Benito Jacovitti

Benito Jacovitti (March 19, 1923 - December 3, 1997) was born in Termoli, Italy. In 1956 he began working for the newspaper Il Giormo, where Cocco Bill was born. Ten years later he join Il Corriere dei Piccoli.

Cocco Bill #8 (1962)Cocco Bill #08:
"Il cosacco Cocco Bill"

© 1962. Signature mostly in the first frame of a page [JAC 61/62]. Page numbering on piece of wood. 25 pgs.
NOTE: Incl. Russian onomatopoetic language.

Reprint changes (page altering):
[1962 REPRINT VERS.]: The year from signature erased. The page numbering erased, but piece of wood left.
[2009 REPRINT]: See FIN.
FIN: Similar to the Italian reprint (2009). Looks like the most of pages are scanned and restored from the old printed pages. Most likely the original art plates are missing (some pages might have survived).


Cocco Bill confronts a small community of Cossacks and they rebels, and a bear in Oregon, U.S.A. Trottalemme (still without name) confronts a half blind Swiss Kill Ciumbé, a butterfly collector (among other things), who calls the horse as Konrad.

Cocco Bill; Piotre Babariuscia; Swiss Kil Ciumbé; Captain Manipolo; Small Czar Nikuola Popopoff; Astrakhan Ivan Kaloscia; Priest Giorgio; Molotovits; Dimitrov

[* Opening page excerpt from the Italian edition]

Jacovitti prints

Copyright © 2009 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: June 17, 2009. Modified: July 16, 2019.