44 pgs. [FIN] [FRA] [GER] [GR] [NL1] [NL2] [SPA] [YSL1] [YSL2] [YSL3]
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #8 (23.2.69) to #23 (8.6.69). Reprinted in • Jacovitti Magazine #14 (June 1997).
22: "Coccobrillo" 8 pgs. [FIN] [NL] [YSL1] [YSL2] [YSL3]
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #30 (27.7.69). Reprinted in • Albo "La grande avventura dei fumetti" (De Agostini, 1990) • Trotta, Trotta... Cocco Bill! (1998).
23: "Coccoùgh!" 10 pgs. [FIN] [NL] [SPA] [YSL1] [YSL2] [YSL3]
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #35 (31.8.69). Reprinted in • Jacovitti Magazine #16, April 1998.
24: "Cocco Bill contro corrente" 12 pgs. [NL] [YSL]
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli, volume "I nuovi eroi" ([Dec.] 1969). Reprinted in • Jacovitti Magazine #12 (Dec. 1996).
25: "Occhio di Pollo e... i polli con l'occhio" 35 pgs. [FIN] [GR] [NL] [SPA] [YSL]
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #49 (7.12.69).
26: "Cocco driinn!" 14 pgs. [FIN] [NL] [YSL1] [YSL2]
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #12 (22.3.70). Reprinted in • Jacovitti Magazine #9 (April 1996).
27: "Cocco Bill contro chissà?" 24 pgs. [FIN] [GR] [NL1] [NL2] [NOR] [SPA] [YSL1] [YSL2] [YSL3]
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #24 (14.4.70) to #27 (5.7.70). Reprinted in • Jacovitti Magazine #16 (April 1998).
28: "Coccobilliput" 20 pgs. [FIN] [GER] [GR] [NL1] [NL2] [SPA] [YSL1] [YSL2]
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #44 (1.11.70) to #48 (29.11.70). Reprinted in • Albo "La grande avventura dei fumetti" (De Agostini, 1990) • Jacovitti Magazine #3 (1994).
29: "Cocco Bill sette per due" 44 pgs. [FIN] [GR] [NL1] [NL2] [SPA] [YSL1] [YSL2]
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #30 (25.7.71) to #40 (3.10.71). Reprinted in • Jacovitti Magazine #6 (June 1995)
30: "Cocco Bill quasi per niente" 2 pgs. [FIN] [FRA] [YSL1] [YSL2]
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #41 (8.10.72). No reprints.
31: "Cocco Bill fa bim bam bum" 4 pgs. [FIN] [NL] [FRA] [GR] [YSL1] [YSL2]
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #42 (15.10.72). Reprinted in • Jacovitti Magazine #17 (July 1998)
32: "Cocco Bill a Bob City" 8 pgs. [FIN] [YSL]
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #52 (24.12.72). No reprints.
33: "Cocco Bill per un po' di camomilla" 4 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #48 (2.12.73). No reprints.
Cocco Bill #34 sample frames from Giorno dei Ragazzi #23/76, #24/76, and #26/76.
34: "Scioscioscioni Cocco Bill!" 48 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #17 (25.4.76) to #28 (11.7.76). No reprints.
Period 1978 (Diario Vitt, Il Giornalino)
35: "Jacovittevolissimevolmente CoccoBill" 54 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Diario Vitt "Maxivitt, 1978/79" (June 1978). Reprinted in • Humour Pocket (Glénat, Sept. 1986) • I Classici del fumetto di Repubblica SERIE ORO #20: Jacovitti/Diario Vitt (La Repubblica 2005).
36: "Saloon" 6 pgs. [FIN] [HUN] [SWE]
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #27 (2.7.78). Reprinted in • Albo "I fortissimi-Cocco Bill" (Epipress, Feb. 1979) • Il Giornalino #37 (1985) • Mezzo secolo di risate western (4.12.07).
37: "Cicci e Cocco" 6 pgs. [FIN] [HUN] [SWE]
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #29 (16.7.78). Reprinted in • Albo "I fortissimi-Cocco Bill" (Epipress, Feb. 1979) • Il Giornalino #37 (1985) • Mezzo secolo di risate western (4.12.07).
38: "Mondo pistola!" 6 pgs. [FIN] [SWE]
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #31 (30.7.78). Reprinted in • Albo "I fortissimi-Cocco Bill" (Epipress, Feb. 1979) • Mezzo secolo di risate western (4.12.07).
39: "Cocco Ugh!" 6 pgs. [FIN] [SWE]
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #33 (20.8.78). Reprinted in • Albo "I fortissimi-Cocco Bill" (Epipress, Feb. 1979) • Mezzo secolo di risate western (4.12.07).
40: "Cocco Patata" 6 pgs. [FIN] [SWE]
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #35 (3.9.78). Reprinted in • Albo "I fortissimi-Cocco Bill" (Epipress, Feb. 1979) • Mezzo secolo di risate western (4.12.07).
41: "Cocco Siù" 6 pgs. [FIN] [SWE]
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #38 (24.9.78). Reprinted in • Mezzo secolo di risate western (4.12.07).
42: "Ciccicoccomac" 6 pgs. [FIN] [SWE]
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #45 (12.11.78). Reprinted in • Mezzo secolo di risate western (4.12.07).
43: "Coccopepite" 6 pgs. [FIN] [HUN] [SWE]
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #49 (10.12.78). Reprinted in • Mezzo secolo di risate western (4.12.07).
Period 1981–1983 (S&M strisce e musica, TV Junior)
44: "Cocco Bill [#44]" 24 pgs (3 strips per page).
Appeared for the first time in Strisce e musica #1 (18.3.81) to #24 (26.8.81). Reprinted in • Jacovitti Magazine #11 (Aug. 1996) [as two pages on one, i.e. 6 strips per page].
Cocco Bill sample from one of TV Junior issues.
45: "Cocco Biilll [#45]" 2 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #49 (11.12.82). No reprints.
46: "Cocco Bill [#46]" aka "Camomilla al Trotto" 2 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #51 (25.12.82). Reprinted in • Jacovitti Magazine #1 (Aug. 1996).
47: "Cocco Bill [#47]" 2 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #1 (8.1.83). No reprints.
48: "Cocco Bill [#48]" 2 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #3 (22.1.83). No reprints.
49: "Cocco Bill! [#49]" 5 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #15 (16.4.83). No reprints.
50: "Cocco Bill! [#50]" 5 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #16 (23.4.83). No reprints.
51: "Cocco Billo! [#51]" 5 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #18 (7.5.83). No reprints.
52: "Cocco Bill [#52]" 5 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #21 (28.5.83). No reprints.
53: "Cocco Bill [#53]" 5 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #23 (11.6.83). No reprints.
54: "Cocco Bill [#54]" 5 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #25 (25.6.83). No reprints.
55: "Cocco Biiiiill [#55]" 5 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #27 (9.7.83). No reprints.
56: "Cocco Bill! [#56]" 5 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #39 (1.10.83). No reprints.
57: "Cocco Bill [#57]" 5 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in TV Junior #48 (3.12.83).
Period 1986–1987 (Il Giornalino, Il Messaggero, Comic Art)
58: "Cocco Bill fa coccodè" 48 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #21 (21.5.86) to #23 (14.6.86). Reprinted in • Albo "Cocco Bill fa coccodeee!" (Vittorio Pavesio Productions, Nov. 1996). Reprinted [YSL] in • Politikin Zabavnik #3419 (18.8.17) to #3422 (2017), each 12 pgs.
Divided in 8 episodes, each 6 pages.
59: "Cocco Beach" 8 pgs.
Appeared for the first time as insert "Messaggero Estate" in daily Il Messaggero (19.7.86). No reprints.
60: "Cocco Bill contro se stesso" 27 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Comic Art #24 (July 1986, 10 pgs), #25 (Sept. 1986, 10 pgs), and #26 (Oct. 1986, 7 pgs). Reprinted (most likely in color) in • Mezzo secolo di risate western (4.12.07).
61: "Cocco Billl [#61]" 6 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #47 (26.11.86). No reprints. See front cover art above.
62: "Cocco Bill [#62]" 6 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #3 (21.1.87). No reprints.
Period 1997–2002 (Jacovitti Magazine, Il Giornalino, I grandi comici del fumetto)
63: Cocco Bill: "Gags" 4 pgs (one page gags each).
Appeared for the first time in Jacovitti Magazine #13 (March 1997). [JAC 79]
64: "Coccodrill" 12 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #14 (2.4.97). Note: "+ cop [e una pagina pubblicitaria in Il Giornalino #13]".
65: "Coccobillaggini" 1 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #15 (9.4.97).
66: "Coccobillando" 1 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #16 (16.4.97) [paginona]
67: "Goggobill" 6 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #17 (23.4.97).
68: "Coccobillaggini!" 1 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #18 (30.4.97).
69: "Coccobillaggini!" 1 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #19 (7.5.97).
70: "Coccobillando" 1 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #20 (14.5.97).
71: "Coccobillando!" 1 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #21 (21.5.97).
72: "Coccobill: Diquaedilà" 94 pgs. Color. [YSL]
Appeared for the first time in collection I grandi comici del fumetto #1 (Sergio Bonelli Editore, May 1997). Pict aside! >>>
73: "Coccobillando!" 1 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #22 (28.5.97) [paginona]
74: "Coccobillando!" 1 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #23 (4.6.97) [paginona]
75: "Coccobillaggini!" 1 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #24 (11.6.97).
76: "Crazy Cocco" 6 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #25 (18.6.97). Note: Plus sleeve.
77: "Coccobillando!" 1 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #26 (25.6.97) [paginona]
78: "Coccobillaggini!" 1 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #27 (2.7.97)
79: "Coccobillando!" 1 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #28 (9.7.97) [paginona]
80: "Coccobillaggini!" 1 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #29 (16.7.97)
81: "Coccobeheheh!" 8 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #30 (23.7.97). Note: Plus sleeve.
82:"Coccobillando!" 1 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #33 (13.8.97) [paginona]
83: "Coccobillaggini!" 1 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #35 (3.9.97)
84: "Coccobillando!" 1 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #37 (17.9.97) [paginona]
85: "Coccozitt!" 6 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #39 (1.10.97). Note: Plus sleeve.
86:"Coccobillaggini!" 1 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #45 (12.11.97)
87: "Coccobillando!" 1 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #47 (26.11.97) [paginona]
Note: "Dopo la scomparsa dell'autore (3 dicembre 1997), Il Giornalino prosegue pubblicando storie che, in tutto o in parte; erano già state completate." [After the death of the author (Dec. 3, 1997), Il Giornalino publish stories that continues, in whole or in part, had already been completed.]
88: "Coccobrrrr" 8 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #50 (17.12.97). Note: Plus sleeve.
89: "Coccobull" 6 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #30 (28.1.98). Note: Plus sleeve.
90:"E'Natale Cocco Bill" aka "Buon Natale Cocco Bill" 5 pgs.
Prob. appeared for the first time in Jacovitti Magazine #18 (Nov. 1998).
91: "Coccoecocco" 7 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino (1998?)
92: "Coccoetì" 13 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino (1998?)
93: "Coccobillaggini" 1 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino (1998?)
94: "Coccobillaggini" 1 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino (1998?)
X: There also exists an untitled 1 pager in Invito a... Il Giornalino (Oct. 8, 1986) [Source GCD]. And an 2 pg ad ("È arrivato Toffy Il grangelato a tre stadi!") in Topolino #858 (March 7, 1972) [Source GCD].
After the death of Benito Jacovitti and running out of unpublished stories Luca Salvagno went on with the character of Cocco Bill in Il Giornalino.
Trotta, Trotta... Cocco Bill!
1st: Jan. 1998. 2nd: Aug. 1999. 3nd: March 2000. Salani Editore. By Vezio Melegari. 100 pgs. Price (3rd edition): Lire 18.000 / €9.30. Color/B&W (about every other spread in color). Audio CD.
"Cocco Bill" 4 pgs. B&W.
A two page story broke for four half pages.
Article: Benvenuto, Cocco Bill! 1 pg. B&W.
Article: Una Stella... anzi due! 1 pgs. B&W.
"Il corsaro Cocco Bill" 30 pgs. Color/B&W.
Cocco Bill #13. Appeared for the first time in Giorno dei Ragazzi #22 (28.5.64) to #1 (sd, 1965).
Article: Sette Piu? Bel voto, Cocco! 1 pg. B&W.
"Cocco Bill fa sette più" aka "Cocco Bill fa 7+" 48 pgs. Color/B&W.
Cocco Bill #20. Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #48/1968 (1.12.68) to #7/1969 (16.2.69).
Article: Che cappello, Cocco Brillo! 1 pg. B&W.
"Coccobrillo" 8 pgs. Color/B&W.
Cocco Bill #22. Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli #30 (27.7.69).
Article: Cocco Bill e... basta! 1 pg. B&W.
Cocco Bill Albums
Cocco Bill fa CoccoDeee
Nov. 1996. Vittorio Pavesio.
Cocco Bill. Color.
Cover Art.
"Buoni quaranta, Cocco!". Article by Gianni Brunoro. Pgs 3–7. Color.
Pg 8. Cocco Bill bibliography. Color.
"Cocco Bill fa coccodè" 48 pgs (pgs 9–56). Color.
Cocco Bill #58. Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino #21 (21.5.86) to #23 (14.6.86). Reprinted in • Albo "Cocco Bill fa coccodeee!" (Vittorio Pavesio Productions, Nov. 1996).
Cocco Bill Antologies
Jacovitti [Piero Dami]
1974. Ed. Piero Dami.
Cocco Bill [Milano Libri]
March 1975. Ed. Milano Libri. 338 pgs. 200x280 mm.
Cocco Bill. Color.
Cover Art [JAC 74]. Blue cover above.
Stampa Alternativa/Nuovi Equilibri Antologies
Stampa Alternativa/Nuovi Equilibri. Two antologias. The first one was for 50 year Cocco Bill jubilee (the very first Cocco Bill story was printed in March 28, 1957).
1st volume: Dec. 4, 2007. 238 pgs. [See stories inside]
2nd volume: Oct. 20, 2009. 357 pgs. 29,00 €. [See stories inside]
Period Jacovitti Magazine (1994–2001)
Translated Cocco Bill
- Jacovitti in Brazil
- Jacovitti in Finland
- Jacovitti in France
- Jacovitti in Germany
- Jacovitti in Greece
- Jacovitti in Hungary
- Jacovitti in the Netherlands
- Jacovitti in Norway
- Jacovitti in Sweden
- Jacovitti in Yugoslavia
Copyright © 2008 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: March 27, 2008. Modified: August 4, 2019.