April 2010. Nicola Pesce Editore (NPE). €17,90. 88+8 pgs. Introduction by Gianni Brunoro.
Pgs 3-5: “Un estenuante teatrino dell’assurdo”. Le vie della risata in Jacovitti. Con tante scuse all’originale, da parte di un dottor Freud-dei-poveri. (“An exhausting theater of the absurd”. The ways of laughter in Jacovitti. With many apologies to the original, by a doctor Freud-of-the-poor.) By Gianni Brunoro. B&W. No picts.
[Untitled, “paginoni“]. Pgs 7-12 [JAC 73], pgs 13-30 [JAC 74]. Pagers. B&W.
“Il Grande Beppe”. Pgs 33-45 [JAC 73], pgs 46-67 [JAC 74]. One joke per page. B&W.
“The Little Beppe”. Pgs 69-71 [JAC 74, 10 strips], pgs 71-83 [JAC 75, 49 stips]. One joke per strip, 4 strips per page (except on the first page 3 strips and the title). B&W.
Copyright © 2021 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: July 16 2021. Last updated: July 16, 2021 at 15:46 pm