Benito Jacovitti

This page lists Jacovitti in Hungary.

Jacovitti in Hungary

There exists at least one translated Cocco Bill story in Hungary. No proof if it was printed anyhow.

Dilibill: "Vadnyugati történet" 6+6+6 pgs. Syno
("Dilibill" means "Stupid Bill".)
• Original (Part 1): Cocco Bill #36: "Salooon". Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 27/1978.
• Original (Part 2): Cocco Bill #37: "Cicci e Cocco". Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 29/1978.
• Original (Part 3, actually ought to be Part 8): Cocco Bill #43: "Coccopepite". Appeared for the first time in Il Giornalino 49/1978.
Page numer on every half page, part A and part B, pointing on the way how Jacovitti draws this story. Appeared in Internet [HUN]. Half page strips. Strip numbering, [JAC 78] logos and chapter titles emptied. Last frame on pg 36 (i.e. strip numbered as "18-B") emptied. Parts 3–7 do not exist!

Copyright © 2009 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: June 25, 2009. Modified: November 30, 2014.