“Cocco Bill gegen Gauner und Liliputaner” 20 pgs. [SYNOPSIS] Original: Cocco Bill #28: “Coccobilliput”. Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 44 to 48/1970. • Part 1. 4 pgs. • Part 2. 4 pgs. • Part 3. 4 pgs. • Part 4. 4 pgs. • Part 5. 4 pgs.
Cocco Ding Dong! “Wildwest-musical in D-Moll von Jacovitti” 14 pgs. [SYNOPSIS] Original: Cocco Bill #26: “Cocco Driinn!”. Appeared for the first time in Corriere dei Piccoli 12/1970.
June 1983. Rijperman / Blue Circle (Niederlande). 80 pgs. Hard Bound. Censored by Bundesprüfstelle für Jungendefährende Schrifften from 1984 to 2009. Those days in Germany there was the office with five workers who read all printed matters and checked weather they were unsuitable for younger reads. For the office every comics should be suitable for youngsters as well or they will be banned. See also the original and Dutch editions (the Dutch and German editions might me one and same).
“Drei Kerle mit Wumm” Front Cover Art. Color. The recolored farest upper right frame from pg 6 (without indies).
“Flip, Flap, Florian: Die Super Comic-Bombe Explodiert” Back Cover Art. Color. [See also Super #9] Pippo, Zagar, Cip l’arcipoliziotto, and a Professor in bomb factory with a robot. The story can be translated as “Three Guys with a Thump”.
Flip, Flap & Florian: “Die Seebirnen” 15 pgs (pgs 3–17). Color. Original: Pippo: “Pippo e le pere di mare” (1958). Appeared for the first time in Il Vittorioso. The story can be translated as “See Pears”.
Flip, Flap & Florian: “Die Geister von Schloß Roxburgh” 14 pgs (pgs 18–23, 27–34). Color. Original: Pippo: “Pippo nel castello di Roccocò” (1950–51). Appeared for the first time in Il Vittorioso. The story can be translated as “The Ghosts of the Castle Roccoco”.
Flip, Flap & Florian: “Warum Känguruhs und Bumerangs immer zusammengehören” 15 pgs (pgs 35–50). Color. Original: Pippo. Appeared for the first time in Il Vittorioso. The story can be translated as “Why Do Kangaroos and Boomerangs Belong Together”.
Super #3
“Der komischste Don Quichotte, den es je gab!” Front Cover Art. Color. The recolored farest upper middle frame from pg 9 (without Indies). The story can be translated as “The Funniest Don Quixote of Them All!”.
“Komplott um Don Quichotte” 27 pgs (pgs 3–23, 27–33). Color. Original: Don Chisciotte (1950?). Appeared for the first time in Il Vittorioso. The story can be translated as “The Plot of Don Quixote”.
Flip, Flap & Florian: “Bei den Pharaonen” 17 pgs (pgs 34–50). Color. Original: Pippo: “Pippo e il faraone”. Appeared for the first time in Il Vittorioso. The story can be translated as “Pharaohs”.
Super #4
“Für eine Handvoll Kleingeld” Front Cover Art. Color. The recolored middle frame from pg 17 (without indies and background people).The story can be translated as “For a Fistful of Changes”.
“Für eine Handvoll Kleingeld” 30 pgs (pgs 4–23, 27–36). Color. Parts: #1 (pg 3), #2 (pgs 4–5), #3 (pgs 6–8), #4 (pgs 9–11), #5 (pgs 12–14), #6 (15–17), #7 (pgs 18–20), #8 (pgs 21–23, 27), #9 (pgs 28–32), #10 (pgs 33–35), #11 (pgs 36). Color. Original: Pippo Western. Appeared for the first time in Il Vittorioso (1967).
“Flip un der Kinderklau oder Auch Zagar hatein weiches herzerl” 8 pgs (pgs 37–44), each with 6 strips (!). Color. With Pertica, Palla, Pippo, Zagar, Cip l’arcipoliziotto, and a Professor.
“Scottjard jagt die Elster” 6 pgs (pgs 45–50), each with 6 strips (!). Color. Original: Cip e la Gazza (1949). Appeared for the first time in Il Vittorioso. With Zagar, and Cip l’arcipoliziotto.
Super #5
The story can be translated as “The Slippers of Allah”.
“Die Pantoffeln Allahs” Front Cover Art. Color. The recolored last frame from pg 35 (without indies).
The story can be translated as “Three Guys with a Thump”.
Flip, Flap & Florian: “Die Millionenschwindsucht” 20 pgs (pgs 4–23). Color. Original: Pippo. Appeared for the first time in Il Vittorioso. The story can be translated as “Million Tuberculosis”.
Flip, Flap & Florian: “Die Pantoffeln Allahs” 25 pgs (pgs 26–50). Color. Original: La Babbuce di Allah (1950). Appeared for the first time in Il Vittorioso. The story can be translated as “The Slippers of Allah”.
Super #9: Ramses läuft heiss
“Ramses läuft heiss” Front Cover Art. Color. The recolored first frame from pg 37 (without indies and background people).
“Flip, Flap, Florian: Die Super Comic-Bombe Explodiert” Back Cover Art. Color. [See also Super #1] Pippo, Zagar, Cip l’arcipoliziotto, and a Professor in bomb factory with a robot.
Pg 3: Title page, “Ramses läuft heiss [Title]”. Color. Pg 5: Characters: Ramses Galgenstrick, Unterteufel Nackebold, and Gangsters: Jeremias Raubvogel as the Boss, and kasimir Schlagbolzen, and Sepp Tarantel. …Against Gangster “Pik-As”. Color.
The story can be translated as “The Overheating Ramses”.
“Der Teufel sagt’ zu Ramses, Äiiabätsch da ham’ses!” 4 pgs (pgs 6–9). Color. Original: Jak Mandolino and Pop Corn the Devil.
“Die Abenteuer von Ramses Galgenstrick: Endlich kann sich unser Freund mal was zwischen die Rippen jubel. Denkt er. Aber wie es im Leben so geht: das Glück ist nur von kurzer Dauer” 4 pgs (pgs 10–13). Color. Original: Jak Mandolino and Pop Corn the Devil.
“Na bitte! Die erste Runde ging glattan die Unterwelt. Und nicht mal Unterteufel Nackebold Konnt helften” 4 pgs (pgs 14–17). Color. Original: Jak Mandolino and Pop Corn the Devil.
“Es ist schon schlimm, wennman auf den hund kommt. Aber erst auf den Teufel… Ramses Galgenstrick wird immer saurer” 4 pgs (pgs 18–21). Color. Original: Jak Mandolino and Pop Corn the Devil.
“Wie man sieht haben alle Beteiligten langsam die Nase voll. Gucken wir mal, wie’s weitergeht” 4 pgs (pgs 25–28). Color. Original: Jak Mandolino and Pop Corn the Devil.
“Na, das kann ja heiter werden. Jetzt schaltet sich auch ein Bulle ein. Mahlzeit!” 4 pgs (pgs 29–32). Color. Original: Jak Mandolino and Pop Corn the Devil.
“Ramses Galgenstrick läuft Heiss Wetten, dass es bald soweit ist?” 4 pgs (pgs 33–36). Color. Original: Jak Mandolino and Pop Corn the Devil.
“Lange kann’s jetzt wirklich nicht mehr dauern, bis Ramses Galgenstrick endlich heissläuft!” 4 pgs (pgs 37–40). Color. Original: Jak Mandolino and Pop Corn the Devil.
“Ehrlich: Sollten Sie sich jemals mit einem Teufel einlassen, dann tun Sie das lieber nicht!” 2 pgs (pgs 41–42). Color. Original: Jak Mandolino and Pop Corn the Devil.
“Als Mut hat er ja, unser Ramses. Aber geben’s acht, was noch wird!” 2 pgs (pgs 43–44). Color. Original: Jak Mandolino and Pop Corn the Devil.
“Und jetzt kommt wieder mal ein echter Pik as – Originaltrick” 2 pgs (pgs 45–46). Color. Original: Jak Mandolino and Pop Corn the Devil.
“Wissen Sie noch, wie unsere Geschichte heisst? Ramses läuft heiss” 2 pgs (pgs 47–48). Color. Original: Jak Mandolino and Pop Corn the Devil.
“Auf zur Endrunde, jetzt läuft Galgenstrick wirklich bald heiss!” 2 pgs (pgs 49–50). Color. Original: Jak Mandolino and Pop Corn the Devil.