1924–1944. Gioventù Italiana di A.C. Appeared weekly, and then fortnightly.
- 010. Pippo #5: “Pippo e il neo Vittorioso”. 1 pg. L’Aspirante #37 (Dec. 21, 1941).
- 020. Pippo #8: “Una trovata di Pippo”. 1 pg. L’Aspirante #31 (Dec. 13, 1942).
- 048. Pippo #18: “Pippo e il leone“. 10 pgs. B&W. L’Aspirante #9 (May 18, 1947) to #29 (Dec. 7, 1947).
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Created: July 11, 2021. Last updated: July 11, 2021 at 20:36 pm