Benito Jacovitti

This page lists Jacovitti in Sweden.

Jacovitti in Sweden


Epix. 30 issues (1988: 7 issues; 1989: 12 issues; 1990: 10 issues; 1991: 1 issue). Formats: stifted (1/88-6/90), glued (7/90-1/91), 20x27,5 cm (1/88-12/89), 17x26 cm (1/90-1/91). B&W. [Source: id,GCD]

Jacky Mandolini: "Det här är bara början..." [Transl. "This is only a beginning..."] 4 pgs. B&W. [JAC 73]. Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccolo (L.A. Staletti, 1973). Reprinted [SWE] in Brök! #1/1988.
Jacky Mandolini is a bad luck thief. He's got Pop Corn the devil as a sidekick.

Jacky Mandolini: "När man skjuter pang-pang!" [Transl. "When you shoot bang bang!"] 4 pgs. B&W. [JAC 73]. Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccolo (L.A. Staletti, 1973). Reprinted [SWE] in Brök! #4/1988.
Coco Bll [SWE] 1974Jacky Mandolini is trying his luck with a hand gun.

Coco Bill [1974]

1974. 48 pgs. Color. 21x29 cm.

Coco Bill: "En crazy cowboy från vildaste västen" 48 pgs.

Coco Bill [1979]

1979. 48 pgs. Color. 21x29 cm.

Cocco Bill [SWE] 1979Coco Bill [1979] 48 pgs. Syno
• Original (Part 1): Cocco Bill #36: "Salooon". Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 27/1978.
• Original (Part 2): Cocco Bill #37: "Cicci e Cocco". Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 29/1978.
• Original (Part 3): Cocco Bill #38: "Mondo pistola". Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 31/1978.
• Original (Part 4): Cocco Bill #39: "Cocco Ugh!". Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 33/1978.
• Original (Part 5): Cocco Bill #40: "Cocco patata". Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 35/1978.
• Original (Part 6): Cocco Bill #41: "Cocco siù". Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 38/1978.
• Original (Part 7): Cocco Bill #42: "Ciccicoccomac". Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 45/1978.
• Original (Part 8): Cocco Bill #43: "Coccopepite". Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 49/1978.

Din tidning

1) Issues #1/55–#6/56: 25x35 cm. 16 pgs. Color.
2) Issues #7/56–#12/58: 17x25 cm. 32–52 pgs. B&W.
3) Issues #13/58–#5/59: 19x25 cm. 56 pgs.
4) Issues #6–#12/59: 24x33 cm. 36 pgs.
5) Issues #13/59–#13/60: 21x29 cm. 40 pgs.

"Pippo Bollen och Räkan"
Original: Unknown. Reprinted [SWE] in Din tidning #1/55–#10/56


Epix. 18 issues (1986: 11 issues; 1987: 7 issues). [Source: GCD]

"Kamasutra" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Kamasutra. Reprinted [SWE] in Elixir #1/1986.

"Kamasutra" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Kamasutra. Reprinted [SWE] in Elixir #2/1986.

"Kamasutra" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Kamasutra. Reprinted [SWE] in Elixir #3/1986.

"Kamasutra" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Kamasutra. Reprinted [SWE] in Elixir #4/1986.

"Kamasutra" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Kamasutra. Reprinted [SWE] in Elixir #5/1986.

"Kamasutra" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Kamasutra. Reprinted [SWE] in Elixir #6/1986.


Epix. 98 issues (1984: 8 issues; 1985-90: 12 issues; 1991: 10 issues; 1992: 7 issues). [Source: GCD]

"Eroticomania" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Editrice Maga (1980). Reprinted [SWE] in Epix #2/1987.

"Kamasutra" 1 pg.
Appeared for the first time in Kamasutra. Reprinted [SWE] in Epix #4/1987.

Fantomen (Fantom comics book)

Comic book. [See also Italian, Phantom [ITA], Norwegian, Fantomet, Finnish, Mustanaamio]
[See also FantomenWiki | PhantomWiki] [Sources: FantomenKrats]

Jacovittis vildsinta värld: "Zorry Kid" Syno
Original: Zorry Kid #4: "Zorry Zumparappappà!". Translation: Anna Widstrand, Text: Printed. © 1969, 2004 Benito Jacovitti/Silvia Jacovitti. Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 33/1969.
Reprinted [SWE] in Fantomen #17 to #18/2004.

Jacovittis vildsinta värld: "Jack Mandolino: Med hög hatt och gangsterfiol"
Original: Jack Mandolino. Translation: Anna Widstrand, Text: Printed. © 1969, 2004 Benito Jacovitti/Silvia Jacovitti. Reprinted [SWE] in Fantomen #20/2004.

Jacovittis vildsinta värld: "Beppe Beppe Beppe" 1 pg.
The first appearance unknown.© 1969, 2004 Benito Jacovitti/Silvia Jacovitti. Reprinted [SWE] in Fantomen #21/2004.

Jacovittis vildsinta värld: "Napper the kid" or "Jak Mandolino"
The first appearance unknown. Translation: Anna Widstrand. © 1997, 2004 Benito Jacovitti/Silvia Jacovitti. Reprinted [SWE] in Fantomen #22/2004.

Jacovittis vildsinta värld: "Beppe" 1 pg.
The first appearance unknown. © 1973, 2004 Benito Jacovitti/Silvia Jacovitti. Reprinted [SWE] in Fantomen #26/2004.

Jacovittis vildsinta värld: "Beppe"
The first appearance unknown. © 1974, 1975, 2004 Benito Jacovitti/Silvia Jacovitti. Reprinted [SWE] in Fantomen #1/2005.

Jacovittis vildsinta värld: "Beppe" 3 pgs.
The first appearance unknown. © 1974, 1975, 2004 Benito Jacovitti/Silvia Jacovitti. Reprinted [SWE] in Fantomen #2/2005.

Copyright © 2009 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: June 25, 2009. Modified: November 30, 2014.