Benito Jacovitti

Benito Jacovitti (March 19, 1923 - December 3, 1997) was born in Termoli, Italy. In 1956 he began working for the newspaper Il Giormo, where Cocco Bill was born. Ten years later he join Il Corriere dei Piccoli.

Cocco Bill #63 (1997)Cocco Bill #63:

Signature, [JAC 79], on each page. 4 pgs (one page gags each).

Reprint changes (page altering):
No known.


Wordless one page gags: "A Leg of Common Quail", "Slow Trott the Feetless", "Blow Up Fist", and "Handling Snakes".

Cocco Bill; Trottalemme; Quaglia; Serpente.

[* Opening page excerpt from the Italian original edition]

Jacovitti prints

Copyright © 2010 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: April 15, 2010. Modified: July 16, 2019.