Benito Jacovitti
This page lists Zorro Kid appeareances [source Fumetto Cocco Bill].
Zorry Kid Original Italian Stories
01:Zorry Kid: "Jacovittùmpetezicchezacche!" 58 pgs.* [GR] [NL] [YSL1] [YSL2]
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli #12 to
26/1968. Reprinted in • Biblioteca universale
Rizzoli, I giganti del fumetto #1 (Notes: "*
con 2 tavole di anticipazione del seguito"), • Il segno di Zorry Kid (2004).
Il Corriere dei Piccoli #32/1968 sample.
02: "Zorry Kid all'arrembaggio!" 78,5 pgs. Color. [FRA]
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli #28 to #47/1968.
Reprinted in • Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, I giganti del fumetto #2.
03: "Zorry contro Zorry" 22 pgs. [GR] [NL] [SPA] [YSL1] [YSL2] [YSL3]
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli #8 to #23/1969.
Reprinted in • Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, I giganti del fumetto #3. Note: "+ cop
04: "Zorry Zumparappappà!" 10
pgs. [FIN1] [FIN2] [FRA] [GR] [SPA] [YSL1] [YSL2]
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli #33/1969.
Reprinted in • Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, I giganti del fumetto #1. Note: "+ cop
33" • Jacovitti Magazine
#2, June 1994.
05: "Zorry Chicchirikid!" 8 pgs. [FIN] [FRA] [SPA] [YSL]
Appeared for the first time in Il Giorno dei Ragazzi 1969. Reprint
in • Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, I giganti del fumetto #3.
06: "Zorry olè!" 14 pgs.
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli #8/1970. Reprinted
in • Jacovitti Magazine #17,
July 1998.
07: "Zorry-ugh!" 20 pgs. [FRA] [GR] [SPA] [YSL]
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli #20 to #21/1970.
Reprinted in • Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, I giganti del fumetto #3. Note: "+ cop
08: "Zorry Zeta" 12 pgs. [FRA] [YSL]
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli #34 to #35/1970.
Reprinted in • Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, I giganti del fumetto #1. Note: "+ cop
09: "Zorrypuft!" 32 pgs. [JAC 70/71] [FRA] [SPA] [YSL]
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli #1 to #10-11/1971.
Reprinted in • Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, I giganti del fumetto #3.
10: "Zorry Kid zic zac" 2 pgs. [FIN] [GR] [YSL]
Appeared for the first time in Il Giorno dei Ragazzi 1972.
Reprinted in • Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, I giganti del fumetto #3.
11: "Zorry Kid tuttazeta" 4 pgs. [FIN] [FRA] [YSL]
Appeared for the first time in Il Giorno dei Ragazzi 1972. Reprinted in • Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, I giganti del fumetto #2, • Il segno di Zorry Kid (2004).
12: "Zorry Kid, W la cosa, la California!" 4 pgs. [SPA]
Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Ragazzi #52 (Dec. 30, 1973). Reprint
in • Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, I giganti del fumetto #1.
Note: Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, collana "I giganti del fumetto". 96 pgs. B&W, LIR 1.500. Reprints the stories of Zorry Kid [+ cops].
More reprints:
Ranieri Carano: "Jacovitti che passione!", introduzione (3 volumes): 1. Zorry Kid (April 1975); 2. Zorry Kid all'arrembaggio (June 1975); 3. Zorry contro Zorry (July 1975).
Il segno di Zorry Kid
Front Cover. Color.
Il segno di Zorry Kid
Jan. 2004. Edizioni If. 164 pgs. €9,00.
Zorry Kid #1: "Jacovittùmpetezicchezacche!". 146 pgs (pgs 8–154). B&W. Highly edited (tried to fit into small format).
Zorry Kid #11: "Zorry Kid tuttazeta". 8 pgs (pgs 155–162). B&W. Each page contains two strips (i.e. half of the original story) and story is tilted 90 degree according page. Printing year erased off from JAC's signature.
ZorryKid [2008]
Front Cover. Color.
ZorryKid [2008], Stampa alternativa/Nuovi equilibri, Oct. 14, 2008, 300 pgs, full color.
Incl. all Zorry Kid stories!
Zorry Kid in Finland
- 3. Cocco Bill ja mäskiläiset [3/75]
- 6. Cocco Bill ja Bää-bää-rosvot 1/77
- 7. Cocco Bill: Kauniit, pahat ja rumat 2/77
Zorry Kid in France
Zorry Kid [FRA]
1970. 32[+4] pgs. 18x26 cm. 1.50 Frangs. Every other spread color, every other B&W. [Source]
Highly edited series (each and every page chopped in pieces to fit into comics format), running 11 issues. Most likely only first two long Zorry Kid stories (Zorry Kid #2: "Zorry Kid all'arrembaggio!" and Zorry Kid #1: "Jacovittùmpetezicchezacche") were printed (?). Stories appears in wrong order. Cover arts not always taken from the running story, but prob. from either of the stories.
See also Comicorama #1045 1970).
Zorry Kid. Front Cover. Color.
Zorry Kid [FRA] #1 (1970).
"Zorry Kid [#1]", Part 1. 27 pgs (to be continued!). Every other spread color, every other B&W. Pgs 1–27.
Original: Zorry Kid #2: "Zorry Kid all'arrembaggio!".
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli #28 to #47/1968. Highly edited version.
"Joe Banjo" 5 pgs. Every other spread color, every other B&W. Pgs 28–32.
Original: "Jak Mandolino". Prob. highly edited version.
Back cover story not by Jacovitti.
Zorry Kid. Front Cover. Color.
Zorry Kid [FRA] #2 (1970).
"Zorry Kid [#1]", Part 2. ??? pgs. Every other spread color, every other B&W.
Original: Zorry Kid #2: "Zorry Kid all'arrembaggio!".
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli #28 to #47/1968. Prob. highly edited version.
Zorry Kid. Front Cover. Color.
Zorry Kid [FRA] #3 (1970).
"Zorry Kid [#1]", Part 3?. ??? pgs. Every other spread color, every other B&W.
Original: Zorry Kid #2: "Zorry Kid all'arrembaggio!".
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli #28 to #47/1968. Prob. highly edited version.
Zorry Kid. Front Cover. Color.
Zorry Kid [FRA] #4 (1970).
Most likely frame is taken from the running story.
"Zorry Kid [#1]", Part 4?. ??? pgs. Every other spread color, every other B&W.
Original: Zorry Kid #2: "Zorry Kid all'arrembaggio!".
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli #28 to #47/1968. Prob. highly edited version.
Zorry Kid. Front Cover. Color.
Zorry Kid [FRA] #5 (1970).
Frame from the next story (starts from next issue), from the original page 15, middle strip, first frame.
"Zorry Kid [#1]", Part 5?. ??? pgs. Every other spread color, every other B&W.
Original: Zorry Kid #2: "Zorry Kid all'arrembaggio!".
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli #28 to #47/1968. Prob. highly edited version.
Zorry Kid. Front Cover. Color.
Zorry Kid [FRA] #6 (1970).
Frame from running story; pg 27, lowest left corner, indies removed (actually from pg 14 of the original story, middle frame of last strip).
"Zorry Kid [#2]", Part 1. 26 pgs.
Every other spread color, every other B&W. Pgs 3–28.
Original: Zorry Kid #1: "Jacovittùmpetezicchezacche".
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli
#12 to 26/1968. Highly edited version.
Fill-up stories not by Jacovitti.
Zorry Kid. Front Cover. Color.
Zorry Kid [FRA] #7 (1970).
Last frame from pg 14 of the original story, indies removed (actually, the next frame from the frame used on the cover of Zorry Kid #6!).
"Zorry Kid [#2]", Part 2. ??? pgs.
Every other spread color, every other B&W.
Original: Zorry Kid #1: "Jacovittùmpetezicchezacche".
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli
#12 to 26/1968. Prob. highly edited version.
Zorry Kid. Front Cover. Color.
Zorry Kid [FRA] #8 (1970).
Frame before last from pg 31 of the original story, indies removed.
"Zorry Kid [#2]", Part 3. ??? pgs.
Every other spread color, every other B&W.
Original: Zorry Kid #1: "Jacovittùmpetezicchezacche".
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli
#12 to 26/1968. Prob. highly edited version.
Zorry Kid. Front Cover. Color.
Zorry Kid [FRA] #9 (1971).
Middle frame of first strip from pg 36 of the original story.
"Zorry Kid [#2]", Part 4??. ??? pgs.
Every other spread color, every other B&W.
Original: Zorry Kid #1: "Jacovittùmpetezicchezacche".
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli
#12 to 26/1968. Prob. highly edited version.
Zorry Kid. Front Cover. Color.
Zorry Kid [FRA] #10 (1971).
Original: Zorry Kid #1: "Jacovittùmpetezicchezacche". Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli #12 to 26/1968. Prob. highly edited version.
Zorry Kid. Front Cover. Color.
Zorry Kid [FRA] #11 (1971).
Last frame of third strip from pg 35 of the original story.
"Zorry Kid [#2]", Part 6??. ??? pgs.
Every other spread color, every other B&W.
Original: Zorry Kid #1: "Jacovittùmpetezicchezacche".
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli
#12 to 26/1968. Prob. highly edited version.
Les aventures de Zorry Kid [FRA]
Garnault Édit. B&W. 18,6x26 cm. 32 Frangs. 32 pgs. Cover Art © Garnault. [source Bedetheque]
Others: Jacovitti in France.
Sept. 1982. Garnault Édit. 32 Frangs. 36 pgs. Translation: Charles Pedergnana.
Zorry Kid. Front Cover. Color.
Les aventures de Zorry Kid [FRA] #1 (1982).
Zorry Kid: "Boumbadaboum! Pouet! Pouet!" 10 pgs. B&W.
Original: Zorry Kid #4: "Zorry Zumparappappà!".
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli #33/1969.
Zorry Kid: "A tout Z" 4 pgs. B&W.
Original: Zorry Kid #11: "Zorry Kid tuttazeta".
Appeared for the first time in Il Giorno dei Ragazzi 1972.
Zorry Kid: "Des Z partout" 12 pgs. B&W.
Original: Zorry Kid #8: "Zorry Zeta".
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli #34 to #35/1970.
2. Zorry Kid y laisse des plumes
Feb. 1983. Garnault Édit. 32 Frangs. 36 pgs. Translation: Charles Pedergnana.
Zorry Kid. Front Cover. Color.
Les aventures de Zorry Kid [FRA] #2 (1983).
Zorry Kid: "Zorrycocorikid" 8 pgs. B&W.
Original: Zorry Kid #5: "Zorry Chicchirikid!".
Appeared for the first time in Il Giorno dei Ragazzi 1969.
Zorry Kid: "Zorry-ugh!" 20 pgs. B&W.
Original: Zorry Kid #7: "Zorry-ugh!".
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli #20 to #21/1970.
Oct. 1983. Garnault Édit. 32 Frangs. 36 pgs.
Zorry Kid. Front Cover. Color.
Les aventures de Zorry Kid [FRA] #3 (1983).
Zorry Kid: "Tout part en fumee" 32 pgs. B&W.
Original: Zorry Kid #9: "Zorrypuft!".
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli #1 to #10-11/1971.
Zorry Kid in the Netherlands
See also Jacovitti [NL]. [Source Zilverendolfijn]
Zorry Kid [NL] #1: Jacovittumpetezicchezacche! (1975)
Semic Juniorpress. Soft covers. 48pgs. 21.90 x 28.00 cm. Fl. 4,50 / Fr. 69,00. Color. Cover Art © Semic.
Zorry Kid. Front Cover. Color.
Zorry Kid [NL] #1 (1975).
Zorry Kid: "Jacovittikketakslambang!"48 pgs (!).
Original: Zorry Kid #1: "Jacovittùmpetezicchezacche".
Appeared for the first time in Il Corriere dei Piccoli
#12 to 26/1968. Missing pages: 19, 24, 27, 28, 31, 34, 36, 41-44, 55; a new page 26 is the original page 2. All original logos (see the first appearings) removed leaving an empty space in the beginning of those pages.
Zorry Kid in Yugoslavia
See also Jacovitti [YSL].
Copyright © 2008 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: March 29, 2008. Modified:
November 30, 2014.